Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 163 Fleet Upgrade, A New Start (For Subscription)

Although very helpless, but at this moment, Rozi can only not assign a position to Brook.

Following Rozi's operation, a reminder sounded in Rozi's mind.

[Congratulations, you already have ten partners and have reached the number of partners for fleet upgrade. 】

[After choosing a rare item as a sacrifice, the fleet will be officially upgraded to level 3; rare items include famous swords and Devil Fruit. 】

Rozi closed the personal space casually.

Although there are transparent fruits and shadow fruits in his personal space, he does not intend to use these two fruits as sacrifices.

If he wanted to do this, there was no need for him to buy the famous sword "Snow Walk" from the owner of the weapon shop in Rogge Town.

[Hahaha, that's amazing, Brother Qi will soon become the first challenger to upgrade the fleet to level 3. 】

[It’s not just as simple as a tier 3 fleet, every member on Qige’s ship is not that simple, even Conis has a good musical talent. 】

[I can only describe this fleet as perfect. 】

[Have you noticed that Brook, the tenth partner Luo invited, has no position. 】

【It's not that Brook can't adapt to the position, but Qi Ge's current fleet positions are occupied by other people. Let me say that Brook's strength can still adapt to many positions. 1

[Other challengers are still worrying about inviting 647 companions who can adapt to the position, but when they come to Brother Qi, they are worried that there are not enough positions. 】

[I hope that after upgrading to a Tier 3 fleet, Brook can be filled with a position, and maybe a treasure chest can be replenished for us. 】

"Brook, let's go to the castle too, take what you should bring, and then we'll head back to my ship."

Rozi smiled at Brook.

Thinking of upgrading the fleet to level 3 soon, Rozi eagerly wants to go back to the Explorer and upgrade the fleet once with the snow walker that has been hidden for a long time.

"That, Rozi."

At this moment, Sofia's voice rang in Rozi's ear.

"By the way, I almost forgot about you." Rozi turned his head to look at Sofia, and then told Brook and the rest of his companions to go to the castle to move things first.

I will wait for them on the Explorer first.

"Well, Rozi, let's help too." Lola took the initiative to ask Rozi for help, and soon, only Rozi and Sofia were left on the road.

"Then, about your problem, let's go back to my boat and discuss it in detail." Rozi held out his hand to Sofia, "If you don't mind if I take you (cjbf) directly to fly there.

"Of course I don't mind. Rather, I also want to experience the feeling of flying in the air." So Fia smiled slightly and put his hand on Rozi's.

Rozi had to admit that although the Sofia in front of him was not comparable to women like baby5 and Reiju, she was undoubtedly a very attractive woman.

In her body, one can see the unique sense of heroism of modern soldiers.

Rozi nodded to So Fia, squatted down and hugged So Fia in the form of a princess hug.

Then his legs slammed on the ground, and he stepped on the Moonwalk and flew in the direction of the explorer.

[I suddenly thought of a word from Chu State, it seems to be called the appearance of a wolf, haha. 】

【Ah, that's not a "wolf-talented girl" but a "talented girl" ah, the old iron of Mao Xiongguo!】

【Ahem, the general meaning is the same. Looking at the situation of Rozi and Sofia, I feel more and more that she matches Rozi very well. 】

[I am more concerned about the challenger in Sakura Flower Country, her shadow should go back. 】

[What else can I do, her men can't wait to go to sea as soon as they get the shadow, she has no choice but to go to sea with them. 】

【That's it... that's fine, at least you don't have to watch her disgust Brother Qi. If it were me, I would have hacked her to death long ago. 】

"Sit whatever you want, you're welcome." In the captain's cabin of the Explorer, Rozi sat casually on his own boat and gestured to Sofia.

So Fia nodded slightly, and sat down on the chair beside her.

"You just said that you also want to experience flying in the air, so this is for you."

Rozi placed a stack of documents in Sofia's hand.

"Rozi, what is this?"

"This is the information of Marine Six Styles, the "use steps" above are the footwork that can help others to fly.

“Marine Six Styles?!”

Suo Fia was overjoyed, and quickly looked through.

"Although Marine Six Styles is powerful, it also requires a lot of physical fitness. If you don't have enough physical fitness, there is no way to learn it."

"Of course, as a challenger, your physique will improve sooner or later."

"According to this practice, you should be able to learn it."

"You take a look first, I will deal with the issue of fleet upgrade."

While talking, Rozi took down the famous sword "Yukizō" from the wall.

Soon, "Snow Walk" disappeared from Rozi's hands and became a sacrifice for fleet upgrades.

Suo Fia glanced at Rozi enviously. As a challenger, she naturally knew what Rozi was doing.

She also understands that Rozi needs to deal with some problems after the fleet is upgraded to level 3, so she doesn't bother Rozi.

[Your fleet has been successfully upgraded to level 3, reward 2000 points, and reward a medium-sized three-masted sailboat; the medium-sized three-masted sailboat has been stored in your personal space. 】

[The maximum number of invited partners is increased to 30, new positions are opened, and advanced positions are opened. Challengers are asked to check the new positions by themselves. 】

【Enable the new permission, you can already explore the attribute data of your partners. 】

[Congratulations, you are the first challenger to upgrade the fleet to level 3, and you will be rewarded with a black iron treasure chest. 】

‘Sure enough, there is a new position, and this advanced position.

Rozi's eyes lit up, and he immediately looked at his personal panel.

‘The combatant position can be advanced to the battle captain?

“Wait, there’s such a thing as a ‘composer’?’

'Wouldn't Brook be the right fit?

Before Rozi could check Brook's suitability for the new role of "composer," another prompt rang in his head.

[Begin to evaluate the partners who have "positions" in the fleet! 】

[baby5, position "combatant", silver rank, reward baby5 exclusive physique strengthening card (4000), can only be used on baby5, after using it, baby5's physique will increase by 4000 points, a crew member can only get this type of reward once! 】

[It is detected that baby5's "combatant" talent level has been upgraded from black iron to silver, and special rewards are given to baby5's exclusive "intermediate Armament Haki card"...】

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