Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 206 Rayleigh, Come Help (Subscribe)

"I see, Marshal Sengoku, I will bring Rozi back to Naval Headquarters.

Kizaru hung up the call with Sengoku and turned to look at Rozi.

"Although it's a little troublesome, but since we encountered it, I can only ask you to go to Naval Headquarters with me and explain it to Marshal Sengoku."

"Of course, that nine zeros will be there too."

Kizaru pushed his glasses, looking at Rozi gradually became serious.

‘This guy, is he going to use his countermeasures on me?

‘This time, no paddling?

Rozi complained in his heart, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

"Don't be in such a hurry, Kizaru Admiral.

"Anyway, three days later, when Ace is executed, I will also go to Naval Headquarters to fight."

Rozi said.

Although neither Jiu Tiao Zero nor Kizaru could provide actual evidence that Nico Robin and cp9 had appeared beside Rozi29.

But this does not mean that Rozi intends to follow Kizaru to Naval Headquarters to confront Kujo Zero in front of Sengoku and many other Marine powerhouses.

Marine and World government are not state agencies in the real world.

Even if there is no evidence, it is possible for them to say that black things are white.

Such things happen a lot in Pirate World.

Nico Robin is an example.

If something happened, Rozi wouldn't be able to get away.

On the contrary, during the Summit War period, with the Whitebeard Pirates attacking in front, Rozi felt that it didn't matter if he was exposed.

"Well, just take it as a way to save me and come with me."

"This will save you from having to arrange for the Marine to take you to Naval Headquarters later.

Kizaru put his hands in his trouser pockets and said leisurely.

You are not a redhead, why should I give you face.

Rozi shook his head and said, "If I refuse, you just...huh?"

Before he finished speaking, Rozi frowned and looked at Kizaru who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Kizaru, are you serious? Want to take me away by force?"

"After all, Marshal Sengoku has given the order himself, so I can only take you away."

"You guy, Marine gave you a salary increase? Are you working so hard?"

Rozi frowned, and immediately pulled out the autumn water from his waist.

"So, let's get serious this time, Kizaru?"

"Salary increase?" Kizaru raised his eyebrows, "How do you know, forget it, since you don't want to go, I can only contribute a little bit, otherwise it's not like Marshal Sengoku explained.

"Really a salary increase?" Rozi was ashamed, "You didn't call Sengoku just now, will you be lazy soon?"

While speaking, Rozi swung his sword at Kizaru's hand that was grabbing at him.

A golden light flashed, Kizaru appeared more than ten meters above Rozi, and kicked out a golden laser.

"In your eyes, am I just a lazy Admiral?"

While Rozi was breathing, he directed a golden thunder blade at Kizaru.

"That's right, just seeing your face, I can think of the word "paddling"."

During the collision of the thundering sword light and the golden laser, Rozi looked back at Nami.

Nami nodded slightly, his figure turned into a blue lightning and left quickly, rushing towards Pluton Rayleigh.

Kizaru landed on the ground again and looked at Nami suspiciously.

Just when he was about to ask Rozi why he let Nami go, Rozi who prevented him from chasing Nami rushed towards Kizaru with his sword.

Behind Rozi, baby5 and Reiju rushed to the explorer under Rozi's signal, in case the people on his explorer threatened Rozi.

"Hey, hey, are you going to fight me alone, Rozi?"

"Who knows, just pretend I want to experience the power of the Marine Admiral.

While talking and joking, Rozi slashed a few times quickly, each swing with high-intensity Armament Haki and Golden Thunder.

After attaining the high-level kendo realm, Rozi found that in addition to using sword skills such as "Thunderbolt Flash", even ordinary sword swings can freely have the effect of thunder's breath.

Even the sword energy slashed will also have the effect of golden thunder.

'This guy, he still kept his hand just now. '

'I knew I would have brought Zhan Momomaru and the others over. "

While dealing with Rozi, Kizaru was thinking about it.

On the other side, where Fuli is.

"Pluton Rayleigh!"

Nami returned to human form from her elemental body, eyes fixed on Rayleigh.

"Hey, little girl, what can I do for you?" Rayleigh laughed and looked at Nami, "You seem to be in some trouble. Could it be that your captain blamed me for the Celestial Dragons? Retribution, haha."

After all this time, Rayleigh has learned that Rozi blamed him for the attack on the Celestial Dragons.

This time I came here to ask Luo Ji for an explanation.

"At first I wanted to ask your captain for some compensation, but now it seems that it is a bit troublesome to have a private chat with your captain 347.

"Rayleigh..." Nami narrowed his eyes and glanced at Rozi and Kizaru. "Rayleigh, you know about Ace's execution."

"Of course I know, Marine sent newspapers all over the world." Rayleigh took a sip of his wine, "Speaking of which, there's a brat on my side who got excited about this incident and said he was going to save Ace or something. Little Girl, you came to me just to talk about this?"

"Since you know that Ace is going to be executed, do you know the identity of Ace?" Nami continued without waiting for Rayleigh to interrupt, "Ace's original name is Gol D. Ace, and he is your captain Gol D. Roger posthumous child."


Rayleigh spat out the wine in one gulp and looked at Nami in shock.

"What did you say, Ace is Roger's son?!"

"Believe it or not, it's true. Nami nodded heavily," Captain Rozi intends to rescue Ace in the Whitebeard Pirates' war with Marine.

"Now that Shichibukai's identity cannot be used, Captain Rozi plans to go to Naval Headquarters with another identity."

"If you want Ace to be saved, help my Captain Rozi stay away!"

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