Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 64 Smoker: You Caught Marine And You Shot Hawkeye? (Seeking First Order)

In the end, Tashigi agreed to Rozi's request.

The content of the video phone bug in Rozi's hands is really too shocking, and she has no way to make a decision.

After confirming that Rozi and others were not obviously malicious, and arranged for a Marine soldier to notify Colonel Smoker of Marine Base.

Tashigi led Rozi and his party towards Marine Base.

During this period, Colonel Mouse became more and more crazy, constantly shouting for injustice.

Rozi, who couldn't stand it anymore, directly punched him unconscious, making him speechless.

Tashigi on the side glanced at Rozi, but he didn't stop him from his background.

A few minutes later, Rogge Township Marine Base.

A group of Marines stood quietly at the gate of the base with guns in their hands, led by a tall man with white hair.

"So, you're the one who brought Marine to me?"

The white-haired man, namely Smoker, took a few steps forward and looked at Rozi seriously.

"You have the video phone bug, give it to me."

Hearing this, Rozi shrugged and handed the video phone bug to Smoker: "The video phone bug is quite precious, if you want to keep this phone bug, remember to pay me

Reiju brought more video phone bugs than this one, so Rozi didn't mind selling one to Smoker.

407 Smoker took a deep look at Rozi, took the phone and dialed it directly.

A few minutes later, when Smoker had finished watching the video, his face was gloomy to the limit.

He looked at the fainted Colonel Mouse, and then at the other Marine soldiers who were escorted over.

He said extremely sternly: "This matter, is it true? This Colonel Mouse is really cooperating with pirates, right?"

The Marine soldiers all lowered their heads, not daring to meet Smoker's eyes.

Seeing the appearance of the Marines, Smoker still doesn't know the truth of the matter.

"Bastard, Marine actually has you ministers!"

"Take all these guys down for me and put them in the prison.

Smoker snapped.


The Marine soldiers behind Smoker stepped forward one after another, and took over from Rozi and others, Vice Admiral, Colonel Mouse and his soldiers.

Of course, there is also the protagonist in the video, Octopus Xiaoba.

"Since these marines are moth marines, and you have specially photographed the evidence."

"Then it's not a crime for you to arrest Marine."

"However, I want to know, what kind of people are you guys?"

Smoker's gaze—flicked over Rozi and the others.

"As you can see, bounty hunter." Rozi pointed to the profile of the sea (cjda) thieves nearby.

"These pirates have a total of 63.5 million Berry, Mr. Marine please pay." Reiju stepped forward in time, and handed the reward orders of Arlong, Krieg, ghost Ajin and others to Smoker

Smoker raised his eyebrows, accepted the reward order, and then carefully confirmed the corpses of Arlong and the others.

"It's indeed them. I didn't expect that the East Blue bounty group would be wiped out by you."

"How about it, do you want to join Marine, I can introduce you to Naval Headquarters."

Smoker said.

Although we don't know the strength of Rozi and others, since they can destroy the Dragon Pirates and Krieg Pirates, the strength of Rozi and others will definitely not be low.

When encountering Marine who is in the same boat as the Dragon Pirates, being able to record the evidence in advance before doing it shows that Rozi and others do not want to become bounty criminals.

Smoker appreciates such a strong person with a certain sense of justice.

"Become a Marine?" Rozi raised his eyebrows, "Colonel Smoker, you don't want to pay me the 63.5 million Berry, do you?"

"Huh?! Why do you say that?"

"Marine won't give out bounties for catching pirates, right? If I join Marine, wouldn't your Marine just save the 63.5 million Berry?" Rozi waved his hand

"I refuse to join, I am looking forward to making a fortune by catching pirates."

"Following you as a Marine, living a 996 life every day, ordering to go up even in the face of invincible opponents, may face life-threatening at any time.

"I don't want to live such a life."

"Let's not talk about this, hurry up and pay, we still want to visit this town of Rogge."

[Brother Qi is so humorous, he even said something like 996. 】

[What brother Qi said is not unreasonable, being a Marine is really not good. Not to mention life and death for the Marine organization, and you won't get much money. Not as comfortable as being a bounty hunter. 】

[63.5 million Berry, according to the purchasing power of the forbidden world, it is equivalent to about 3 million yuan in our real world...Damn, brother Qi made a fortune instantly, as a social animal, I am quite envious. 】

[With such a high income, ghosts go to the Marine to get a fixed salary. 】

[More importantly, when you are a Marine, you have to obey the orders of your superiors, which is not good for inviting partners and exploring. 】

What the Chu audience didn't know was that there was another reason why Rozi didn't want to join the Marine, that is, he didn't want to serve the Celestial Dragons.

Hearing Rozi's words, Smoker twitched his lips, feeling a little speechless.

"It's fine if you don't want to join Marine." Smoker waved his hand, "We will give you 63.5 million Berry."

"It's just that the Marine you captured is a colonel after all, and I need to report to Naval Headquarters."

"Until the Naval Headquarters decision is made, I hope you guys don't leave the town of Rogge."

"Tashigi, you take them to the bounty.

Hearing this, Rozi nodded and said: "Don't worry, we plan to stay in Rogge Town for some time.

"Not planning to leave in a hurry."

"Huh? Captain, don't we need to go to the Grand Line right away?" Luo asked with a frown.

He wanted to finish with the Donquixote Family sooner, so he was more eager to get into the Grand Line than anyone else on board.

"Don't worry, Luo." Rozi said, "The previous contest with Mihawk made me realize our lack of strength even further."

"So I want to get acquainted with my own power before entering Rogge Town."

"In addition, I can also take advantage of this time to guide you and everyone to practice."

"As for Observation Haki and Armament Haki, haven't you cultivated it yet?"

"By the way, if you are interested in the trick I used to deal with Hawkeye, I can also teach you."

"It happens that you have a good knife, and you can also create electric current, which should be quite compatible with the sword technique I used before."

After exchanging for the sword technique "Thunderbolt Flash" in the item store in the forbidden space, it seems that Rozi's kendo level is already enough, and Rozi's system is added.

So Rozi was able to use "Thunderbolt Six-Link" directly.

But use is use, after all, he is not very proficient, so Rozi intends to get acquainted with the swordsmanship that was exchanged before entering the Grand Line.

It is best to be able to develop a sword technique like "Thunderbolt Flash·Speed", and it will save Rozi from continuing to spend points to buy it.

With the power of "shaving", Rozi feels that he has no problem developing "Thunderbolt Flash·Super Speed" with super high speed.

By the way, Rozi also wants to learn basic swordsmanship with Luo during this period of time.

To avoid being evaluated by Hawkeye or other swordsmen again as using swords as axes and sticks.

Smoker, who had already turned around, stopped, turned around quickly, and looked at Rozi in disbelief.

"You will use Observation Haki and Armament Haki?!"

"Have you ever fought against Mihawk, the world's number one swordsman? When, where did it happen?!"

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