Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 174 Reiju: Summit War? I Don't Agree With Shichibukai (Please Subscribe)

"Smoker, we met, we are really destined.

Seeing Smoker and Tashigi jumping off the warship, Rozi greeted them with a smile.

"We came to you specially, and I think you also know the reason why we came to you."

"You're really good enough, you just killed Kelkedar not long ago, and now you've killed Moria.

Smoker stopped in front of Rozi, and glanced at Conis and Brook standing not far away.

"Your team has added new members, so what's the matter with that skull?"

Even someone as serious as Smoker might be surprised to see a living skeleton drinking tea.

"Eating a special Devil Fruit made everything look like that."

"No big deal."

"Let's get down to business."

"Before Sengoku told me that after the World government agreed that I would become Shichibukai, they would arrange for Marine to contact me.

"It's just that I didn't expect that it would be you two old acquaintances."

Saying that, Rozi turned to look at Tashigi.

He found that she was looking at the knife in her waist with bright eyes at the moment.

"What's wrong, Tashigi, is there something wrong with my knife?"

"Then...well, Mr. Rozi, is the knife hanging on your waist a new one?" Tashigi raised his head, "This should not be an ordinary knife.

"As expected of a slut who likes famous knives, this knife is not simple, it is big and one of the twenty-one crafts."

"I'm not a slut, really, Mr. Rozi, you are saying that, I'm going to be angry."

"Haha, sorry, sorry, in order to express my apology to you, let me lend you this knife for viewing.


"of course it's true.

When the words fell, Rozi pulled out the autumn water and put it in Tashigi's hands.

"Okay.....It's a beautiful knife. It's really one of the twenty-one crafts. Looking at the pattern, it should be Qiushui..."

Tashigi caressed the blade like he was stroking his lover.

"Tsk, it's still the same as before." Smoker shook his head, "But it's also good, the two of us happened to have a private talk.

Having said that, Smoker's face became serious.

"Rozi, on behalf of the Naval Headquarters and the World government, I am here to inform you that you are officially Seven Warlords of the Sea, regarding Shichibukai's rights and obligations..."

"Yeah, I understand that, you don't need to explain it to me in detail. Speaking of which, to become a Shichibukai, will you Marine give me a letter of appointment or something?"

"There's no such thing." Smoker glanced at Rozi speechlessly, "It's good that you know Shichibukai's authority and obligations, and save me from talking nonsense."

"Although I don't like Shichibukai, I don't object to you becoming Shichibukai."

"That way, I won't have to catch you."

Although he knew that Smoker was telling the truth, Rozi felt ashamed.

"What you said, if you want to catch me, you'd better practice for two years first, I'm very strong.

Rozi said.

"Even if you are very strong, if you really become a bounty criminal, I will come back to catch you."

Smoker muffled:

"Although there is some urgency, it is your duty to travel Shichibukai now."

Hearing this, Rozi raised his eyebrows, and immediately thought of the war between Naval Headquarters and Whitebeard Pirates.

"You Marines are really eager, tell me, what kind of duty do you want me to travel."

"Rozi, do you remember Ace?"

"The one who saved you from Alabasta, of course I remember."

Rozi looked at Smoker meaningfully, he wanted to see how Smoker would react to Marine's imminent execution of Ace.

"You guy... Forget it, even though you are a pirate, Ace did save me." Smoker shook his head and continued:

"That guy's been caught, and now the Marine is planning to execute him publicly!"

Rozi is observing Smoker, and Smoker is naturally observing Rozi.

Seeing that Rozi didn't show any sadness when he heard that Marine was about to execute Ace, Smoker was relieved.

...asking for flowers...

Although Rozi said in Alabasta that he has nothing to do with Ace, but Ace has made a move against Klocke because of Rozi after all.

He worries that Rozi and Ace are secretly on good terms.

In that case, Rozi may not be fit to participate in the battle between Marine and Whitebeard.

"Smoker, you just said that Marine is going to execute Ace?"

Rozi has not responded to what Smoker said, and Reiju, who has been paying attention to this side not far away, can't hold back.

Because Rozi did not tell Reiju and others about the conversation between himself and the bear.

Upon hearing what Smoker said, Reiju and other partners who knew what Ace meant were immediately quite surprised.


"Ah, yes, it will be announced to the world in the press soon."

"Because Rozi is the new Shichibukai, I will let you guys know about this in advance."

Smoker exhaled a mouthful of white smoke and said in a muffled voice.

"Ace is the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, and Whitebeard is notoriously fond of his crew.

"You Marines are going to execute Ace publicly. With Whitebeard's character, you will definitely rescue him."

Reiju frowned tightly, looked at Smoker very seriously, and continued: "Smoker, you Marines want to fight the Whitebeard pirates, right?

"And, to take Captain Rozi into the water, right!"

Hearing Reiju's words, except for Nico Robin and Rob Lucci in the cabin, all Rozi's partners on the deck gathered.

Smoker didn't speak, just nodded heavily.

"No, I don't agree!" Reiju gave Smoker a hard look.

Then he stretched out his hands and tightly embraced Rozi's arms, and looked at Luo Luo with concern with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Captain Rozi, it's too dangerous to start a war with the Whitebeard Pirates. We are wrong Shichibukai. If the Marine and World Government want to place a bounty on us, let them put a bounty on us."

"Big deal, we also become pirates!"


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