Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 155: Encountering The Tyrant Bear Again, Whether It's An Enemy Or A Friend (Subscribe)

【This guy, is he sick? He actually wants to seduce Brother Qi?】

【She looks okay, but who wants such broken shoes, which one of our brother Qi, baby5, Reiju, etc., is not a great beauty!】

【That's right, how could Brother Qi like her! In my opinion, Suo Fia beside Brother Qi is much better than her. 】

[I am the commander of a certain army in the Mao Xiong Kingdom, and Sofia is my soldier. I personally think that Rozi in your country and Sofia in our country can try to develop, haha. 】

[Although you are a friendly commander, there are already beauties around Brother Qi, and there are many women in our country who like Brother Qi, such as me. 】

[Upstairs, you are a man, I know your ID. 】

[The Kujo Zero of our big Sakura flower country is so beautiful, maybe your Rozi will fall in love with it, I think our two countries can make Rozi and Kujo Zero a husband and wife in the forbidden world, so that we can also have a companion for each other . 】"Five Thirty"

[Damn, you Sakura Flower Country thinks beautifully, there is no such good thing in the world. 】

【Disgusting, it's so fucking disgusting!】

It wasn't just the Chu audience who were disgusted, Rozi from One Piece World also felt a little disgusted by the nine zeros in front of him.

"Let me tell you, do you feel that your charm is unstoppable after you have seduced a few men in the forbidden world?"

"Sorry, but in my eyes, you are just a slightly prettier woman."

"In view of your country's previous actions against me, not only did I not touch you this time, but I also planned to take your shadow back.

"This can already be regarded as a favor to you."

"I don't have any interest in you. If possible, can you not disturb the conversation between me and Sofia?"

Rozi said extremely coldly.

Kujo Zero blinked, looking at Rozi in disbelief.

These days, which man around her does not revolve around her.

Even willing to die for her.

This gradually gave her a confidence in her beauty that she didn't have in the real world.

Although Rozi is a challenger, she doesn't think Rozi can ignore her beauty.

However, the fact is that Rozi is not interested in her at all, and even wants to avoid her several times.

Such a contrast made Jiu Tiao Zero couldn't help but feel a trace of hatred in his heart.

However, she was not completely blinded by her unnecessary self-confidence, knowing that she could not express her emotions in front of Rozi.

She took a deep breath and looked at Rozi with an aggrieved face: "Mr. Rozi, is there something wrong with me? Tell me, I can change it."

"Hehe, don't you understand, nine zeros." Before Rozi could speak, Sofia next to him spoke first, "A woman like you who let other men touch her at will, do you think a man like Rozi would like it?"

"You'd better go back to the men who serve you honestly."

"Also, do you think you are more attractive than those women around Rozi?"

As he said that, Suo Fia glanced at the baby5 and other girls standing in the distance.

Even Suo Fia, who is also a woman, would praise baby5 and others when she saw them.

Rozi has these female companions around him, but Kujo Zero still dares to sell himself, Suo Fia is a little confused about what Kujoen is thinking.

"But, those women don't want to sleep with Mr. Rozi."

"And, after returning to the real world, they will not be able to go back with you, Mr. Rozi."

"At that time, I can still accompany you."

Kujo Zero said quickly.

"I'm sorry, you're really not my type." Rozi said coldly, "Even if I go back to the real world, I believe I'll have a better choice [at least the Sofia around me is much better than you. "

【That's right, I firmly support Mr. Rozi, how can Jiu Tiao Zero compare with my Maoxiong warrior Suo Fia. 】

【Mr. Rozi has great vision. As the leader of Suo Fia, I hope Chu State can consider holding a fellowship after the two return to the real world. 】

[Friendship? There should be more than one girl from Maoxiong Country. 】

[Haha, of course, the two countries can have a large-scale friendship. 】

【You people, just look down on me, Sakura Hanakuni's nine zeros. 】

【That's right! I'm really surprised, why do you Sakura Hanakuni think a broken shoe is good?】

[Strange countries have strange ideas, this is probably something that can’t be helped. 】

Rozi's words pierced Jiutiao Ling's heart like a sharp knife, and shattered her senseless self-confidence.

For a while, Jiu Tiao Zero hated Rozi even more!

Damn, why don't you accept it!

‘Isn’t it just luck that got so many resources?’

I will definitely be able to meet powerful men in the future, and then I will use this body that you don't like to invite them over.

"I will definitely become stronger than you, just wait, Rozi!"

Kujo Ling lowered his head, fearing that his thoughts and hatred would be seen by Rozi...

Seeing that Jiu Tiao Ling did not intend to continue talking, Romy planned to leave with Sofia.

At this moment, a familiar figure broke into Rozi's perception.

He quickly turned his head and looked not far away, there unexpectedly appeared a tall man at some point.

"Tyrant Bear, it's you!"

Rozi said in surprise.

"Meet you again, Rozi!" said Tyrant Bear. "I didn't expect to see you on the terrifying sailboat.

【Damn it, isn't this Shichibukai's bear, why did he suddenly appear here?】

【Could it be that you came here specifically to find Brother Qi?】

【Ah...he is here to help Moria, right? They are all Shichibukai. 】

【Isn’t Brother Qi very dangerous...No, even if you are both Shichibukai, the relationship may not be good. Before, Xiong helped Brother Qi escape from Doflamingo. 】

Seeing the sudden appearance of the bear, the originally relaxed environment of the live broadcast room immediately became tense.

Not only the audience of Chu State, but even the audience of Sakura Flower Country and Mao Xiong Country are wondering why Xiong came here.

"Tyrant Bear, why are you looking for Rozi!"

baby5 quickly ran to Rozi's side, watching the bear warily.

Even though Rozi asked them to wait in the distance, seeing the bear appeared, baby5 couldn't care less.

Beside her, there are other partners who are also worried about Rozi.

"Don't worry, I didn't come to fight Rozi." Xiong glanced at everyone, "I 5.0 came to find Moria to convey the news of Naval Headquarters.

"Just met someone here who was highlighted at the Shichibukai meeting, so come and see."

Hearing Xiong's words, Rozi raised his eyebrows: "I was mentioned in Shichibukai's meeting? Could it be that Marine is interested in making me a Shichibukai?"

Rozi knew that the World government at this time attached great importance to the Shichibukai system.

After Klocke Dar's death, Marine and World government will definitely find new pirates to become Shichibukai.

It's just that because his group didn't offer a reward order at the beginning, and the credit for killing Ke Locke was taken away by Marine, Rozi didn't think that Marine would make him a Shichibukai.

But now that he has become a wanted criminal, perhaps it is really possible for Marine to make himself Shichibukai.

"The people of Marine, are really interested in making you the new Shichibukai."

Bear nodded and answered Rozi's question.

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