Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter Thirty-Five Rozi: Reiju, You Look A Lot Like Sanji (Please Comment)

"Rozi, you are a cautious man."

"After East Blue, in order to prevent Yuji and I from conveying your information to other people in Germa 66."

"The best way is to kill us directly."

"Isn't it, Rozi?"

Having said that, Reiju gave Rozi a big smile.

"That is indeed a problem." Rozi nodded, "Then what do you propose, beautiful lady."

"It's not impossible to take you to East Blue, but you have to release my brother first. I can control the giant snail by myself," Reiju said.

"Okay." Rozi nodded slightly, agreeing to Reiju's proposal.

It's not so much a proposal as a play in Rozi's hands.

From the beginning, Rozi planned to let Reiju take them to East Blue on the condition of letting Yuji go.

After being transformed by Vince Mo Ke·Judge, Yongzhi has no emotions that normal people should have since he was born.

Even if Rozi threatens him, he will not be afraid, nor will he worry about Reiju's safety.

On the contrary, although Reiju has been transformed, he has the emotions that normal human beings should have.

And she still has a certain affection for her family.

Therefore, Rozi chose to talk to Reiju in the first place.

"I can find a deserted island and put your brother down."

"It's just that in order to prevent your brother from making trouble, I will keep him in a coma."

"Of course, you don't have to worry about his safety."

"Your soldiers will be put on the desert island together."

"Since you said that you can control the giant snail by yourself, then I will only leave you here."

With that said, Rozi stood up and walked to Reiju's side, releasing the chains that bound her.

"Ara, are you going to untie me this time?"

The corners of Reiju's mouth curled up.

"Since you are going to control a giant snail, you don't need to be tied up."

"But, don't expect me to return your battle suit to you."

"I know it, that thing greatly improves your combat effectiveness."

"Maybe, after you put on the battle suit, I should be the one who gets knocked out."

Rozi casually threw the chain aside, stepped back and said to Reiju.

"Also, in case you do something bad."

"Stay with me until East Blue."

"It's best not to leave two meters away from me."

"And don't try to get in touch with anyone."

Rozi understands that Reiju is a shrewd woman.

If you don't keep an eye on her, it is likely to cause a lot of trouble.

Also, because Reiju couldn't disobey Vince Mo Ke·Judge's orders.

So Rozi also doesn't want her to get orders from Judge via the phone bug.

"It's really prudent, Mr. Rozi. So, if I have to go to the toilet, what should you do?"

Reiju rubbed his wrist and looked at Rozi with interest.

"I will go with you!"

"What about sleeping, do you want to come with me?"

"You sleep next to me!"

"Mr. Rozi, may I ask, is this considered sexual harassment?"

"If you think it counts, let it go."

It's not a partner anyway, even if the other party thinks it's sexual harassment, Rozi doesn't care.

"Okay, time is running out, let's act quickly."

"I don't want any changes in the middle."

Rozi beckoned to Reiju, and planned to take her out of the room.

Suddenly, Rozi's eyes stopped on Reiju's face.

To be precise, it landed on the eyebrow of Reiju's left eye.

In his eyes, there was a faint flash of light.

"Mr. Rozi, is there something on my face?" Reiju stroked his cheek and asked Rozi with his head tilted.

"It's nothing, I just think your eyebrows are similar to someone I know? Speaking of which, your younger brother Yongzhi also has eyebrows similar to yours."

"Are there similar eyebrows?" Reiju's finger stroked his left eyebrow, "This is a family inheritance, and other people should rarely have such eyebrows..."

"Speaking of which, that guy seems to be a chef." Rozi interrupted Reiju with a thoughtful look. "He has golden hair, what's his name, it seems to be called Shan... Tsk, I can't remember it."

What Rozi was talking about, of course, was Sanji, a member of the Mo Ke family who had escaped from Vince.

He is also Reiju's younger brother, at the beginning, it was with Reiju's help.

Sanji was able to escape from Germa 66 and work safely as a chef in North Blue.

"Sanji?!" Reiju blurted out, at this moment, her heart throbbed a little.

"Yes, it's Sanji!" Rozi clenched his fist with his right hand and knocked it on the palm of his left hand, with a look of enlightenment on his face.


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