Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 402 Using The Diamond Sharing Card In Front Of Kaido

"Well, it is indeed a pretty good power.

"Golden Mira's strength has indeed more than doubled."

"But Rozi, can two Devil Fruits only produce that little thing?"

"Although you have been sailing for a while, you probably haven't collected many Devil Fruits.

"If the two Devil Fruits just now can only produce two props to strengthen Kim Mira, it is impossible for you to strengthen such a large ship of the Explorer to this level, right?

"Especially that woman, Whitey Bay, the power she gained is not just as simple as strengthening her power. y

Kaido looked away from Kim Mira, and looked at Rozi inquisitively.

Although Whitebee followed Rozi, Kaido did not fight her.

But he still knew the force Whitebay had used when he fought Pluton Rayleigh.

The strengthening of White Bay is reflected in Kendo and Haki.

And this is where Kaido is more fancy.

After all, Kim Mira's bonus of 2,000 physique is still rare, but for Kaido, who is the Four Emperors and has a physique of over 10,000, it is not such a great strength.

He wants more.

"As expected of Captain Kaido, you can see the most important point at a glance."

Rozi smiled all over his face, and didn't show the slightest flaw because of Kaido's suspicion.

He has already prepared to fool Kaido.

"Those two Devil Fruits are of course more than just two card props for strengthening Kim Mira.

"Using those two Devil Fruits, plus the energy I accumulated before, I also made a power-up item.

"It's just that it is a card similar to the item I have in hand that makes Whitebey jump stronger.

While speaking, Rozi already had a shining golden card in his hand.

It is the "Universal Sharing Card Diamond" that Rozi obtained through the treasure chest at Mermaid Island.

"Is this the thing that taught Whitebae how to use your sword?"

Kaido took a step forward, wanting to take the card in Rozi's hand.

Rozi didn't stop him either, allowing him to take the cards.

Anyway, this thing, as long as Rozi wants it, it will immediately return to the challenger's personal space.

As for destroying the card, Rozi couldn't do it himself, and he didn't think Kaido could destroy the card provided by the forbidden space.

"Master Rozi, this golden card seems to be very different from the two cards you used to strengthen Golden Mira before."

While Kaido looked at the sharing card curiously, Black Maria knelt beside Rozi, staring curiously into Rozi's eyes.

"Of course it's different. Even if I want to get this thing out, I still have to rely on luck."

"I tried a little bit just now, but I didn't expect it to be so successful."

"As long as you use this thing, you will have the opportunity for people who have the seal I said to leave on them to learn something directly from me.

"Among them, Haki is naturally included."

"The premise is that I have to be able to do it myself."

After speaking, Rozi snapped his fingers, and the golden sharing card immediately disappeared from Kaido's hand.

Kaido looked over suspiciously, just in time to see the "Universal Sharing Card·Diamond" appearing in Rozi's hand.

In the next second, "Universal Sharing Card·Diamond" turned into a ray of light and surrounded Nico Robin and baby5 with Rozi as the center.

"this is?"

Black Maria looked curiously at the diamond-like halo that also included herself in it, her face full of exploration.

""||Aperture? Is it...?"

Kim Mira covered her small mouth with her hands, recalling in her mind the golden halo around Rozi and Luo that she saw in Sabaody Archipelago.

"Kimmyra, have you seen this thing?"

Hearing Kim Mira's words, Black Maria immediately looked over curiously.

"This..." Kim Mira looked at Rozi beside her, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

"She did." Rozi put his hand on Kim Mira's shoulder, "I used this thing on my partner in Sabaody Archipelago, and Kim Mira was also in Sabaody Archipelago at that time.

"As long as they are within this circle of light, anyone with a badge may share a certain ability from me.

(had it) "But, at that time, only Whitey Bay and Luo were lucky, and they respectively inherited some knowledge of kendo from me.

Rozi was smiling all over his face, lying without blushing.

Anyway, only Rozi himself knows the effect of "Universal Sharing Card·Diamond".

Even if he assigns the designated objects of the "Universal Sharing Card Diamond" to baby5 and Nico Robin, Kaido, Black Maria and others will not know.

In the end, it can be said that Nico Robin and baby5 had better luck, so he gained some kind of power from himself.

As for Kim Mira, it can only be said that luck is not very good.


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