Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 244 Marine Is Completely Defeated, A Question To Gion (For Subscription)

Marine warship, on deck.

"Mr. Zephyr, Momousagi Vice Admiral!"

"No, it's impossible, how could Mr. Zephyr lose?!"

"No, it must be all fake, how could such a thing happen.

At this moment, the Marine generals who were still awake on the Marine warship were completely desperate.

The wound on Zephyr's body that almost cut him in half, just looking at it, is shocking.

Even if he didn't die, he didn't have the strength to fight.

And Gion was stabbed into the body by Rozi's long knife, and the whole person was thrown into the sea.

From the point of view of the Marine generals, Gion has no chance of fighting Rozi.

After all, Rozi's knife, no matter how you look at it, pierced Gion's heart.

Only partners who are familiar with Rozi don't think so.

Pacia and others who joined later may not know it, but Reiju and others who have seen Rozi use "Thunderbolt Flash·Super Speed" to deal with Locke Dahl know that Rozi's move is usually in the form of slashing attack.

This time he chose to stab, it is very likely that Rozi did not intend to actually kill Gion.

Thinking of Zephyr who was still breathing, Reiju had a little clarity in his heart.

"The battle is over, let's go here."

Reiju glanced at General Marine, who was either knocked down or restrained.

"Lu Qi, don't kill that guy."

"Take everyone to the cells on the Explorer first."

"Those who have the ability of Devil Fruit should be locked in the seastone cage."

"Luo, the ex-Marine Admiral who is still breathing, and other Marines who have been seriously injured, I will trouble you to treat them. 11

"These men could be useful to Captain Rozi."

Hearing Reiju's words, Rozi, who was about to use "Finger Pistol" to understand the Marine general Shuzo in his hand, stopped the action of his hand.

After nodding, he punched Shuzo on the head, knocking him out.

Then, according to Reiju's instructions, he and others carried Marine to the explorer's cell.

In Rozi's absence, Reiju, the captain's assistant, speaks with a deep majesty.

Rob Lucci, who joined later, was naturally willing to follow her instructions.

"Mr. Zephyr, you are not dead?!"

"He's not dead yet, is he!"

At this time, a child's exclamation came from the boat.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a little girl walking over with Bonney.

"Children?" Luo frowned, "This is your fruit ability, Jewelry Bonney!"

"It's indeed my ability." Bonney glanced at the little girl Ian on hand, "This woman's ability is quite interesting, and she can even make me younger."

"It's just a pity that my fruit ability allows me to resist her fruit ability."

"I don't know if Rozi saw this and let me deal with her."

Hearing this, Luo raised his eyebrows: "Is it a fruit capable person, then lock it in the seastone cage first, and wait for Rozi to come back and deal with it.

Bonney nodded: "Yes, yes, but aren't you going to help Rozi? He's still in the sea."

"No need." Luo shook his head, "With Captain Rozi's strength, in that form, it's impossible for that female Marine to beat him. Besides, we fruit-capable people have no way to intervene."

"Well, that's true." Bonney shrugged, and was about to turn around and jump to the Explorer's deck.

"Wait, Mr. Zephyr is alright. Please, please heal Mr. Zephyr, don't let him die!"

Iron struggled in Bonney's hands, trying to see Zephyr.

However, with her current strength, she couldn't get rid of Jewelry Bonney, one of the supernova pirates.

Not to mention, Jewelry Bonney's fruit ability subtly restrained her.

"Don't move around, be careful, I'll knock you unconscious." Bonney threatened Ain fiercely, "But you attacked us first, and now you're still begging for mercy. Is Marine just so spineless?"

"Don't irritate her, Jewelry Bonney." At this moment, Luo had squatted beside Zephyr and checked his injuries. , "Marine, rest assured, Captain Rozi did not injure Zephyr's internal organs."

"Although some bones are broken, the former Marine Admiral system probably won't take too long to recover."

"He's not going to die, at least until Captain Rozi makes up his mind!"

Hearing Luo's words, Ian, who had been brought to the Explorer by Bonney, breathed a sigh of relief.

'Great, Teacher Zephyr is not dead, there is still a chance. "

A glimmer of hope surged in Ai En's heart.

Although I don't understand why Rozi didn't kill Zephyr on the spot.

But as long as Zephyr is alive, she can be strong.

At the same time, on the other side, in the sea.

"Don't move, although I am a pity, but for the enemy."

"Even if it's a woman, I can kill it. You don't want to be a woman like Kujo Zero who was cut twice by me, Ms. Marine Admiral?"

"I, your heart, is now in my hands."

Rozi leaned close to Gion's ear and whispered.

Although it is in the sea, but the strength has reached the level of Rozi and Gion, it does not affect the ability to speak in the water.

"My heart..." Gion felt the blade in his body that was close to his heart, and heaved a long sigh in his heart. "If it weren't for this situation, I would have thought you were teasing me, former Seven Warlords of the Sea Rozi?"

While speaking, Gion also gave up struggling, his whole body relaxed, and his body was no longer tense.

Even the famous knife in his hand was released, as if he didn't intend to resist at all.

"That's right." The corners of Rozi's mouth curled up slightly, "I have two questions for you, please answer them honestly."

"Remember, don't use any tricks, your answer will affect your life and death and the life and death of all soldiers on the Marine warship, including Zephyr.

Hearing this, Gion raised his eyebrows: "You mean, Zephyr Instructor is not dead?"

"I didn't ask you to ask a question, Miss Marine." Rozi glanced at the man-eating sharks and other creatures around who were attracted by the bloody smell of Gion, "If you don't want your beautiful body to become the food of sea beasts If so, please answer my question as soon as possible."

, Are you here specifically to arrest us? "

"Second, if yes, besides you, are there other Marines hunting us at this moment?"


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