Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 220 Sabo: Whitebeard, Rozi Will Go To Naval Headquarters (Please Subscribe)

Three streams flowed towards Kalifa, three streams rushed towards Pacia, and the remaining four streams rushed to Rob Lucci, Kaku, Blueno, and Jambalu respectively.

In an instant, Kalifa and others felt that their physical fitness had been greatly enhanced.

Especially Blueno, Pacia, and Kalifa who each gained more stamina points.

Among the partners, Kalifa and Pacia are the weakest.

Blueno wasn't much better either.

Especially Pacia who is an ordinary person.

In order to enable her to have more self-protection power, and also to enable her to better use the power of Magnetic Fruit.

Rozi deliberately used two physical enhancement cards on her.

The same goes for Kalifa and Blueno.

'I don't know if Pacia will become an existence like Marvel Magneto in the future.

Looking at Pacia who was feeling the energy in his body, Rozi thought in his heart.

Then, Rozi opened his own panel and those of his partners.

【Name: Rozi】

【Age: 25】

【Physical: 25950】


【Fleet level: Level 3, you can invite 30 partners to board. 】

"Eight Nine Zero" [Nico Robin, 8630 physical points, Flower-Flower Fruit, intermediate knowledge color, intermediate armed color, "shaved"]

【Kalifa, 3630 physical points, Bubble Fruit, Marine Six Styles Skilled】

【Pasia, 2010 physical point Magnetic Fruit. 】

【Blueno, 2820 physical points, door door fruit, Marine Six Styles · proficiency. 】

[Kaku, 3200 physical points, transparent fruit, Marine Six Styles proficiency. 】

【Rob Lucci, 5000 physical points, cat fruit·leopard form, Marine Six Styles·proficient】

[Qiang Baru, 5000 physical points, the fruit of the strong city. 】

"How do you feel, how many?"

After Rob Lucci and others finished feeling their strength and opened their eyes, Rozi asked with a smile on his face.

"Very magical props." Lu Qi clenched his hands suddenly, and a blast of air came out immediately.

"Captain Rozi has such props, you in the future will definitely become a great existence on the sea. y

Speaking of this, Lu Qi suddenly laughed: "Suddenly, I became more and more interested in following your voyage."

"Ah, it's such an amazing prop." Kaku stroked his hat, "This thing is worth my five years, no, ten years of training.

"This kind of power is completely taboo. I really don't know how I will grow up in the future."

Blueno also sighed.

Although Kalifa, Jambalu, and Pasia didn't speak, they looked at Rozi with reverence.

"I have limited resources at hand, and now I can only take out these temporarily."

"Of course, everyone, please don't neglect your own training just because you have this thing.

Rozi smiled and looked at Blueno aside.

"By the way, Blueno, you are now using the door fruit, the maximum limit of how far you can create a space door.

"I'll try." Blueno raised his hand, waved his hand intently and opened an air door in the air.

Through the air door, Rozi can even see the sea outside.

"Captain Rozi, if I use my full strength now, I can probably open the air door at a distance of about 500 meters."

"500 meters." Rozi rubbed his chin, "The distance is not enough.

In Rozi's original plan, he planned to use Rozi's or Blueno's ability to take Ace away from Naval Headquarters' execution platform.

However, Ace must have seastone handcuffs on his hands, and using Op-Op Fruit may not be able to swap places.

So Rozi finally decided to use the power of the door fruit to take Ace away.

If Marine's seastone handcuffs are all of the same model, then the key of the seastone handcuffs he took from the warship before can also be used.

Even if the seastone key is useless, use the power of the Op-Op Fruit to open the seastone handcuffs.

However, the area of ​​Naval Headquarters is definitely comparable to a large town.

If the teleportation distance is only 500 meters, Blueno needs to rush to the front.

The closer to Ace's execution platform, the stronger the Marine's power will be.

Thinking of Blueno's physique which is close to 3000, it might be quite difficult for him to get close to there.

"Blueno, you are ready for war."

"There, I may need to borrow your fruit power."

"At that time, you will not be able to use the power of Devil Fruit for a period of time.

After thinking about it, Rozi decided to use the power of the door fruit by himself.

