Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 194 After The Summit War, Solving Heavenly Yaksha (For Subscription)

Sabaody Archipelago, Beyond the Population Auction.

"Young master, don't we get rid of Rozi and the others?"

"We came here from De Reiss Rosa to deal with him."

Gladius, who has the ability to burst fruit, stepped forward and asked beside Doflamingo.

Facing Gladius' question, Doflamingo shook his head and said:

"It's not appropriate now."

"That man is stronger than I imagined!"

Thinking of Rozi wrestling with himself, Doflamingo frowned tightly.

Although Rozi's Conqueror's Haki is not as good as his own, Doflamingo faintly feels that Rozi's Armament Haki is not inferior to his own.

With the addition of Rozi's partners, Doflamingo felt that he could not easily defeat Rozi with his current strength.

If they really want to fight, maybe they won't be able to tell the winner until Naval Headquarters comes to block them.

"The young master is right." Diamanti's face was solemn, "baby5, and Nami, the Thunder Fruit capable user who entered the auction later, are obviously not weak.

"If we really want to fight, even if we can win, maybe we need to pay a very high price."

After only a little contact with baby5, Diamanti judged that baby5's strength was at least not much lower than her own.

When Nami used Thunder Fruit to build a lightning arc, Diamanti could also perceive the amazing energy contained in the lightning.

"Diamanti is right, our plan is to kill or capture quickly with absolute force.

"In this case, even if the Marine and World Government are dissatisfied, it will be too late to stop it."

"I can even use Rozi's lack of strength as an excuse to declare to Sengoku and the World government that Rozi is not worthy of this Shichibukai qualification.

"But now..." At this point, Doflamingo raised his head and looked into the distance, "I need to change my plan."

"Come on, go back to our boat."

"It doesn't matter how that Rozi explains the Celestial Dragons thing to Marine."

"Naval Headquarters should all send Marine Admiral for show."

"I don't want to see Marine Admiral yet, so leave this island now."

"Don't worry, now that you know the strength of Rozi's group, he won't be so lucky next time.

"Rozi and baby5 killed Mahabas, I will not let those two go."

Although Doflamingo has a rebellious personality, he is very concerned about the subordinates he admits.

The death of Mahabasi has already made him regard Rozi and baby5 as objects that must be eliminated.

Maybe they will temporarily capture Rozi and baby5 in order to coerce Luo to help him perform the "undead operation", but in Doflamingo's eyes, Rozi will be the object that needs to be cleaned up sooner or later.

Under the influence of the Donquixote Family, Doflamingo believes that as long as they are prepared enough, no matter how powerful Rozi is, they will be able to deal with him

"The influence of the Donquixote Family is strong, and this time Doflamingo understands our strength.

"His next action against us will definitely come even faster.

Walking on the road outside the population auction, Rozi said to his companions.

Although the famous army Commodore wanted to stop Rozi, but in order to prevent Doflamingo from going to trouble with Reiju who stayed at Marine's base, how could Rozi stay in the population auction.

He casually dealt with Marine Commodore a few words, then took the slaves who had been stunned by his Conqueror's Haki before and walked towards Nami's location, intending to join Nami

Back on board the Explorer together.

"Rozi is right, Doflamingo has a strong influence in the underground world and has strong connections with many organizations.

"Including Tezzolo, the golden emperor of the New World."

"Even, we...... No, the Donquixote Family is still helping the Beasts Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, to make artificial Devil Fruit."

"If Doflamingo and the Beasts Pirates cooperate against us in the future... Rozi, if the Beasts Pirates also deal with us, it will be really dangerous."

baby5 looked at Rozi worriedly and said.

"Although I don't think they have that much face." Rozi shook his head, but he really had to be careful.

"Looks like we need to find a way to get rid of Doflamingo as soon as possible."

Kaido of the Beasts, that's a mess maker.

And he looks rough and crazy, but he has a very delicate mind.

If Kaido really puts his eyes on himself, Rozi thinks it is possible that one day Kaido will use the excuse of "suicide" and land on the explorer from the sky.

"Since Doflamingo does business with the Beasts Pirates, can we use the Beasts Pirates against Doflamingo?"

"If Doflamingo can't provide enough man-made Devil Fruit to Beasts Pirates, Kaido will definitely send someone to trouble Doflamingo."

After thinking carefully, Luo spoke to Rozi.

Rozi was not surprised by Luo's proposal, after all, in the original book, Luo wanted to use this method to deal with Donquixote Family.

"Luo's proposal is still good, but for now, let's focus on the future war."

"It won't be too late to make plans for dealing with Doflamingo after that war is over.

Rozi laughed.

After the Summit War ends, the form of the sea and its own identity will undergo drastic changes.

Rozi felt that instead of making a plan against Doflamingo now, it would be better to wait until the Summit War is over and adapt accordingly.


"Hey, Rozi, I've been listening to you talking about "war" just now."

"What is the war you speak of?"

Suddenly, Jewelry Bonney's voice reached Rozi's ears.

"Are you still there, Ms. Bonney?" Rozi turned his head and glanced at her, "I said, don't you need to leave Sabaody Archipelago immediately, just wait a while, Marine Admiral is coming."

"At that time, if Marine Admiral wants to catch you, I won't help you."

After all, the Celestial Dragons fainted, and even if they couldn't catch the culprit, Marine would at least send a Marine Admiral for show.

"Asshole, if it wasn't for you, would Marine Admiral have come here?" Seeing Rozi's indifferent expression, Bonney was furious.

But he couldn't beat Rozi, which made Bonney even more unhappy with Rozi.


Facing Bonney's anger, Rozi shrugged, and just when he was about to say something, a thunderbolt fell from the sky not far away.

"Rozi, it's Nami's ability." baby5 looked at Rozi.

"Well, you go and help Nami first, I'll talk to this Ms. Bonney first." Rozi nodded and said.

With his Observation Haki level, he caught Nami's breath the moment the thunder pillar fell.

Everyone nodded, and hurried to where Nami was with a group of slaves.

"Jewelry·Bonney." Rozi leaned down and approached Bonney's ear, it's okay to tell you about the "war". "

"Anyway, it won't take long, and the Marine and World Government will definitely announce it to the world.

"Naval Headquarters plans to publicly execute Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates. What do you think the Whitebeard Pirates will do when they learn about this?"

Upon hearing Rozi's words, Bonney's eyes widened immediately.

Naval Headquarters intends to publicly execute Ace, how could Bonney not know what the consequences would be.

The war in Rozi's mouth must be the war between the Whitebeard Pirates and Naval Headquarters.

And in this war, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, which is an alliance of the world government, will inevitably participate.

Reminiscent of the form problem that Marine Commodore said in the population auction, Bonney immediately understood what role Rozi would play in this war.

"Damn it, Rozi, I really misread you."

"You're an asshole!"

Bonney raised his hand and pointed at Rozi angrily, then turned and ran quickly in one direction.

"The stalker is finally gone." Rozi rubbed his shoulders and muttered in a low voice. "In the end, I didn't figure out what kind of relationship this guy has with bears."

"Forget it, let's go to Nami and the others."


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