Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 146 Framed And Blamed, Unlucky Agents (For Subscription)

"Hey! Is there even Devil Fruit here?"

Seeing Rozi take out a purple-skinned Devil Fruit from Spandam's drawer, Franky and the others looked over in surprise.

"Good luck, isn't it?"

Rozi laughed.

He didn't mention the "Niu Niu fruit-giraffe form", not to mention that there is an outsider like Franky here.

Just uploading such things as Devil Fruit, even to his own partners, Rozi can't tell it.

So as not to violate the rules of the forbidden space.

"Captain Rozi, do you know what kind of Devil Fruit this Devil Fruit is?"

Peibo leaned over curiously.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be Paramecia's Bubble Fruit.

Nico Robin laughed.

Since Rozi's showdown, he has a certain ability to obtain the fruits of the capable people he killed.

Reiju bought the 29 manual of Devil Fruit ability in the capital of seven waters.

For this manual, Nico Robin naturally also read it.

So the moment she saw the Devil Fruit in Rozi's hand, she thought of Bubble Fruit.

"Captain, are you going to give this fruit to your companions?"

"Well...let's put it on the boat first." Rozi nodded, "Actually, for Conis, I've already decided which Devil Fruit I want her to use in the future."

Even with a musician like Conis on board now, Rozi decided to go on a trip to the dreaded three-schooner to see if he could get Brook aboard.

Even if he can't take up the position of musician, there may be a position suitable for him after the fleet is upgraded.

If you want to invite Brook, you must face off with Gekko Moria.

After erasing Moria, the fruit on his body can be used by Rozi for Conis.

At that time, Nuo Qigao, a person with slow fruit ability, Conis, a person with shadow fruit ability, and two strong controllers in the fleet will definitely make many people suffer.

After putting away the Bubble Fruit, Rozi looked up and scanned the surroundings, and finally fixed his gaze on a long knife with a white sheath beside it.

'It should be this. ’ Rozi narrowed his eyes and picked up the long knife that Spandam had hung in the corner.

"Brother, we'd better leave quickly...Huh? Is there something wrong with this knife?" Franky was about to urge Rozi to leave.

But suddenly saw that Rozi became interested in a knife again.

"The captain is a swordsman, is it because of this knife... Hey! Why did you break this knife, captain?"

Peibo opened his eyes wide and looked at Rozi suspiciously.

What he didn't know was that while breaking the knife, a voice that only he could hear sounded in Rozi's mind.

[You kill a bronze-level enemy and gain 50 physical strength; a bronze enemy kills a target 13/20]

【You got the Zoan Devil Fruit "Elephant Elephant Fruit"!】

[You upload C-level "Elephant Elephant Fruit" and get 300 points]

【The eater will gain the ability to transform into an elephant, gaining the strength and physique of an elephant!】

"Does destroying weapons count as killing the enemy?" Rozi raised his eyebrows, "Or, the forbidden space counts the killing on Spandam. '

'After all, this thing is Spandam's weapon. '

Shaking his head, Luo decided not to think too much.

As long as you get the elephant fruit, it is considered a good thing.

"Let's go, Peibo." Rozi patted Peibo's shoulder, "Just pretend that I don't like that sword."

"Eh!" Peibo glanced at the sword thrown to the ground by Rozi, "strange, why did I seem to hear the sword screaming just now? Did I hear it wrong?"

"I heard it too, it seems to be the voice of an elephant." Franky looked at Peibo in surprise.

Nico Robin rested his chin on one hand, looked meaningfully at the broken knife in the ground, and then at Rozi's back.

"So, that's what happened."

The clever Nico Robin immediately thought of mr4's weapon that ate Devil Fruit.

"Three, what are you waiting for?" Rozi put on the black top hat again, looked back at Nico Robin and the three, "Let's go, don't make everyone wait too long."

Hearing Rozi's words, the three immediately nodded and followed.

"Four officers, are you leaving now?"

Coming down from the tower of justice, soldiers with guns looked over immediately.

"Hmm!" Nico Robin pushed his eyes, "We have a new mission, and we are leaving Enies Lobby now."

"Understood, I wish everyone a smooth journey!" The soldier nodded respectfully, not aware of the abnormality of Rozi and others.

Soon, Rozi and others successfully arrived at the coast of Enies Lobby, and took a small boat towards the new explorer hidden in the waters of Enies Lobby.

Half an hour later, Spandam's dead body was found by a 633 guard who was in charge of passing the message to Spandam.

The entire Enies Lobby was in a huge tremor.

"What, my son died?!" Spandam's father, Spandam, was shocked to hear the report from the other side of the phone bug.

"Yes, yes, sir!"

"How is it possible, isn't he in CP9, how could he be killed! What do you soldiers of CP9 eat? Have vicious pirates invaded the Enies Lobby?"


"Then how could my son die!"

According to the report, it is initially suspected that the agents of cp9 killed Chief Spandam! Before that, only Rob Lucci, Kalifa, Brono and Kaku entered the Tower of Justice

And...and Chief Spandam was killed by "Finger Pistol"!

"Damn it, why do cp9 people want to kill my son, aren't they my son's subordinates?"

Spandain slammed his fist on the desk.

"I order you, this matter must be investigated for me!"

"If cp9 really killed my son, I will never let them go!"

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