Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 31 Enemy Attack, It's Germa 66! (Ask For Evaluation Votes)

On the endless sea, a small three-masted sailing ship was sailing fast.

"Good spring, it's better to have a dream, the grass is fragrant in the dream..."

Peibo was humming a tune while manipulating the rudder.

On the side, Luo, who was practicing according to the method Rozi said, looked up at Peibo.

"Peibo, what are you singing?"

"Why haven't I heard you sing before?"

Although Peibo didn't sing very well, Rhodes admitted that the tune was pretty good.

At first glance, Luo has a taste of listening to the famous pirate song "Binks' Wine".

"Luo, the captain taught me to sing." Peibo turned his head and said with a smile on his face.

After sailing, Rozi handed over the helm to Pepper.

Peibo naturally accepted it with pleasure.

Later, Peibo heard Rozi humming this piece by chance, and secretly memorized it.

"That's right." Luo nodded.

"Luo, Peibo, Rozi has asked you to serve dinner."

Suddenly, baby5's voice sounded not far from the two of them.

"Dinner is ready!" Peibo's eyes lit up, and he rushed to the restaurant extremely fast.

"This guy!" Luo shook his head, put away his demon knife, and followed up.

When he came to the restaurant, what he saw was a table full of rich dishes, and Peibo was already feasting.

Luo randomly found a place to sit down, picked up a plate of food and put it in front of him.

"Rozi, I heard from baby5 that you plan to recruit a chef in the future, right?"

Luo asked while eating the dishes on the plate.

"That's right, what's the problem?" Rozi asked.

"But, your cooking is obviously good, do you still need to recruit other chefs?"

Luo can be considered to have traveled to various places, but after singing the dishes made by Rozi.

He had to admit that Rozi's cooking was the best he had ever seen.

Not only did he cook dishes that he had never seen before, but even the taste was unspeakable.

"Yes, Captain, can't you be the cook?"

Peibo ate a piece of fish, and looked at Rozi pitifully.

Rozi put a piece of meat on Pepo's dinner plate with a smile on his face.

"Of course I would like to cook for everyone."

"It's just that I still hope to have a partner in charge of our kitchen."

"At that time, I can serve you more delicious dishes with the chef."

Rozi laughed.

"So, you plan to find a kitchen helper?" Luo raised his eyebrows.

"You can say that." The corners of Rozi's mouth curled up.

After the fleet has been upgraded to level 2, the number of jobs included in the fleet has been increased.

In addition to the original combat members, doctors, navigators and cooks.

There are also new positions for Helmsman, Musician, Scholar, Lookout, Captain's Assistant, and more.

The condition for upgrading from a tier 2 fleet to a tier 3 fleet is to gather 10 partners and sacrifice a precious item.

Rare items can be famous knives or Devil Fruit.

Although the 10 partners convened are not necessarily all corresponding to the position.

It is also possible to recruit a sailor to make up the number.

But Rozi still hopes that everyone in his fleet can have a suitable position.

So even Rozi thinks he's a decent cook.

I still hope to recruit a person who can serve as a chef to board the ship.

"Huh?!" Suddenly, Rozi frowned.

The next moment he stood up, his body disappeared into the dining room in an instant.

"What's wrong with the captain..." Peibo looked at the deck strangely.

At this moment, a roar sounded around the ship.

Boom boom boom!

"Enemy attack!?"

Luo stood up instantly, picked up his knife and ran out of the restaurant.

baby5 and Peibo also stood up and ran to the deck as fast as they could.

"Then... is that a phone bug?!" baby5's beautiful eyes widened, looking at the ship not far away in disbelief.

"Luo, there are numbers on the boat!" Peibo came to Luo's side and looked ahead in horror.

Luo's eyes were serious, and he looked at the ship ahead of him that was more than three times bigger than his side with a wary face.

"66, that's the symbol of the legendary organization Germa 66." Luo said in a hidden way, "It is said that their ships are pulled by giant phone bugs."

"But, this should be just a legend, why did it appear here."

"Captain, were they shelling us just now?"

Rozi nodded, just now because he sensed the shells coming towards him quickly.

Rozi quickly came to the deck and kicked the shell into the sea.

He believed that if he hadn't reacted quickly, the few shells just now would have been enough to destroy the ship he had just acquired.

"Someone came out." Rozi muttered under his breath.

The next moment, a woman in a magenta dress and a man in a green jumpsuit appeared in front of Rozi and others.

‘Vince Mo Ke Yuji, Vince Mo Ke Reiju, unexpectedly met them here. '

Rozi felt a flash of guard.


ps: Thank you [268...864] boss and [1507...173] boss for your monthly pass, and thank you [liao...3344] boss for your reward.

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