Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 361 Kaido, Drink Fake Wine

"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from you, Robin.

Rozi smiled, not hiding what Nico Robin meant.

He turned his head and glanced in Shirahoshi's direction:

"She is indeed the Ancient Weapon "Poseidon", but she has not awakened.

"There is no such thing as a power that can destroy the world."

Nico Robin looked at Shirahoshi following Rozi's line of sight: "But, Captain Luo, you should have a way to make Shirahoshi awaken this power."

"Could it be, Captain, you want to use Poseidon's power to fight against the Marine and World government.

"But, if that's the case, why didn't you go after another Ancient Weapon "Pluton" while in Alabasta?"

"Also, when Kalifa and the others were in the capital of seven waters, they must have also searched for the design blueprint of "Pluton".

Rozi shook his head with a smile and said:

"It's not dead things that I look at, but people.

"People?" Nico Robin raised his eyebrows, "I can understand that, Captain Rozi, you don't want to possess the power of "Poseidon", but you are simply interested in Shirahoshi."

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"You can say that, but it's not entirely true." Rozi smiled and stood up from the stone. "Let's go, Robin, Shirahoshi's side seems to be ready, you go to meet this mermaid princess too."

Rozi invited Shirahoshi because he took a fancy to Shirahoshi's "Poseidon" status, and he thought that Shirahoshi's joining the team could bring him great gains.

But this ability to invite members to join the fleet and get rewards, Rozi can't say it clearly.

The corners of Nico Robin's mouth curled up slightly, and without asking any further questions, he stepped forward to follow Rozi's pace.

However, before Rozi and Nico Robin could take a few steps, a huge shock suddenly spread almost throughout The fish men island.

All of a sudden, the residents living on The fish men island fell into extreme tension.

"what happens?"

Reiju, Luo, and the cafe proprietress who were staying in the mermaid cafe came out from the door.

"It's not good, Reiju." Luo frowned and raised his finger to the sky.

"That's... a dragon? No, it's Kaido!" Reiju also frowned, "Didn't Jinbei say that Kaido isn't here?"

"It seems that the intelligence has gone wrong." Luo looked solemn, "Reiju, we must go to Dragon Palace immediately and fight Kaido with the captain."

Reiju nodded, Kaido was flying in the direction of the dragon palace towering in the sky.

At this time, Reiju couldn't help regretting not staying with Rozi.

After the voice fell, the figures of the two rushed out of the cafe directly. Reiju used the airborne performance of the combat suit, and Luo used Moonwalk to fly to Dragon Palace.

"Four Emperors Kaido? Isn't he afraid of drawing Whitebeard's wrath?"

Shyarly stared at Kaido's giant dragon figure closely, and suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

"What... what happened, what happened, Boss Jinbei, what happened?!"

Shirahoshi struggled to maintain his balance, looking around in panic.

Jinbei didn't speak, and stared around with piercing eyes.

"Hey, isn't it?"

Rozi twitched the corner of his mouth, and looked at Kaido who was flying towards Dragon Palace in the sky in astonishment.

"Hey, Jinbei, didn't you guys say that Kaido isn't here?"

"Look what that is?"

Rozi appeared in front of Jinbei with Nico Robin teleporting, and raised his finger to the sky angrily.

"This... Kaido?"

"No, didn't His Majesty say that the ships of the Beasts Pirates have left?"

Jinbei looked in the direction Rozi was pointing at, and sure enough, he saw Kaido's figure.

With just a swipe, Jinbei's complexion became extremely bad.

"Damn, you'll really screw me over." Rozi patted Jinbei's stomach in confusion, and then said to Nico Robin, "Robin, I'll stop that Kaido, and you go get everyone ready to sail."

"Also, at the same time, protect Princess Shirahoshi so that she doesn't cause problems due to Vanderdyken IX's attack.

"Jinbei, don't stand still and protect Princess Shirahoshi."

After speaking, Rozi directly activated the breath of thunder, and rushed towards Kaido in the sky like a golden lightning.

After all, it is the Four Emperors, even though Kaido is not present, the Beasts Pirates are not there.

But it was enough to make Rozi let go of the idea of ​​a leisurely life on The fish men island.

At this time, he just wants to leave here quickly, and after he has accumulated enough strength, he will come to trouble Kaido again.

Moreover, in Dragon Palace City, there is still his own partner, Rozi can't ignore it and take Robin directly to sea.

Rozi also doesn't want Kaido to make a move on Mermaid Island, if possible.

Leaving aside the fact that Suo Fia, the challenger of Maoxiong Kingdom, is here, the existence of Princess Shirahoshi alone makes Rozi not want to let many pairs here.

Although Mermaid Island is ruined, the Whitebeard Pirates may seek revenge from the Beasts Pirates.

But everything here is ruined, and Rozi's desire to invite Princess Shirahoshi will most likely come to naught.

"Boss Jinbei, father and the others will be fine." 270

Princess Shirahoshi glanced worriedly at Jinbei and Nico Robin who had already pulled out the phone bug to dial.

"Don't worry, Princess Shirahoshi, with Rozi here, His Majesty, they will be fine."

Even though he said that, there was unconcealable worry in Jinbei's eyes.

Although he wanted to go forward to help, but because of Shirahoshi beside him, he really had no choice but to leave.

We can only hope that Rozi can stop Kaido.

‘Dragon Palace City is here.

'Just let me see if you're here, Rozi.

Kaido, who turned into a dragon form, took a deep breath, opened his mouth wide, and hit the dragon palace city wrapped in soap bubbles with a breath of heat.

The blazing flames had already appeared, attracting the attention of the entire Mermaid Island residents.

Seeing the heat that was heading straight for Dragon Palace, some mermaids even showed despairing expressions.

"Tsk, isn't this guy here to invite me to be a partner?"

"Launch an attack directly, is this drinking fake wine?"

Rozi slapped his face hard and doubled his speed again.

Before the hot breath was about to touch the soap bubble of Dragon Palace City, it blocked the front of the hot breath.

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