Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 69 Smoker: Why Don't You Grab Straw Hats (Subscribe)

Just when Rozi was wondering, a hurricane suddenly blew from the direction of Rogge town.

Straw hat Luffy and his party flew towards the coast along the hurricane, and finally landed on a ship a hundred meters away from the Explorer.

At this time, Rozi discovered that the ship was the pirate ship Meri of the Straw Hat Pirates.

On that boat, Rozi also saw Usopp, the iconic long-nosed sniper, and a man Rozi had no memory of.

"Little ones, set sail and head towards the Grand Line!"

The moment he landed on the deck of the Meili, Luffy raised his hands and shouted excitedly.

Zoro, Usopp, and the male crew that Rozi didn't know quickly carried out Luffy's order, opened the side of the ship and sailed towards the distance quickly against the hurricane.

But Sanji, after seeing Rozi and others on the expedition, smiled and nodded to Reiju.

"He's still out to sea."

Reiju chuckled and shook his head.

"It seems that he should have met a good partner."

On the contrary, Nami frowned slightly after seeing the pirate flag on the Meili.

"Hey, Rozi, arrest that group of people wearing straw hats." Suddenly, Smoker's shout came from the coast of Rogge Town.

Turning his head, Rozi saw Smoker rushing to the shore with Tashigi and a group of sailors. 360 "Captain, do you want to do something?" Luo put the long knife on his shoulder and asked Rozi with a leisurely look.

"Forget it." Rozi shrugged and glanced at Reiju. "It has Reiju's brother Sanji on it, and I don't want Reiju to complain about it afterwards.

In fact, Rozi let go of his Observation Haki the moment he saw Luffy.

Sure enough, an extremely powerful man was found in a building near the coast.

Following this powerful aura, what caught his eyes was a figure in a dark green robe.

A flash of thunder flashed, and Rozi clearly saw the tattoo on the man's face.

"The leader of the revolutionary army, Pang.

Rozi narrowed his eyes.

The dragon also seemed to see Rozi, and smiled meaningfully at him.

Then disappeared in a hurricane.

With dragons around, catching the Straw Hat Pirates would be hellish, and Rozi had no intention of doing such a thing.

Even if the Straw Hat Pirates are caught, just thinking about the forces behind the Straw Hat Pirates is enough to make Rozi drink a horse.

Not to mention, the Revolutionary Army's tyrant bear shoots himself flying, evading Doflamingo's pursuit.

This can be regarded as a kindness to Rozi, because of emotion and reason, Rozi does not intend to capture the Straw Hat Pirates.

Therefore, no matter how much Smoker yelled, Rozi turned his head away as if he didn't hear it.

It's just that Rozi is a little curious about how the Straw Hats will sail on the Grand Line without Nami, the navigator.

The Third Generation Ghost Toru and Liang Kuai Daoxue from Rogge Town walked into their own package, how should Zoro find his own sword in the future.

Thinking of the Liang Kuaishou that he left behind to upgrade the ship, Rozi secretly apologized to Zoro.

Seeing that Rozi was indifferent to the departure of the Straw Hat Pirates, Smoker cursed angrily, and immediately ordered the surrounding sailors to prepare the ships.

He plans to go to sea to hunt down the straw hat boy and his party.

"Ara, thank you, Captain, for thinking about me."

Reiju raised the corners of his mouth and said to Romy with a smile.

When Rozi turned around and was about to issue an order to his companions to set sail, several pirates actually climbed onto Rozi's explorer.

"You guys, I now claim this ship as mine."

"If you want to live, just sail for me honestly!"

A pirate with a red nose and clown makeup shouted.

Behind him, apart from a few pirates who were clearly small, there was also an extremely beautiful woman with a huge mace in her hand.

Clown Buggy and slippery fruit Alvida?

Sure enough, these guys are here too, are they sending Devil Fruit?

Rozi frowned.

Luo and Peibo looked at each other, stepped forward one step past Rozi and walked towards the pirates.

Two minutes later, the clown Buggy, who was still arrogant just now, and his group knelt down on the ground and begged Luo and Peibo for mercy.

【Hahaha, these pirates were quite arrogant just now (cjcj) I don’t know if this is the ship of bounty hunter Qi Ge?】

【In just two minutes, all these pirates fell down. 】

[However, that red nose is a bit weird, the body can be separated automatically. If it weren't for his opponent being Peibo, I thought Luo would have cut him open with his fruit ability. 】

【I still want to attack Peibo with separated hands. I don’t know if our Peibo has become an "Iron Body" yet?】

【The one with the iron stick is also very interesting, it can let the blow slip past you, these two people should be Demon fruit power. 】

【In that case, Brother Qi can earn two Devil Fruits again?】

Seeing the pirates begging for mercy, Luo, who was about to kill him, frowned and turned to look at Rozi.

Going to ask his opinion.

Although killing others during the battle, there is no psychological pressure on Luo.

But facing the enemy begging for mercy [Luo's killing intent naturally decreased a lot.

Captain Rozi, that red nose is a pirate with a bounty of 15 million Berry. "

"And the pirate with the iron rod who calls himself Alvida, the pirate with this name on the bounty order is a woman next to him with a bounty of 5 million Berry."

"She looks like this..." Saying that, Reiju caressed his cheek and gave Alvida a deep look. "Maybe it's because of the Devil Fruit she ate.

Hearing this, Rozi nodded.

He naturally knew that Alvida's beauty was all because of the slippery fruit.

It's just that although Alvida is beautiful, for Rozi who knows what she looked like before, it is particularly awkward to look at.

Far less pleasing to the eye than the baby5 beside him.

"Let's just wait here, that guy Smoker seems to be going to sea."

"Wait and give it to him in exchange for a little reward."

After thinking about it carefully, Luo Mi decided that he would kill the two people in front of him just for the sake of two average-looking Devil Fruits.

Former crew member of One Piece, friend of Four Emperors red-haired Shanks.

With such an identity, Buggy can be caught, but it is better not to die in my hands.

Rozi thought to himself.

Rozi didn't lower his voice, Buggy and others naturally heard his words.

Seeing that there was no danger to their lives, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when they saw Rozi walking towards them, the hearts of Buggy and the others once again rose to their throats.

Just Luo and Peibo can put all of them down.

Rozi, whose status is obviously higher than the two, Buggy does not believe that he will be a weak person.

Fortunately, Rozi didn't attack them, but directly passed them to the stern.

There, Smoker's warship is heading towards here quickly.

After the warship approached, Smoker and Tashigi jumped off the warship one after another.

"Rozi, why didn't you catch the pirates who escaped before?"

"Aren't you a bounty hunter?"

Smoker demanded.

Rozi smiled and said, "Smoker, those escaped guys, do they have a bounty on them?"


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