Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 268 Awakening Fruit, Stop Doflamingo

'What are these two guys doing?!

Doflamingo's eyes tightened, and he quickly gave up the attack on Rozi, and instead swung a shield composed of two lines to block Hancock's kick and Hawkeye's slash respectively.


With two extremely crisp sounds, one line shield automatically petrified and shattered, while the other line shield was directly split into two pieces after blocking Hawkeye's sword energy for a second.

Although the wire shield took effect for a very short time, it was enough to make Doflamingo leave his original position.

"Those two guys, what are you doing?!"

Sengoku nearly shattered his glasses on the execution platform.

If Doflamingo joins the battle, Sengoku believes that he will be able to cooperate with Hawkeye to take Rozi down.

He never expected that just when Doflamingo was attacking Rozi, Hawkeye would turn his sword around.

Hancock, on the other hand, will attack Doflamingo directly.

"Hawkeye is the number one swordsman in the world after all, and Doflamingo will definitely make him unhappy if he disturbs his battle." Crane shook his head, looking at the battle with Doflamingo at the moment

Confronting Hancock.

"However, Hancock would attack Doflamingo."

"Did the man play a joke on Hancock?"

Thinking of Doflamingo teasing himself and his sisters when he led the fleet to pursue the Don Quixote family, Crane suddenly thought it was very possible.

【Hahaha, look at Doflamingo's confused look, he doesn't understand why he was attacked by Hancock at all right now. 】

【Stupid, Doflamingo, Empress Hancock is also our brother Qi's partner, you would never have thought of it. 】

【I was worried that brother Qi would be besieged just now, but now it seems that I was thinking too much. 】

[Hancock's shot is naturally good, but will this make her suspicious. 】

【What's the matter, didn't Hawkeye also attack Doflamingo? Marine asked, and said that Doflamingo was rude to Hancock, so she planned to teach Doflamingo a lesson. 】

【In this way... I don’t know if it’s possible, but after all, Hawkeye will attack Doflamingo, why is that?】

Not only the audience was puzzled, but even Doflamingo was also puzzled.

He didn't understand why it was not Rozi who was attacked, but himself.

Caressing his red sunglasses that were cracked by the sudden attack from the first beauty and the first swordsman just now, a blue vein protruded from Doflamingo's forehead suddenly.

"Hancock, what are you thinking, woman, why are you attacking me?"

Doflamingo demanded sharply.

"Hmph, what does my concubine need to do, do I need to explain to you?" Hancock glanced at Rozi secretly, and saw Rozi shake his head slightly.

She caressed her hair and looked at Doflamingo with a cold face: "I don't need to explain to anyone what I did, and even if I do something, I won't be blamed."

"If you want to ask why, it's because the concubine is so beautiful!"

"I don't know the so-called woman!" Doflamingo's face twitched fiercely, and he turned to look at Hawkeye, "Then what about you, why did you attack me, Hawkeye?"

"Disturbing the duel between the swordsmen, the attack on you just now is considered light, Heavenly Yaksha."

Hawkeye looked at Doflamingo coldly, and his words were full of disdain for Doflamingo who was Shichibukai.

"You two guys!" Doflamingo gritted his teeth and was about to say something.

The ground it trampled on began to surge suddenly, and then turned into spears and swords, stabbing towards Doflamingo's body.

Without hesitation, Doflamingo immediately jumped into the air.

However, the weapons on the ground did not let Doflamingo go. Swords, guns, swords and halberds shot out directly, chasing Doflamingo.


Doflamingo roared viciously, and immediately wrapped the silk thread around, blocking the attack from baby5.

Although no (cjea) saw baby5, how could Doflamingo, who had seen baby5's Devil Fruit awakening ability in Sabaody Archipelago, not recognize her ability.

"Rozi, are you okay?" baby5 landed beside Rozi from the sky, and looked at Rozi worriedly.

After seeing Rozi stopped by Hawkeye and Doflamingo, I was worried that Rozi's baby could not take care of so much.

Even though the distance was still far away, she chose to directly activate the awakened power of Devil Fruit. After blasting all the Marine generals along the way with the awakened ability, she directly chose to attack Doflamingo.

After the arrival of baby5, Rob Lucci, Luo, Nuo Qigao, Conis and other four strong partners also followed the path opened by baby5 and came to Rozi.

Seeing Rozi's partner coming, thinking of the agreement with Rozi before going to Naval Headquarters, and Rozi shaking his head just now, Hancock pursed his lips and quietly retreated elsewhere.

Although he hopes to help Rozi in the war, Hancock is not far from breaking the agreement with Rozi on Daughter Island.

At that time, in order to prevent Hancock from losing his Shichibukai identity, Rozi asked Hancock not to let her help him in the war.

Unless it is absolutely necessary.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Rozi said with a smile.

"Yeah." baby5 showed a big smile to Rozi, "I'll stop Doflamingo for you, you can rest assured and do your own thing."

As soon as the voice fell, baby5 rushed towards Doflamingo who was trapped by himself with various weapons.

Rozi frowned, and looked at Luo and the others beside him: "You guys also go to help baby5, I'm enough here."

Doflamingo's strength is not weak, and because he has a grudge against him, he is likely to choose Quanli Town.

So let baby5 deal with Doflamingo alone, Rozi couldn't let it go.

"Yes, yes, but what are you going to do with the man in front of you?" Luo looked at Hawkeye solemnly, "Don't we need you to stop this man?"

"No, I have other helpers besides you."

Rozi laughed.

"Other helpers?" Luo raised his eyebrows, and when he was about to ask Rozi, a sharp figure broke into Luo's perception.

He looked up, and the captain of Whitebeard's 5th Division "Foil Sword" Vesta, holding a double knife, fell from the sky and landed beside Rozi.

"The number one swordsman in the world, I also want to challenge you, you should not dislike it.

Bista said with a laugh.

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