Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 179 Rozi: Mikita, How Did These People Mess With You (Please Subscribe)

Don't look at Mikita's performance on the Explorer as harmless to humans and animals.

But she is not a good man and woman who has been able to work in the Bar Locke Work Agency for many years.

In the past, the provocative words and expression of the man with the scar were enough for Mikita to kill.

Even with Rozi, I became relatively honest~ After a lot of time.

When meeting someone like the man with the scar, Mikita would never let him talk nonsense.

Seeing Mikita walking towards the man with the scar, Nami and Nuo Qigao looked at each other, but they didn't stop her from going west.

"Yo, you were very arrogant just now, you stinking man."

Mikita walked up to the scarred man, looked at him with a grin and said.

"Asshole woman, how dare you hit me, I won't let you go!" The man with the scar gave Mikita a vicious look, and then looked at Ethan beside him. "Captain, help me

Help me kill this woman!"

"Stupid!" Ethan cursed in his heart, and quickly raised his head to look at Mikita.

At this time, he even had the idea of ​​ignoring the man with the scar.

"Hey, are you his captain?" Mikita glanced at Ethan, so she said, you ordered him to trouble me just now?"

"Since this is the case, then we can only solve it with you and him."

Saying that, Mikita raised her right leg and kicked the scarred man directly in the abdomen.

This time, Mikita pushed harder than before.

Accompanied by the sound of an obvious fracture, the man with the scar flew out from the direction of the gate.

Hearing Mikita's words and seeing his combatants being blown away twice easily, Ethan hated himself in his heart, regretting how he recruited such a disobedient partner.

"Wait, ma'am, I have nothing to do with that man just now."

"Please don't get me wrong..."

Ethan took two steps back, eager to get rid of the relationship with the man with the scar.

Seeing this scene, Jewelry Bonney not far away sneered: "Hehe, isn't he with you?"

"Then why did you guys sit at the same table and eat?"

"Besides, the two of you were discussing catching pirates in exchange for bounties."

"Don't dare to catch me, a pirate with a bounty of more than 100 million Berry, so I plan to catch that Mikita who has a bounty of 5 million Berry, right?"

Originally, Bonney wanted to teach Ethan and his party a lesson, but now seeing Shichibukai Rozi's companions take action to teach him a lesson, he naturally didn't want to see the matter end just because a man with a scar was shot flying.

Speaking of this, Bonney looked at Tsikita in surprise.

Since the battle with Germa 66, Mikita has been deducted a reward list of 5 million Berry.

Originally, Bonney thought she was just one of Rozi's group who was offered a bounty, so she shouldn't have much fighting power.

But after seeing Mikita do it, Bonney changed his mind.

Not to mention the power, the speed of Mikita's shots has already exceeded the level that 5 million Berry pirates should have.

'This woman!'

Ethan gritted his teeth, and gave Bonney a look of hatred.

"Do you want to catch me? Think I'm just a little guy with a bounty of 5 million Berry?" Mikita sneered, "Sorry, but if you want to catch us, a bounty hunter like you is still far behind. "

"Moreover, he didn't even dare to recognize his partner when he was in danger."

"Compared with our captain, you are far behind."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ethan to say anything, Zaita quickly raised his foot and kicked Ethan on the knee.


There was a tooth-piercing fracture sound, and Ethan immediately fell to the ground clutching his knees.

With just one kick from Mikita, Ethan's knee had already suffered a comminuted fracture.

Although Ethan has been paying attention to Mikita, but with his strength, how could he be able to prevent Mikita's sudden attack.

Although the ordinary customers and restaurant staff in the restaurant saw this scene, none of them dared to step forward to stop it.

By this time, they had all recognized Mikita, Nami, and Noki Gao.

They are the partners of the new Shichibukai Rozi who was notified in the newspaper before.

With such an identity, how dare ordinary people like them step forward to stop them.

Mikita glanced at Ethan's partner who was frozen aside, not daring to move, sneered, and kicked Ethan and his partner out of the restaurant like a man with a knife scar flying away.

Just when Mikita was about to return to her seat, a familiar figure appeared within her line of sight.

……………… Ask for flowers·

"Ro... Captain Rozi!"

Mikita opened her mouth, quickly withdrew her ferocious expression, and put on the kind smile she had when she was on the Explorer.

' Rozi!!

Jewelry· Bonney and Capone Bege fixed their eyes, and turned to look at the door of the restaurant.

There, Rozi and baby5 are walking into the restaurant side by side, and behind them, the four of Kalifa who hide their faces follow.

Seeing Rozi appear, the restaurant, where no one dared to speak, became even more silent.

All ordinary people lowered their heads.

They didn't even dare to meet Rozi's eyes until they knew what kind of character this new Shichibukai was.

【Haha, come here, brother Qi has also arrived at this restaurant, and now the challenger from the Lighthouse Kingdom will suffer. 】



[The Scar Man provoked Brother Qi's partner, I don't know how Brother Qi will punish the Scar Man and Ethan after he understands the situation. 】

【You Chu people, our Ethan didn't take the initiative to find trouble with your Rozi's partner, it was obviously the man with the scar who did it himself, why should the responsibility be placed on Ethan. 】

【That’s right, it’s okay for Mikita to hit the scarred man flying, but he even attacked our challenger. I strongly request you Chu country to compensate our Lighthouse country!】

[Ha! Compensation? You are afraid that you are seriously ill! Leaving aside the matters of the forbidden world, in the real world, you have often caused troubles for our Chu country.

And last time the challenger from the country where the sun never sets entrapped brother Qi, you, the Lighthouse country, must have instructed behind the scenes.

You have done so many bad things to us, and now you still want compensation. If I were Brother Qi, I would kill Ethan in your country on the spot. 】

[That's right, the man with the scar was invited by your Ethan. If you don't take good care of him, it's your country's challenger's responsibility. You actually want to touch us, it's too beautiful. 】

Rozi walked into the restaurant, smiled and nodded to Nami and Nuo Qigao who were waving to him.

Then his eyes glanced at the two supernova pirates, Bonney and Capone Bege, in the restaurant.

In the end, he looked at Mikita and said:

"I heard your laughter from far away."

"By the way, you were the one who shot that person flying just now."

"Tell me, how did these guys offend you and make you so angry.


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