Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 319 Sengoku: Garp, Have You Caught Rozi Yet?

"If you mind, just leave my room after dark.

"But I think you don't mind being in the same room with a man for 24 hours."

Rozi said to Whitey Bay as he stuffed food into his mouth.

Whitey Bay opened her mouth, and just as she was about to speak back to Rozi, a picture that she had never~ seen before suddenly flashed in her mind.

In the picture, Rozi's eyes are closed tightly, his right hand rests on the handle of the knife at his waist, and his whole body is tense in a posture of drawing a knife and slashing.

The next moment, a golden thunderbolt suddenly rose from Rozi's body, and he rushed forward with the appearance of the thunderbolt, and swung the knife in one go.

At this time, Whitey found that standing opposite Rozi was Mihawk, the world's number one swordsman who had once fought against Rozi.

Under Whitebey's surprised eyes, Rozi's figure moved around Mihawk, swung five knives in a row, and when he was about to swing the sixth knives, the knife in his hand broke.

With the knife in Rozi's hand disconnected, Whitey Bay's consciousness returned to the real world.

At the same time, the mysterious voice of the forbidden space sounded in Rozi's mind.

【Your partner Whitey has learned "Breath of Thunder · One Shape · Thunderbolt Flash" and "Thunder Breath · One Shape · Thunderbolt Flash · Six Links". 】

"This feeling." Whitey raised his hand and stroked his forehead, "I really learned your sword skills, Captain Rozi."

At this time, Whitey Bay could clearly feel that he had not just watched the scene of Rozi performing the "breath of thunder" sword technique.

Her body seemed to be in sync with Rozi at the moment Rozi swung his sword at Mihawk, clearly aware that it was Rozi who was fighting Hawkeye.

But when Rozi used the sword technique, her consciousness seemed to be synchronized with Rozi's body, and they attacked Hawkeye together.

"Well, my swordsmanship is not bad." Rozi raised his mouth, "Although it is not convenient to swing a sword at this time, it should be fine just to use the breath of thunder. Why don't you try it, Whitey Bay."

Hearing Rozi's words, Whitey Bay immediately had an impulse to experiment with Thunder's Breath.

Following her body's instinct, she closed her eyes and began to breathe rhythmically.

In just a few seconds, Whitey Bay's body was surrounded by golden thunder that was exactly the same as when Rozi used Thunder's Breath.

"This... I really did it!"

Whitey opened his eyes and took a look at the thunder on his body, then hugged Rozi excitedly and stamped his red lips on his face.

"It's incredible, Rozi, your "breath of thunder" swordsmanship is amazing."

"It's miraculous, can you let me go? I haven't finished my meal yet." Rozi pointed to the dishes on his table.

At this moment, the door of the captain's room was pushed open, and Nuo Qigao's figure appeared in front of Rozi again.

Behind her stood the tall murloc Jinbei.

"I didn't disturb the two of you."

Looking at Waitibai who was hugging Rozi tightly, Nuo Qigao showed a meaningful smile.

Jinbei behind her scratched his cheek and turned his head to the right.

"Come in, Noggie, I just don't think there's enough food."

Rozi smiled and waved to Nuo Qi who was holding a stack of materials.

While Rozi was speaking, Whitebee momentarily let go of Rozi's arms.

But she removed her own chair and squeezed into a chair with Rozi directly.

Rozi turned his head and gave Whitey Bay a look, not waiting for her to say something.

Dibei chuckled and said, "It's more convenient for you to share your sword skills with me, isn't it?"

With that said, Whitey Bay also glanced at the golden circle of light around him, after noticing Nuo Qigao who walked in.

She continued: "Rozi, does this aperture work on the other partners?"

"This won't work." Rozi shook his head, "Although I really want the aperture range to be effective for all the partners of the Explorer, there is no such good thing in the world, at least the card just now can't."

Rozi moved around so that he could sit more comfortably in the chair.

Just as Rozi moved, Whitey Bay moved directly to the center of the chair, and Rozi sat directly on her lap when he sat down.

Rozi's face twitched, and he looked back at Waitibbe, only to see that she smiled mischievously, and had no intention of moving her body at all.

Seeing this scene, Nuoqi, who put the dinner plate on Rozi's desk, smiled even more.

And Jinbei outside the captain's mouth opened his mouth wide, looking at Whitey Bei in surprise.

In his understanding, Whitey Bay is not a woman who would do such a thing.

'This woman. ’ Rozi sighed inwardly, and turned to look at Jinbei.

He knew that Whitey Bay wanted to get as close as possible to him because he really got his kendo knowledge from the sharing circle.

After all, I said before that in the sharing circle, the closer she is to me, the higher the probability of sharing the kendo skills.

Rozi couldn't say anything about her thoughts.

"Jinbei, what is the purpose of you coming to see me?"

"Cough cough." Jinbei coughed twice with his fist covering his mouth, then raised his head, glanced at the golden translucent sharing circle beside Rozi and Wydibe, and said to Rozi:

"Rozi, I just heard that your next stop is to go to The fish men island."

"I have a request, I hope you can take me to The fish men island."

Hearing this, Rozi raised his eyebrows: "Is that the only requirement? Of course there is no problem. But because I will go to the Sabaody Archipelago for coating later, in order to avoid any accidents, I need to recover my physical fitness first. I hope you don't mind staying for a day or two at night." go back."

………… Ask for flowers…

"Of course I don't mind." Jinbei shook his head, "Then, I won't disturb you, Rozi."

Jinbei took a deep look at Wadibei and Rozi, then turned and walked towards the deck without hesitation.

'Did I, bother Whitey be her. '

Jinbei shook his head, and suddenly felt that he couldn't understand that Huai Di had seen him.

When she appeared on the expedition, Jinbei was already very surprised.

After hearing from Huai Dibei that she had transferred to Rozi's side and became Rozi's partner, Jinbei grew his mouth even more.

Now seeing Waitibai so close to Rozi again, Jinbei could hardly control his expression.

"What the hell was going on out there while I was being held down by Impel down."

'Why does Whitebae seem to like Rozi. '

"Speaking of which, Whitey Bay is much older than Rozi. Although it is a good thing that Whitey Bay can find a good man, will Rozi not mind her age?"

Speaking of which, what's up with the aperture around Rozi and Whitey Bay?

'Well...forget it, I'd better not go into these.

Jinbei frowned and shook his head, completely oblivious to Rozi's partner who was looking at him strangely in the aisle.

On the other side of the sea, Impel down.

After flying for a while, Garp finally reached the coast of Impel down.

Looking at the broken appearance of Impel down, Garp sighed deeply.


As soon as Garp and cp0 agents stopped Rozi, a group of jailers immediately surrounded him.

After Rozi made a big fuss about Impel down, the jailers in Impel down are now on high alert.

They dared not be careless when they saw men alight on the coast of Impel down.

In Impel down, Sadichan, the only high-ranking officer who was not injured, also trotted in front of Garp.

"Marine Hero Garp, what are you doing here?"

Sadi Chan frowned.

"I came to catch Rozi, but the kid escaped in the end."

Garp said, throwing the cp0 agent in front of the jailers.

"This guy was injured by Rozi's partner, please help him heal."

"Don't worry about me, I have to give Sengoku a call first."

Hearing that the wounded person in front of him was cp0 agent, Sadi Chan was shocked, and quickly ordered the jailers to take cp0 agent to treat him.

She understood that if the cp0 agent died here, the impel down people like them would have to be in charge.

Meanwhile, Garp's call has been made to Naval Headquarters.

Just after dialing, Sengoku's voice came from the phone.

"Garp, did you catch Rozi and them?"


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