Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 365: The Fish Men Island On The Edge Of Destruction

"Then... what is that?"

"Clouds? Is this Kaido's power?"

"What is this guy trying to do with clouds wrapping the soap bubbles of The fish men island?"

"Oops, the flame cloud is squeezing the soap bubbles! Is that guy Kaido trying to destroy The fish men island?"

"No, you have to clear those flame clouds!"

Seeing the flame cloud that enveloped the entire soap bubble of The fish men island in a short time, the soldiers of The fish men island turned pale with fright.

The more experienced officer immediately ordered the murloc soldiers to clean up the flame cloud.

It's just that they were blown away by the energy carried by the flame cloud just as they came into contact with the flame cloud.

Seeing this scene, the mermaid princes who had just arrived at the port widened their eyes.

"That bastard Kaido, is he trying to directly destroy The fish men island? "377"!"

"Does he really want to fight the Whitebeard Pirates?"

The second prince Huangxing clenched his weapon tightly.

If his two brothers hadn't stopped him, maybe he would have rushed to the sea to find Kaido's trouble.

"Big Brother!"

At this time, a crisp voice sounded beside several mermaid princes.

"Shirahoshi, why are you here?"

"Ms. Shyarly, Jinbei, and Father Wang, why are you all here?"

The three princes turned around and looked at Shirahoshi and the others in amazement.

"Sorry, I was too worried about everyone's situation, so I asked Boss Jinbei to bring me here."

Shirahoshi murmured in a low voice, his pathetic appearance made it impossible to be angry with her.

"Now things are related to the survival of Mermaid Island, so I have no choice but to come here."

The king raised his head and looked at the flame cloud of soap bubbles all over the fish men island with an extremely serious expression.

In his line of sight, he could even see the soap bubbles sinking inward under the pressure of the flame cloud.

As if it would break anytime.

"This is troublesome, Jinbei, can you deal with those flame clouds?"

The king frowned and looked at Jinbei.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I have no way to deal with these flame clouds." Jinbei shook his head, "If these flame clouds are stimulated, there is no guarantee that Kaido will immediately compress the flame clouds to break the soap bubbles."

"We can't afford to gamble!"

What Jinbei said was right, if it was in other places, these flame clouds would not cause substantial damage to a strong man like Jinbei.

But on The fish men island, which is only wrapped in soap bubbles, its appearance has caused a great threat to the entire The fish men island.

"Don't worry, the captain won't let this happen.

The corners of Reiju's mouth curled up, his eyes determined.

"He will definitely protect us."

Hearing this, Jinbei, Shyarly and others looked at Reiju and others.

Although Reiju and the others looked solemn, they revealed their absolute trust in Rozi.

Reiju and others who have sailed with Rozi for a long time have every reason to believe that Rozi will not let their partners have any accidents.

"Kaido, are you going to crush The fish men island?"

Rozi frowned and asked Kaido, at the same time, the long knife in his hand began to faintly flash its black-red electric light.

This is a precursor to using Conqueror's winding.

Although the distance is a bit far, the situation of The fish men island is not out of Rozi's Observation Haki perception range.

After seeing Kaido continuously cast the flame cloud outward, Rozi immediately expanded the Observation Haki to the maximum.

Witness Kaido spreading the flame cloud over the soap bubbles wrapped in The fish men island.

"It depends on your decision, Rozi." Kaido looked at Rozi with a serious face, "You are very good, I appreciate you."

"I know it's not easy for a man like you to join the others."

"So, I can only choose to use such a method."

"Join me, and I will disperse the flame cloud; don't join me, and your friends will be destroyed together with The fish men island!"

Hearing this, Rozi's face became extremely ugly.

Although he himself has a certain amount of confidence to escape from Kaido, the safety of his companions on The fish men island in the distance is a difficult matter.

Using Observation Haki to "see" the increasingly compressed soap bubbles and the flame cloud that is about to shatter, Rozi quickly made a decision......

"Okay, okay, I promise you."

"Kaido, you bastard, you actually use such a method."

Rozi put the long knife back into its sheath, and walked towards Kaido with a helpless face.

"Hey, you agreed to join my Beasts Pirates?"

Hearing Rozi's answer, Kaido gave a rare smile.

The flame cloud that compressed the soap bubbles also temporarily stopped moving.

It is also impossible. "He spread his hands, "This world is all about strength after all. "

"Although you have used some special methods, you have defeated me in the end. I have nothing to say about joining you."

"It's just that, since you beat me in such a cunning way."

"In order to determine whether your place is suitable for my companion to stay, I have to go to your site to consider it first."

"After confirming that it is indeed suitable for my partners to stay there, I will use the phone bug to contact them.

"They have my life card in their hands, and they can follow my life card to find me."

"Of course, if they don't want to follow me to join you Kaido, you can't force them either.

Having said that, Rozi laughed.

He certainly didn't want to actually join the Beasts Pirates.

Going to the site of the Hundred Pirates alone in 5.3 is just for the convenience of escaping from Kaido in the future.

If alone, Rozi has the absolute confidence to run away from Kaido at any time.

Even if they put on Rozi himself the same explosive collar as Yamato.

That thing can be easily solved by borrowing Luo's Devil Fruit ability.

Incidentally, Rozi felt that he might even take Yamato outright.

Rozi couldn't help laughing when he thought that Kaido not only failed to invite him, but was kidnapped by him.

Rozi's thought was good, but Kaido's next sentence made Rozi's face freeze suddenly.

"No, you must take your partner with you!"

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