Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 153: Other Challengers On The Horror Sailboat (Subscribe)

Absalom, one of the officers of the Moria Pirates.

Brook was quite familiar with this man.

The swordsman Ryoma with the shadow of Brook is the zombie led by Absalom.

Absalom is powerful, and the transparent fruit is extremely weird. If possible, Brook would never want to meet this person.

But it was such an existence that he didn't want to face, and he was killed by Rozi so easily.

How this should not surprise Brook.

'Perhaps, Mr. Rozi and the others can really defeat Moria!

At this moment, he couldn't help but believe what Rozi said.

[What the hell, there is actually a transparent fruit. After eating this fruit, can you go shopping as you please... Cough cough, I didn't say anything. 】

【Upstairs, you have exposed your thoughts, I advise you to surrender yourself honestly!】

[Have you noticed, the hand that the guy who was beheaded by Brother Qi just now stretched out seems a little dishonest. 】

【You saw it too, to be honest, I just wanted to say that that guy seems to be planning to hug Nico Robin!】

[Fortunately, Brother Qi solved him in advance, that guy would never have thought that Brother Qi is a strong man with Observation Haki. 】

【Speaking of which, baby5 should also feel his presence, right? 】

[I don’t know if Brother Qi will upload this Devil Fruit. If the transparent fruit 590 can only make people transparent, it seems that it won’t be able to play a big role in exploring the red mist. 】

[This is not right, transparency has a transparent effect, at least it can play a strong auxiliary role. Of course, if Brother Qi thinks that keeping the transparent fruit can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the fleet, I think it's better to keep it. 】

[Everyone, I just went to watch the live broadcast room of Mao Xiongguo and Sakura Flower Country challenger, combined with the news from Brother Qi, I conclude that the challengers of Mao Xiongguo and Sakura Flower Country are in the same place as Brother Qi! 】

【I remembered that the challenger of Bear Country also met Shichibukai before, and the challenger of Sakura Flower Country also came directly near the challenger of Bear Country!】

【The challenger of Maoxiong Country is okay, will the second challenger of Sakura Flower Country cheat Brother Qi!】

【Oh! My God, I just found out that Rozi from Chu State has come to the area where our challenger from Maoxiong Kingdom is. I wonder if Rozi from Chu State can help our challenger once so that she can regain her shadow!】

【Hope that Chu will carry forward the spirit of a great country and help us Sakura flower country challenger for one night!】

[Hehe, Mao Xiongguo can help, but you Sakura Huaguo, it depends on our brother Qi's mood. Speaking of your Sakura flower country challenger, tsk tsk, that woman often makes your live broadcast room black.

I have to say, it really has the characteristics of your country (cjcg)!]

Like the audience in the real world, Rozi is also thinking about the disposal of the "transparent fruit".

Although the transparent fruit seems to be of no use to the strong with Observation Haki.

But even in New World, not all powerful people have Observation Haki.

Absalom was able to take Moria away from Naval Headquarters during the Summit War, and Shiryu of the Blackbeard Pirates received the ability of transparent fruits.

These all illustrate the difficulty of transparent fruit.

'Perhaps, this thing can have unexpected effects in the later stage of development. "

After a little thought, he decided not to leave this fruit temporarily.

"Let's go, everyone, since the other party has already attacked us, I don't need to say more about the following things.

Rozi waved to his partners and pointed forward.

There, unconsciously, there was already an extremely large ship.

Following Rozi's order, the Explorer immediately turned its bow and approached the terrifying three sailing ship.

Meanwhile, the real world.

Chu State, in a plain office.

"...Leader, the above is the request sent by the leaders of Sakura Flower Country and Bear Country."

Xiao Zhang reported solemnly.

"Well, the situation is roughly known." The leader.

He tapped his fingers on the desk rhythmically, as if he was thinking about something.

"Leader, since there are challengers from other countries in the same place as Rozi, should we inform Rozi?"

Xiao Zhang said.

"Of course we need to be notified." The old man replied, "In addition, you tell Rozi that after meeting the Sofia challenger from Mao Xiong Kingdom, if he can help, please help him."

"The relationship between our two countries is not bad. Since Mao Xiongguo is willing to offer generous terms, there is nothing wrong with helping ten times."

"As for the challenger in Sakura Flower Country, let Rozi judge for himself whether to help or not."

"But, the conditions offered by Sakura Flower Country..." Xiao Zhang was a little puzzled.

"Hmph, so what if they offer more conditions." Another old man patted the table, "The previous Fujino wanted to abduct baby5, and then Sakura Flower Country followed Lighthouse Country and us in the real world. Against.

"Now you're in trouble and want us to help?"

"There is nothing so good in the world."

"I think it would be nice not to let Rozi kill that woman called Kujo Ling."

"Tsk, I feel bad when I think of that woman, it's really dirty!"

Hearing the old man's words, Xiao Zhang couldn't help thinking of Jiu Tiao Ling's behavior since entering the forbidden world.

In a way, it does count as dirty.

"Don't put pressure on Rozi, just tell Rozi Jiu Tiao Zero's identity." The leader said, "If he thinks he can kill him, then kill him."

"If he doesn't want to kill, don't make it difficult."

"The decision of the Forbidden World still has to be made by his party."

"Rozi and the others have already boarded the terrifying three sailboat, Xiao Zhang, go and pass the news to Rozi.

"Yes!" Xiao Zhang nodded heavily and walked out of the office quickly.

Soon, a voice message reached Luo Ji's mind.

At the same time, Kujo Zero, the second challenger of Sakura Flower Country, and So Fia, the challenger of Mao Kuma Country, also received the information that Rozi had arrived at the Terrifying Three Sails.

‘Rozi from Chu State actually came here!’

Kujo Zero opened his eyes and quickly got up from a strong man.

‘Chu State will definitely tell him that I am the challenger of Sakura Flower Country, I have to act immediately!

Thinking of this, Kujo Zero immediately stood up and finished his clothes.

On the other side, the Maoxiong Country side!

‘Suo Fia, although you are a recruit of Maoxiong Kingdom, your performance in the forbidden world is enough to make us proud.

'Now that Rozi has landed on the dreaded barque, all you have to do is find him immediately!'

‘Chu State has promised to let Rozi help you, and Rozi also intends to deal with the monster that took your shadow away!’

‘So you will be able to get back your own shadow this time. '

'Be sure to have a good relationship with him, it would be the best if you can let him help you...

After listening to the voice message from Mao Xiongguo in his mind, So Fia's eyes widened in surprise.

"Big sister, what's the matter with you?" Seeing such an expression on the always ruthless Sofia, the companion behind her asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing." Suo Fia came back to her senses, "Come on, let's go back to the station now, there is a very important person I need to meet!"

After finishing speaking, Suo strode towards the station.

"Important person?"

Although Sofia's companions were puzzled, they quickly followed Sofia's footsteps.

‘Is there anyone from Sakura Flower Country and Mao Bear Country here?”

'It seems that before going to Moria, we need to find these two people. T

After listening to the voice message from Chu State in his mind, Rozi thought to himself.

Then, a red light burst out from his eyes, and Observation Haki spread around.

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