Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 311: Zala Joins, Garp Arrives

"Hug, it's really a pity." Rozi smiled, and found the fleet seal in his personal space.

Although he has Mazelen's toxin on his body, but if he just uses the seal to engrave the fleet's mark on Zala, Rozi doesn't think it will make Zala infected with Mazelen's toxin.

Meanwhile, Rozi's mind was racing with Zala's fit for the fleet position.

Under normal circumstances, the position of "combat member" can be adapted to people with some combat effectiveness.

But because the three Hancock sisters, Qiang Baru and Jewelry Bonney have already occupied the five positions of "combat members".

Therefore, even if Zala joins the team, he cannot be a combat member of the Explorer.

Although Rozi knew that Zala once opened a bar in Alabasta and should have certain skills in bartending, the position of "bartender" has been taken by Blueno.

In this way, Zala may only be able to join the team as a "sailor" without a position, and expects that there will be a suitable position after the fleet is upgraded to level 4.

Just like Brook who just joined.

However, after knowing that when the fleet is upgraded 29, partners with positions can get a lot of bonuses, and Rozi, as the captain, can also get rewards for the promotion of the rank of the fleet members, let Zala use " Rozi felt that it was a pity to join the team as a sailor.

'Wait, Zala is enough to adapt to the barista

Rozi raised his head and looked up and down Zala in prison uniform, showing a pair of snow-white long legs.

He remembered, in the side story of the original One Piece book about the agents of the Bar Locke agency.

Zala once opened a coffee shop called "Spider Cafe".

It stands to reason that to be able to open such a store, one should have good "barista" skills.

And in the tier 3 fleet, there is such a position as "Coffee City".

"Captain Rozi, is there something on me that you're looking at me like that?"

Seeing Rozi's scrutinizing gaze, Zala asked with some doubts.

"Nothing, just wondering what position you should take on my ship." Rozi smiled, "Hey, Zala, can you make coffee?"

"Make coffee?" Zala tilted her head, more puzzled. "Yes yes, but Captain Rozi why are you asking me this? You don't want me to be a barista on your ship do you?"

"You guessed it." The corner of Rozi's mouth curled up, "As long as your skills are qualified, you will be the barista on our ship. It just so happens that not everyone in the bar on my ship wants to drink at all times. "

"Captain Rozi, are you joking? You asked me to join your fleet, don't you need me to help you fight? Although my strength may not be very strong, as a "thorn fruit" ability user, I still have some Combat."

"Battle is battle, but it would be great if I could be the barista on the ship and serve everyone coffee to relieve fatigue. Moreover, if I can hold a certain "position" on my ship, I will be able to get a lot of rewards in the future." Less benefits."

Zala blinked and looked at Rozi's mysterious smile. Although she was a little puzzled, she agreed after a little thought.

"Well, since the new boss has entrusted me, then let's take over the barista job. It seems a lot more comfortable than being an agent."

"To tell you the truth, I'd like to be able to direct a barista."

"Suddenly, Captain Rozi, you seem to have seen through my heart.

Speaking of this, Zala laughed from the bottom of his heart.

Having read the original book, I can see through your heart to a certain extent.

Thinking in his heart, Rozi raised his hand and waved to Zala.

"Come here, Zala, and I seal the mark for you and the convoy.

"Don't worry about being poisoned, if you just use this seal to touch you, it won't hurt you.

Rozi raised the seal in his hand.

"The mark of the fleet?" Zala tilted his head, "Then print it on the back for me.

Saying that, Zala turned around and put her hands on both sides of the prison uniform and slowly lifted her own clothes, showing her back in front of Rozi.

Looking at Zala's beautiful figure, Rozi suddenly felt that his blood flow, which had just been calmed down a lot, sped up a lot again.

He hurriedly got up and engraved the seal on Zala's back.

[Congratulations, you have successfully invited black iron-level partners and obtained 500 physical points. 】

"Okay, put your clothes down, Zala, the seal has been engraved for you."

Hearing the prompt in his mind, Rozi immediately sat back in the water and opened the personal information column about Zala at the same time.

Sure enough, I saw on her information bar that she is suitable for the position of "barista".

Without any hesitation, Rozi immediately fixed Zala's position in the "barista" column.

[Congratulations, you are the first challenger with a "barista" partner. 】

[It is detected that Zala's "barista" skill level is silver level, and a special silver treasure box will be rewarded. 】

【You have opened the silver treasure chest, congratulations on obtaining the intermediate Armament Haki card, and congratulations to Chu State on obtaining B-level coal resources. 】

‘Intermediate Armament Haki card. '

Rozi popped out the enhanced card he had just obtained, raised his head and glanced at the clothes he had tidied up, then turned to look at Zala himself, with a heartbeat, the card in his hand turned into air flow and merged into Zala's body.

"Huh?! This feeling... Rozi, what happened to the air flow just now?"

"Why do I suddenly feel a force in my body?"

Zala shook his fists, looked at Rozi in amazement and asked.

"This power is called Armament Haki, and it's my reward for joining the Explorer.

Rozi laughed.

Since the "Intermediate Armament Haki Card" is a reward for joining Zala, Rozi feels that it is better to use it directly on Zala703.

Although Zala's current physique may not be able to exert the power of the armed color, but after the fleet is upgraded to level 4, maybe she can get a good physical enhancement.

"Captain Rozi, are you... able to empower others?"

"It seems that I have joined an amazing team."

The corners of Zala's mouth curled up slightly.

Rozi smiled and was about to say something when suddenly he frowned and got up quickly and came to Zala.

Just when Zala was puzzled by Rozi's actions, the cabin ceiling suddenly shattered with a "boom".

A shell shattered the roof of the cabin and headed straight for Zala.

Rozi raised his hand, covered Armament Haki's hand to catch the shell, and then threw it in the original direction.


A few seconds later, a huge explosion sounded outside the ship.

"Rozi, just now that was..."

Zala stood behind Rozi, looking at Rozi worriedly.

Before Zala could finish speaking, the huge roar of the sun spread from the ship to the entire Marine warship.

"Rozi, get out of here you boy!"

"A troublesome character is coming." Rozi sighed, walked aside and picked up the clothes he had hung on the hanger.

"Captain Rozi, who do you think is coming?"

Seeing Rozi getting dressed and walking towards the door, Zala quickly followed.

"Marine hero, Garp.

Rozi replied seriously.

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