Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 386: The Exploration Of Flame Disaster Embers

"That's it, Jack!"

Kaido appeared behind Jack and said with a serious face.

"Master Kaido..."

"Rozi didn't lie, starting today, he will be the new Beasts Pirates disaster "Thunderstorm", on the same level as you!"

"What...well, Master Kaido, but he..."

"His strength is qualified, even though he has not been a member of the Pirates for a long time now, as long as he has enough strength, there will be no problem.

"It's...... alright!"

Hearing what Kaido said, Jack, who respected Kaido so much, could only retract his weapon and take a step back.

However, his gaze was fixed on Rozi, apparently he was not convinced by Kaido's words.

Rozi is no surprise either.

The "shipping king" Jack in front of him is the one who dared to attack the warship carrying Sengoku, Fujitora and Crane in order to save Doflamingo.

It would be strange for such a character to be convinced by Rozi29 who has just arrived.

Not even Rozi himself would believe it.

Rozi even felt that he would take this opportunity to have a good fight with Jack and show Jack and the other members of Beasts Pirates his own strength.

This is still better.

After all, with the awesome strength of the owner, Wanokuni's actions after Romi will be much more convenient.

'It's a pity, Kaido is really too "talented". '

‘Is this counting as brushing my favorability?’

Rozi shook his head and was about to return his long knife to its sheath.

But at this moment, Yan Huanjin stood up.

"Master Kaido, you will appoint Rozi the title of "Thunder Disaster", you must have recognized his strength.

"However, I think in order to allow Rozi to integrate into the Pirates faster, it would be better to fully demonstrate his strength to everyone."

"And Rozi, as a swordsman who can be recognized by Hawkeye, I am very curious about his swordsmanship."

"So, I hope to have a fair fight with Rozi!"

As he said that, Jhin had already gently stroked the long knife at his waist.

At that moment, Luo could even feel that the flames were spreading from the blade of the light calamity.

"What's fair, Rozi just fought with your Jack the Drough, you come to challenge at this time, you obviously want to take advantage of Rozi's physical exhaustion to engage in wheel battles!

Before Kaido could speak, the baby who had been standing behind Rozi for a long time couldn't bear it anymore.

She came to Rozi's side and looked at Rozi firmly.

"Rozi, let me teach this guy a lesson."

Rozi shook his head with a smile, and reached out to touch baby5's shiny hair: "Thanks, I'll do it here, don't worry, it's fine.

Although the power of baby5 is strong enough, it is still far behind monsters of the level of the Three Calamities.

Not to mention that the opponent is Flame Cinder, Kaido's second-in-command.

Even Rozi himself is not absolutely sure that he can overcome such a character whose ability is unknown to Rozi.

Naturally, he wouldn't let baby5 take risks for him, and he also believed that Kaido had spent so much effort to bring him to the Beasts Pirates.

The Jedi would not aim to kill themselves here.

At most, it's just giving yourself one or two blows.

Rozi turned to look at Kaido and realized that he was looking at him too.

"Rozi, what do you think?"

"What do I think?" Rozi shrugged, "You don't stop me, and I have no reason to retreat."

Rozi put the knife horizontally in front of his body again, and looked at Jhin with a smile on his face.

"Fire Calamity, the veritable second-in-command of the Beasts Pirates."

"I want to test your strength too."

"But fighting a monster like you, isn't the field here a little too small?"

Rozi has no reason to reject Jhin's challenge, and since he wants to fight, Rozi doesn't intend to lose to Jhin.

"Don't worry, I will control the strength to the extent that I don't damage the boat."

Jhin held a long knife in his hand and walked slowly towards Rozi.

"Really, but I don't have the confidence to control my strength well."

After giving ba060by5 and Nico Robin a reassuring look, Rozi also stepped into Jhin.

When the two approached to a certain distance, the speed of both sides suddenly increased, and the two long knives collided quickly.

All of a sudden, the golden lightning on Rozi's body and the red flames on Jhin's body began to entangle each other.

No one can help anyone.

‘Good guy, this guy is indeed much stronger than Jhin.

Just as soon as he got in touch, Rozi felt the difference in weight between the man in front of him and Jack.

Jack may be thick, but the round attack power can't bring too much pressure to Rozi.

Jhin, on the other hand, Rozi felt, if he couldn't handle it alone, he might get himself involved.

Without hesitation, Observation Haki unfolded.

In the next second, the speed of the fire embers in Rozi's eyes suddenly decreased.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The clatter of metal echoed on the deck again, while the pirate ship was still sailing methodically towards Wanokuni.

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