Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 16 During The Flight, The Effect Of Points (For Collection)

Under the clear sky, two figures were flying at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

If you go carefully, you will find that the flying vehicle that envelops the two of them is shaped like a huge transparent bear's paw.

"This feeling is much more exciting than riding a roller coaster."

Looking at the rapidly passing scenery around him, Rozi sighed.

He turned his head to look at the baby5 flying beside him, flying beside him.

Although baby5 didn't speak, Rozi could feel her concern for him just by looking at her eyes.

I don't know whether the bear is intentional or not, but baby5 and Rozi are in a transparent bear's paw.

So even during the flight, Rozi doesn't feel alone.

‘It’s a good bet, that guy Xiong is really a good person. '

‘If you have a chance in the future, help him. '

'However, we don't know how long we will be flying in this sky. '

‘Remember Luffy in the original book, he was shot by a bear and flew for about three days before flying from Sabaody Archipelago to Daughter Island. '

‘Fortunately, the system has become stronger, otherwise I may not reach my destination, and I will starve to death. '

Thinking about the time it would take to fly, Rozi began to appreciate the body he had gained.

Nothing to do, Rozi opened the panel again.

And turned his attention to the interface of the mall.

Before, after handing in the Devil Fruit and getting the points, because he was in a hurry, Rozi just checked the products roughly.

Now that he is out of danger, he naturally has time to take a good look at the props and commodities in the forbidden mall.

so expensive!

Although I already knew it, I saw the price tags under the rows of products again.

Rozi was still very shocked.

Points have many functions and can be directly equivalently converted into physical points.

You can also buy physical fitness cards for your partners to use.

However, the cheapest physical card also requires 1000 points.

It is equivalent to that Rozi needs to turn in 4 C-level Devil Fruits in order to buy a physical card for strengthening baby5.

In addition, points can also be used to upgrade Haki, or buy Haki cards.

Even "Conqueror's Haki", which can only be awakened by one person out of a million, can be exchanged for points.

But the price is really ridiculously high.

Thinking that the treasure chest can get Haki, Rozi thinks it is better to get Conqueror's Haki by opening the treasure chest.

After all, once you get a Haki from a chest, you can use points to upgrade it.

This method is much cheaper than buying high-grade Haki directly.

It doesn't matter if you really can't get the Conqueror's Haki.

In this world, even without Conqueror's Haki, it is possible to become strong.

In addition, points can also be used to purchase skills such as kendo and martial arts.

Even, Rozi also saw skills that other anime worlds only have.

However, the price is also a headache for Rozi.

‘I can’t even afford one. ’ Rozi shook his head.

Turn off the panel.

Originally, he also planned to buy at least one "Moonwalk" skill.

With Moonwalk's ability to stay in the air, Rozi feels that his chances of survival will be greatly improved.

Just one of the Marine Six Styles requires 500 points.

Thinking of his poor 300 points, Rozi could only choose to give up.

After smiling slightly at baby5, Rozi put his hands on the back of his head and chatted leisurely with baby5.

To pass the time, the fairy tales of Rozi's original world were told by him.

Gradually, baby5 was immersed in the stories of these princes and princesses.

And the way she looked at Rozi became more and more fascinated.

On the other side, the real world.

[I was once again shocked by Brother Qi's operation, I didn't expect Brother Qi to escape in this way. 】

[By the way, is Rozi a novelist? I have never heard of the stories he told about the daughter of the sea and Snow White. 】

[I can't tell, our brother Qi is still a fairy tale master. 】

[Have a firm heart to explore, and still be so talented! I suddenly envy baby5, who can not live in the same bear's paw as Rozi. 】

[It's amazing, this transparent bear's paw is exactly like a passenger plane. 】

【I'm a researcher on airplanes. I can tell you clearly that Brother Qi and the others may be flying at more than twice the speed of sound. 】

【double? No wonder I can't see the scenery around Brother Qi and the others clearly. What the hell is that tall guy? Devil Fruit ability, to be able to do such a thing. 】

[Tell me, is it because Brother Qi knows Xiong's ability that he took the initiative to find him! 】

[However, how did Brother Qi know Xiong's ability, and what did he do to let Xiong send them away? 】

[Baby5 and Brother Qi had some whispers before, maybe at that time, baby5 told Brother Qi. After all, when we whisper, we can't hear it. Brother Qi may have grasped something through baby5's words, so Xiong can help. 】

[I said, don't be too happy! You also know that your country’s challenger is flying at supersonic speed, and it’s okay during the flight. When the two of them land, I’ll see if you can still be happy. 】

[That's right, maybe your players will die immediately when they land on the ground, haha. 】

[Sakura Flower Country's ID? You guys, why don't you go and see your own players? Your players seem to be playing very badly recently! 】

[I remembered, the contestants from Sakura Flower Country took a few people out to sea, but they were caught by a pirate group! Their challengers are now doing odd jobs on the pirate ship. 】

【Haha, no wonder they don't go to see their challenger. In order to survive, he even sacrificed his female team members. Even so, he can only be regarded as a prisoner of the Pirates now. 】

[It's really embarrassing to throw the whole world, this is the despicable Sakura flower country people, who can't be relied on when things happen. The rest of his buddies must hate him to death! 】

【You hateful Chu people, our contestants are just enduring humiliation. 】

[Oh, can you still speak idioms? You say two more try? 】


Time passed slowly, and gradually it was getting late.

Looking at the stars in the sky, Rozi never imagined that his first night in this world would be spent in such a way.

Fortunately, beside him is the beautiful baby5.

"...At last the prince and Cinderella lived happily ever after."

"Okay, that's the end of the Cinderella story."

"It's getting late."

"You didn't have a good rest today."

"Now, sleep well, baby5."

Rozi smiled and said to baby5.

"Sleep... sleep? Is it here?"

"I... I'm not ready..."

, baby5 said shyly.

"What are you thinking?" Rozi tapped baby5 on the head, "I want you to have a good rest."

"Oh..." baby5 lowered his head and pursed his lips.

Suddenly, she grabbed Rozi's arm and said in a voice like a mosquito:

"Rozi, thank you for the story you just told me."

"Now, let me tell you a story too."


ps: Ask for free flowers and evaluation tickets, thank you readers.

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