Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 208 Zhan Taowan, Is Your Defense Stronger Than Kaido (Subscribe)

Seeing Rozi coming straight towards the Celestial Dragons with a knife, the guards around St. Charles Ross immediately became tense and drew their guns to shoot Rozi.

Rozi chuckled and kicked his right foot in the air.

Moonwalk made a move and disappeared in front of the guards and Marine soldiers in an instant.

"where it goes?"

"Find him, I want that man dead."

"No, I want him to be my slave, and I want that woman to be my third wife!"

Charles Ross roared angrily.

"You scumbag, are you still thinking about this?"

As soon as Charles Ross finished speaking, Rozi's voice sounded behind him.

The guards were startled, and before they could take any action, they were kicked out one by one by Rozi.

"At first, I thought about killing it here. Since you said that you want to make my partner a slave, let's take you to the boat first and let her express her opinion on you."

Rozi put the knife next to the neck of Charles Ross Saint, and said with a sneer.

"Hey, Rozi, you guys are doing a little too much."

Kizaru shouted to Rozi.

Although he wanted to step forward to stop him, but was entangled by Pluton Rayleigh, even for a while he couldn't escape. 620 "Good boy, are you going to attack the Kailong people this time?"

Rayleigh glanced at Rozi in surprise, feeling a little happy in his heart.

If Rozi is really willing to take action against Celestial Dragons, he will definitely end up in an endless battle with the World government.

This makes it more likely that Rozi will go back to rescue Ace.

"I can only blame you, Marine, Kizaru."

"In a way, I was pushed to this level by you.

Rozi gave Kizaru a cold look, and then hit the nonsense Char Ross on the head with the back of his knife.

The iconic glass hood of the Celestial Dragons shattered, and Char Ross himself passed out.

Rozi reached out to lift his collar, and the Marines around him wanted to shoot Rozi, but they were worried that they would accidentally injure the Celestial Dragons.

"Damn it, let go of my son, pariah!"

Just when Rozi was about to leave, Charles Ross' father, Roswald St., shouted to Rozi angrily.

"Almost forgot about you."

Rozi glanced at St. Roswald, and then shot out a golden thunder blade and flew towards St. Roswald.

The sword glow cut through the air quickly, and when it reached Saint Roswald, his guards hadn't even reacted.

Just when Rozi thought he was going to get it.

A strong man wearing a bellyband and holding an ax appeared in front of St. Roswald, and lowered his sword light.

"Huh, it's a good thing that Zhan Taowan arrived, otherwise I will definitely be scolded and my salary will be deducted when I go back."

Kizaru breathed a sigh of relief seeing Zhan Taomaru stop Rozi's sword light.

"You brat, Rozi, is really amazing. It doesn't matter if you catch one Celestial Dragons, but you actually want to kill another Celestial Dragons directly."

"It's a pity that such a good seedling doesn't become a pirate."

Rayleigh sighed.

"Hey, hey, don't say such horrible things, Rayleigh."

"If Rozi becomes a pirate, the sea will become even more chaotic."

Kizaru frowned.

"Actually, what he's doing now, even many pirates don't dare to do it." The corners of Rayleigh's lips curled up, "He just said that you Marine forced him to come to this point, I don't know what Kizaru Admiral is thinking What do you think?"

Kizaru was speechless. After thinking about it, to some extent, Rozi's current appearance seems to have a great relationship with their Marine.

It seems that after offering a bounty to Rozi because of Germa 66, Rozi, who was honestly hunting pirates in exchange for bounties, became uncontrollable.

No, it should have started from the time of Alabasta. '

Kizaru thought to himself.

On the other side, where Rozi is.

'This guy, it's a war.

The one over there is a pacifist transformed with the body of a bear (cjcd)?’

Rozi raised his eyebrows, and threw Char Ross, who was held hostage in his hand, in the direction of the explorer.

"Ro, catch it!"

"It's really troublesome. Now the bounty is going to be higher again." Luo shook his head, and while launching the Op-Op Fruit ability, he threw a stone on the deck of the explorer.

The next moment, Stone and Charles Ross exchanged positions.

"Although you say that, you seem very happy, Luo." Reiju glanced at Luo with a smile, and then said to Jambalu. "Chambalu, you take this Celestial Dragons to the cell first, and deal with him when Rozi comes back."

"Understood." Jambaru nodded, reached out and picked up the Celestial Dragons and walked to the cabin. "Well, can I punch him?"

Hearing this, Luo raised his eyebrows, but thinking that Jambalu was once captured by the Celestial Dragons and turned into a slave, Luo felt relieved.

"Don't kill me, I don't want to give Celestial Dragons medical treatment."

"Don't worry, Luo, I will pay attention to the calendar."

Jambaru looked at the Celestial Dragons in his hand, and showed a terrifying smile on his face that could make a three-year-old cry.

"This, that, attacking the Celestial Dragons, is it really okay?"

The dancing girl Pasia said nervously that now, she finally understands why Rozi asked her to seriously consider whether to join the fleet.

The people on this boat are really crazy.

"Captain Rozi will take care of it." Reiju chuckled, "Or, Percy, you joined the expedition later?"

"If you regret it, you can ask Rozi to let you leave the fleet."

"No, Sister Reiju, you misunderstood." Pacia quickly shook her head, "Captain Rozi saved me, and I joined with sincerity. If I leave because of something like this, I will look down on myself."

"It's just that I'm worried that I will ask everyone to back down in the future."

"I'm just an ordinary dancing girl, I don't know how to fight."

Hearing this, Connie on the side put her hand on Pacia's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Miss Pacia, Captain Rozi will find a way to make you stronger."

"In the past, I was actually a person with no power to restrain a chicken."

"Double boy, don't stop me, Laozi is full of anger now, be careful, I will cut you too!"

Rozi rushed in front of Zhan Taowan, and punched Zhan Bing's floor.

The powerful force made Zhan Taomaru, who was quite confident in his defense, also took two steps back.

"Rozi, you are really strong!" Zhan Taowan stared, "However, I will not let you hurt Celestial Dragons."

"I'm the most defensive man in the world!"

Rozi frowned: "Huh, how dare you say it, you dare to claim to have the strongest defense? Are you stronger than the Four Emperors Kaido?"

Zhantaowan: "..."

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