Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 306 Garp, You Go And Get Rozi Back Now

Because the materials in Sabo's hands are not enough, the life paper Rozi got is not enough to distribute to everyone on the expedition.

Baby5, Reiju, including Mikita and other people who joined the expedition earlier got a corner of Rozi's life paper.

But those who joined later like Whitey Bay did not get Rozi's life paper.

Seeing the burning paper of life in the hands of baby5, Reiju, Mikita and others, Whitey Bay, Jewelry Bonney and others frowned.

"Is this thing Rozi's life paper?"

"Is Rozi in some danger?"

Jewelry Bonney rested her chin on one hand, feeling heavy in her heart.

Although she has only just officially joined Rozi, she has been aboard the Expedition since she was in the waters of the Sabaody Archipelago.

After such a period of sailing, with the help of Rozi, although Bonney usually seems to be against Rozi, she still remembers her as the captain in her heart.

Similar to Bonney, there is also Whitey Bay, who finally met a man who is interested and has great kindness to him, Whitey Bay doesn't want Rozi to die like this.

"Hey, Reiju, let's sail down to Impel now."

"Following the guidance of the life paper, we were able to pinpoint Rozi's location."

Waitibbe looked at Reiju and said.

"Hmm!" Reiju raised his head in disbelief, and looked towards the other side of the sea.

"While Captain Rozi told us to wait, this is not the time to watch.

"Everyone, Pepper, set sail."

"Use the wind cannon to drive to the defense where Captain Rozi is at the fastest speed."

Peibo nodded heavily: "Understood, Reiju, I'll do it now!"

Everyone on the Explorer moved at the fastest speed, and after a while, the Explorer drove towards the direction indicated by the life paper at an extremely fast speed.

"You must be fine, Rozi."

baby5 held the paper of life tightly and put it in his heart, looking worriedly at the sea ahead.

Whitey patted baby5's shoulder lightly, and comforted him: "Rozi's strength, you who first followed Rozi know better than me, he will definitely be fine."

"Well, he'll be fine." Baby5 nodded heavily, as if answering Whitey Bay, as if to convince himself.

Meanwhile, Naval Headquarters heads towards Impel down.

On a Marine warship, Garp is using a phone bug to communicate with Sengoku in Naval Headquarters.

"What, that guy from Rozi country dropped Impel down?"

"Are you kidding me, Sengoku, it's just been a day, and the guy can't sit still?"

"How could that guy go to Impel down, and he has no partner to be caught Impel down."

"Huh? The deputy warden of Impel down said that? She saw Rozi with her own eyes?"

"Hey, hey, are you kidding, Rozi took Jinbei away, and killed Mazelen, deputy director Hannyabal is alive or dead?"

"Okay, I understand, let me go through it all."

Garp put on the microphone of the phone bug, looking forward with a solemn and responsible face.

‘Rozi, aren’t you embarrassing me, kid?”

For Rozi, want to hunt.

At least if Rozi just saved Ace

But Marine's responsibility made him

"Garp, stop dawdling, and come with me to Impel down immediately."

"Now we must pursue Rozi and the others!"

The cp0 agent walked up to Garp and looked at Garp seriously.

When Garp was talking to Sengoku just now, the cp0 agent had also received a notification from the World government, asking him to catch Rozi who was going to Impel down to rob prison.

However, even though cp0 agent is confident in his own strength, he doesn't think he can defeat Rozi who killed Mazelen.

Mazelen will force Shiryu to become the director of Impel down. In addition to Marine Sengoku's acknowledgment, Five Elders also recognizes his strength.

In a way, cp0 agents would rather face the Admiral of Headquarters than face the poison guy in Mazelen.

Fighting with Mazelen, one negligence may result in loss of life.

Chase can defeat Rozi who possesses such power Mazelen, at this time, he can only choose to rely on the Marine hero Garp.

Even though he was quite upset with this old man who didn't take himself seriously.

"Cut, I don't need you to tell me."

Garp smacked his mouth and turned to look at the adjutant beside him.

"You continue to sail in the direction of Impel down, and I will pass by myself first."

After saying that, Garp stepped on the deck with both feet, and the whole person flew up at an extremely fast speed.

Stepping on the Moonwalk, he quickly flew towards the direction of Impel down, and quickly dropped the Marine warship hundreds of meters away.

The cp0 agent's face hidden under the mask wrinkled, his feet were vigorous, and he also used Moonwalk to rush towards the direction Garp left.

It's just that his strength is far inferior to Garp's after all, and within a short while, he was completely left behind by Garp.

"Rozi, so you are here."

"It's already this time, do you still have time to wash your body?"

After searching for a while in the cabin, Zala finally found Rozi in bathroom 513 and walked in with a smile.

At this moment, Rozi was lying in the bathtub, leaving only half of his head above the water.

Zala walked closer and found that there were bursts of cold air floating in the bathtub, and there were many ice cubes floating on the water.

Seeing this scene, Zala raised an eyebrow.

"Others like to use hot water, but Rozi, you tend to use cold water...Huh? It doesn't seem like that."

"Rozi, what's the matter with you, your skin is so red, would a man like you send invitations casually?"

Zala looked at Rozi with a smile, and saw Rozi's abnormally hot body through the water and ice.

Hearing Zala's voice, Rozi raised his head from the water, and looked at Zala with shame.

"You think I'd be interested in that sort of thing while I'm on my way?"

"Then why are you in such a posture now." Zala covered her mouth and chuckled, "You actually used ice water to suppress your Yuwang or something."

"Speaking of which, I am the only real woman on the warship, and the others brought out by Ivankov are just a group of new humans."

"Rozi, don't you suddenly become interested in me?

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