Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 225: Unfinished Sharing, Arrive At Sabaody Land Again (Subscribe)

"this is?"

Luo's eyes widened slightly, looking curiously at the surrounding translucent silver halo.

The so-called "Share Card" is a new thing after all. Apart from personally experiencing the "Share Card" ability and hearing about Reiju and others, Luo and some other people on the expedition do not know about the "Share Card" What kind of strengthening card is it.

Seeing that Luo was a little confused, Rozi smiled and explained the function of this silver sharing circle.

"I see, that means that if I stay here, it is possible for me to learn the sword skills of the "Breath of Thunder" series directly from you?"

After listening to Rozi's explanation, Luo groped his chin to understand.

"Captain, there are more and more new gadgets on your side."

After speaking, Luo couldn't help laughing.

No one dislikes becoming stronger, especially Luo hopes that one day he can personally eliminate Doflamingo and avenge his benefactor Rosinante.

He once agreed to Rozi to join the expedition because he felt that Rozi could make him stronger. "Eight seven three" In fact, Rozi did it.

And it is still made stronger in an incredible way.

And after hearing that his "medical skills" level will be directly related to the breadth of his road to becoming stronger, Luo Ke has spent a lot of time in enriching his medical skills during this period.

Just so that Rozi can get more power when he strengthens his partners collectively next time.

However, all along, Luo Du felt a little regretful that he had not been able to learn Rozi's swordsmanship.

Although he didn't intend to become a great swordsman or anything, he was also very curious about Rozi's "Breath of Thunder".

It's just that after studying with Rozi for a period of time but making no progress, he can only withdraw his energy and devote more time to developing his own Devil Fruit ability.

"So, you stay with me for 24 hours." Rozi put his hand on Luo's shoulder.

Push him towards the restaurant.

"Although I can't guarantee that you can learn all the sword skills here, at least I can give you an opening in "Breath of Thunder".

"Once you understand "Thunder's Breath", maybe you can develop your own power based on its characteristics and your fruit ability.

With Op-Op Fruit and Breath of Thunder, Rozi thinks that Luo will be able to play with these two abilities.

As if to prove Rozi's words, his voice just fell.

A flash of understanding suddenly flashed in Luo's mind.

At the same time, a reminder from the mysterious voice in the forbidden space came to Rozi's mind.

[Your partner Trafalgar Law has learned "Thunder's Breath·Thunderbolt Flash". 】

Luo was stunned for a moment, then raised the brim of his hat: "Yeah, what a magical power, it seems that I have to stay with you all day, captain."

Rozi smiled and patted Luo on the shoulder: "Let's go, accompany me to dinner, and then accompany me to the training room."

After speaking, Rozi pushed Luo and walked towards the restaurant while chatting.

"Thunder's Breath·Thunderbolt Flash·Six Links!"


White's figure turned into golden thunderbolt afterimages, flashing repeatedly in the training room, and finally stopped at the center of the training room.

Crack, crack, crack!

Rozi smiled and clapped his hands, beside him was Luo, the ship's doctor.

"Very well, you are already thoroughly familiar with this move, Sandiba.

Rozi looked relieved at Whitey Bay, the golden "swordsman" of the fleet.

Although Whitey took some special ways to obtain this "golden" rank, Rozi is still very happy that his partner can be strengthened.

After all, after the upgrade of the fleet, Whitebey's level of swordsman has been upgraded from "silver" to "gold", which is enough for Rozi to get a golden treasure chest.

If it were not for the consideration that the "Sword Sharing Card (Silver)" might not increase the rank of Whitebee's "Swordsman", Rozi would not choose to use the "Sword Sharing Card (Gold)" on her.

"If we didn't use that enhancement card on him, maybe the relationship between the two of us wouldn't be like this.

Rozi looked at White Bay, muttering under his breath.

"Hee hee, after all, it is the knowledge shared directly from you, Captain Rozi. If you can't quickly and thoroughly grasp it, then I'm really sorry for you, Captain Rozi."

Whitby walked up to Rozi, leaned down and whispered in Rozi's ear:

"Captain Rozi, are you regretting using the "Kendo Sharing Card (Gold)" on me, hehe.

Rozi's face twitched, and he looked at Whitey Bay speechlessly.

He always felt that the current Ice Witch was getting less and less "ice", although she still maintained a mature and cold appearance in many cases.

But when facing him, he acted naughty and cute like a 20-year-old girl.

Whitebee looked at Rozi's expression with great interest, then got up and looked at Luo beside him:

"Ro, do you need to try the power you have obtained? You should have obtained some power from Captain Rozi."

While speaking, Whitey Bay looked at the surrounding sharing circle.

Unlike the sharing circle that Rozi used for her before, the sharing circle that surrounds Rozi and Luo is a translucent energy circle composed of silver as the base tone.

"No." Luo shook his head, ""Thunder's Breath · Thunderbolt Flash", "Thunder's Breath · Thunderbolt Flash · Liulian", although I have learned these sword skills, it is not suitable to try now..

As he spoke, Luo looked around at the semicircular energy shield with Rozi as the center that only spread about 2 meters around.

"That's right, it would be too bad if you accidentally broke out of the sharing circle when you were trying."

Whitebee chuckled.

"You're still laughing." Rozi stood up and poked Whitby's face with his hand, "Before I told you not to use the "Thunderbolt Flash".

"As a result, you used this move right after you came to the training room. It must have made your legs tired for a long time."

"It's a good thing you didn't use super speed, otherwise I think you will have a good rest today."

The corners of Wadibe's mouth curled up slightly, and he stretched out his hand to embrace Rozi's hand pointing at her face into his arms.

"Captain Rozi, are you concerned about me?"

"Hehe, you can say whatever you like." Rozi shook his head.

At this moment, the door of the training room was pushed open.

The three of Rozi looked back, just in time to see Jewelry Bonney talking while walking towards the training room with a layer of pizza.

"Hey, Captain Rozi, Reiju asked me to inform you that the Sabaody Archipelago has almost arrived."

"Do you need to land on the Sabaody Archipelago now."

Hearing this, Rozi raised his eyebrows: "Have you arrived yet?"

Even if you are not in a hurry, you have already sailed for more than a day, and it is normal to arrive at Sabaody Archipelago.

After feeling the condition of his body, Rozi asked Bonney:

"How is the situation at Sabaody Archipelago? Have you found Marine Admiral and others?"

"No." Bonney shook his head, "Nami has already used her Observation Haki to perceive, and there is no aura of the presence of Marine, Admiral and others in 3.2. I think they are not on the island."

As the owner of high-level Observation Haki and Thunder Fruit abilities, Nami's Observation Haki coverage can already cover an island.

After all, Sabaody Archipelago is just an island, not a country. If Nami intends to, it is enough to scan the entire Sabaody Archipelago.

Unless Marine 3 Admiral intentionally hides the aura, Nami who has noticed the aura of Akainu and others in Naval Headquarters will definitely be able to detect it.

"Okay, since they're not here, let's pull the boat over." Rozi rubbed his still stiff neck, "Let's get everyone ready and wait until the coating of the Explorer is finished."

Let's get out of here. "

"By the way, this time everyone landed on the island, don't act alone to avoid trouble.

"Luo, the time for the "Sharing Circle" is not over, you still act together with me, it would be great if you can share more things.

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