Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 344 Set Sail To The Fish Men Island, Convenient Coating Technology (For Subscription)

Domino was a spy, and Rozi hadn't thought about the possibility.

It's just related to the description of Domino in the original book, and the incident that happened in Impel down before adding it.

Rozi thinks the chances of Domino being a spy are too low.

Mazelen is dead, but she is safe and sound. It is indeed possible for cp0 agents and the World Government to let her go.

In fact, Rozi felt that the World government would be doing a great favor by letting Domino go instead of imprisoning him.

Even if Domino is really a spy, Romy is not worried.

Now on the Expedition, the CP9 quartet is a secret agent, and Nico Robin, Bentham, and Zala are secret agents of the Pakistani Locke Agency.

Vince Mo Ke Reiju, who is the princess of Germa 66, is also careful.

Even if Rozi himself doesn't pay attention to whether Domino is a spy, his friends will help Rozi arrange it properly~.

Of course, until Domino officially joins, the secrets on the Explorer will be kept from her.

Just like everyone on the Explorer now keeps Rozi and the secrets on the Explorer to Jinbei of Shichibukai.

"Your friends don't seem to believe me, so you'd better let me go."

Domino didn't answer Kalifa, but raised his head and stared straight at Rozi.

While Rozi's words about "going to see the world" make him somewhat interested, it's only interested.

After all, she wouldn't be on board the Explorer if Rozi hadn't been pushing her.

"Don't worry, stay on my boat for a while now.

"If after a period of time, you still don't plan to board the ship, I'm letting you get off the ship."

"Just right, you can also take this time to think about what to do next."

Rozi patted Domino's shoulder and said with a smile.

Of course, letting Domino stay on the expedition for a while is to give her time to think about whether to stay on the expedition.

Also give Rozi some time to think about Domino.

After all, it was just Rozi's whim to pull her on board.

If in the future Rozi feels that Domino is not suitable to stay on board, or if after a long time, her name does not appear in the "reserved partner" column.

No need for Domino to say anything, Rozi will persuade her to get off the boat.

"Okay, everyone, let's set sail, we should go to the next island."

Before Domino refused, Rozi said to his partner with a smile all over his face.

After receiving the order, Nami, Peibo and others took action one after another.

Even Jinbei, who was on the boat, helped to furl the sails.

Soon, the explorer took advantage of the properties brought by the coating and dived directly into the seabed, heading towards The fishmen island hidden in the deep sea.

【Fuck me, I also said what are the bubbles around the explorer for? It turned out that the explorer was heading towards the sea?!】

【It's too exaggerated. According to the previous conversations between Brother Qi and the crew, The fish men island is in the sea at a depth of 10,000 meters under the sea. Are these fragile bubbles really able to withstand the pressure of such a large seawater?】

[It is indeed very long. Even a submarine made of steel cannot reach the deep sea. If the air bubbles can help the wooden boat reach the deep say, if this coating technology is passed on In our real world, will our exploration in the deep sea be much more convenient? 】

[The beginning and the end are convenient. There are many researches that could not be carried out in the past, and many major achievements will be made. The premise is that this bubble can really take Brother Qi to The fish men island. 】

Of course you can, haven't you watched the live broadcast of Mao Xiong Guosuo Fia, she used the bag to go to The fish men island first.

It's just that her boat is a bit slow, and she hasn't been able to reach The fish men island yet. Even so, her ship has reached the deep waters. 】

【Now I just want to know whether this bubble technology can be brought to the real world through the treasure chest obtained by the challenger. Of course, I also look at the legendary mermaid]

[Upstairs, we thought of getting together. Speaking of which, I don’t know what happened to the mermaid that Brother Qi saved from the slave auction for the first time. Tsk tsk, that graceful figure, the mermaid is really amazing. 】

[Big brother upstairs, I have to remind you that the lower body of a mermaid is a fish. 】

After the Explorer dived into the seabed and began to sail steadily.

Rozi left the deck and walked towards the cabin together with Luo.

Of course, there is also Domino who was forcibly pulled onto the boat by Rozi.

…… Ask for flowers…………

Because the Explorer had already set sail, Domino temporarily put down the idea of ​​leaving.

When she hasn't decided what to do in the future, whether to stay in Sabaody or take Rozi's boat to New World, it doesn't make any difference to her, it's just a way to get acquainted with the life outside.

'The world is so big, why don't you go outside and see more......

Looking at the backs of Rozi and Luo, Domino who followed behind them murmured.

‘Perhaps, it’s also good to have a look... "

'If it's really inappropriate, ask Rozi to resign.

'This man should agree. "

At this time, Domino subconsciously ignored, and he was staying on the Explorer, but at any time, he might be rewarded by the Marine and World government.


In the future, perhaps the reality will not allow her to disembark at will.

After walking along the aisle with Rozi and Luo for nearly two minutes, the sound of their conversation reached Domino's ears.

"Hey, Master Sippshead, do you think Master Kaido will save us?"

"How do I know, I don't even know where Kaido-sama is now."

" you think Rozi will let us go? For some reason, that man always gives me a very dangerous feeling."

"Hey, I want to leave too, Kim Mira. But...the reality is that we are staying in this seastone cage, and there is no way to leave.'

"Damn it, why does that man have a cage made of seastone? If he can't beat that man, I really want to give that man a kick."

Kim Mira slammed her mouth and kicked the seastone cage in front of her unwillingly.

But after her right leg touched the seastone cage, because of seastone's restriction on the demon fruit power, her body immediately weakened and fell to the ground.

Although Kim Mira is taking man-made Devil Fruit, seastone has the same restrictions on her as it does on real Demon fruit power.

"Hey, hey, Kim Mira, didn't I tell you to save yourself some effort... Rozi, you're here?!"

Sippshead looked in horror at the three Rozi who appeared at the door of the cell, his eyes widened to the maximum.


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