Although the degree of fruit development is not directly proportional to a person's physique point.

But with his physique much higher than Blueno's, Rozi felt that he could always open a farther portal than Blueno.

Moreover, with one's own power, it is more convenient to rush to the center of the battlefield.

"I see, Captain Rozi."

"If my power can help you, I'm very happy."

Blueno nodded with a smile.

Two thousand points of physique were gained out of thin air, far exceeding his 20 years of cultivation, even the dull Blueno seemed very happy.

"Okay, let's hold the meeting here." Rozi clapped his hands and stood up from his seat. "Kalifa, Lu Qi, your strength has been strengthened."

"Go and get familiar with each other first."

"You are all well-trained fighters, so you shouldn't need me to help you practice."

"Robin and Pacia, you two come with me."

"I still have some experience with Armament Haki."

"As for Pacia, your Devil Fruit ability, I will let other fruit ability users help you later."

"Now, let me help you get acquainted with this suddenly powerful physique."

Hearing Rozi's words, everyone nodded and walked out of the captain's room in an orderly manner.

Soon, only Nico Robin, Pacia, and Romy were left in the room.

"Let's go, let's go to the music room, the venue there is not small."

Kalifa and the others went to the deck, so Rozi had to find another space.

Nico Robin and Pacia walked out of the door one step at a time.

Rozi looked at Pacia's back and frowned slightly.

"Speaking of which, with a stronger system, Pacia, your dance should be able to take a step closer...

Dancing is a physical activity. With stronger physical fitness, dancers can perform more difficult movements and dances that can last longer.

He didn't expect it at first, but now seeing Pasia's figure in a dancer's costume, Rozi couldn't help but think of it.

"For such a thing, let Pacia try it later, don't you know?" Nico Robin raised his mouth slightly and looked at Pacia beside him. "You're right, Pacia."

Pacia replied in a low voice.

"That's right, just try it." Rozi shrugged, and quickened his pace to catch up with the two figures.

However, before he took a few steps, the sound of hurried footsteps came from the direction of the cell.

"Hey, you guys are done with your meeting, don't avoid me now."

Bonney raised his hand and tapped Rozi on the shoulder from behind.

"Speaking of which, where are you going?"

Bonney glanced at Pacia and Nico Robin.

When looking at Pacia, Bonney had a strange feeling in his heart.

‘Strange, why does this woman feel like she has become a lot stronger?

Bonney frowned tightly.

"We're going to the music room. If you're free and bored, you can come along."

Rozi smiled at Bonney and continued walking forward.

"Tsk, you are really leisurely, are you still in the mood to play music and watch dances at this time?"

Bonney smacked her mouth, although she had a taste of disgust, but she quickly followed the pace of Rozi and others.

At the same time, because of the other side of the sea.

A huge pirate sailboat in the shape of a whale is sailing fast on the sea.

The pirate flag on the sail is enough to make any task on the sea pay attention.

Not only because of the strength of the characters on the pirate ship, but also because at this moment, the people on the pirate ship have already become the world's attention.

At this time, a young man wearing a black top hat and holding a steel pipe jumped from a 4.0 boat onto the deck of the pirate ship.

Seeing the person coming, the people on the pirate ship nodded their heads one after another.

"Dad, Ace's brother is here."

The first team captain of the Whitebeard Pirates glanced at the visitor, and then spoke to the tall man lying on the armchair.

"Gu la la la, is Sabo here?"

"The Whitebeard Pirates welcome you. Speaking of which, do you want to be my son, Sabo?"

As soon as Whitebeard opened his mouth, there was a burst of heroic sky overcast.

"Thank you for the invitation, Whitebeard, but I'll forget it." Revolutionary Sabo shook his head and picked up the newspaper in his hand. "Have you read the latest newspaper, the news about former Shichibukai Rozi.

"Of course I have." Marko nodded, "Rozi is really an interesting guy who can kill Celestial Dragons at this time. But in this way, he will not participate in the war and help Marine stop us from saving Ace it."

"No, he will participate." Sabo smiled mysteriously and said in the curious eyes of everyone. "But please rest assured, Rozi is not an enemy."

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