Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 407 Reserve The Second Dancer, One Step Closer To The Team Of Three Dancers

Originally, Violet wanted to ask baby5 to intercede.

After all, the relationship between the two in the Donquixote Family is not antagonistic.

Violet believes that with her understanding of baby5, she may be able to persuade baby5.

What she didn't expect was that she hadn't implemented her idea yet.

Rozi has taken the initiative to set an easy path in front of him.

Although this path seems to be sacrificing herself.

For my father, for everyone. '

'Even if I give up my life, so what. '

With a smile on Violet's face, she became more determined in her mind.

"Hey, it's really good." Rozi rubbed his chin, "Remember what you said, Miss Violet."

"Afterwards I will "discuss" with Doflamingo and ask him to release your father."

"After I fulfill my promise, I hope you can also fulfill your promise."

"I really need a dancer like you here."

Rozi laughed, "dancing girl" is his real purpose.

I am afraid that only Rozi, baby5 and Nico Robin know about this.

"Dancing girl, I know."

"Then, why don't you let me dance a song for you, Lord Rozi."

"This is how I express your sincerity~". "

Violet chuckled lightly, stood up and took the initiative to dance a familiar dance in front of Rozi and the others.

"It's a good dance, it can be compared with the teacher."

Nico Robin lamented that the teacher in her mouth was naturally the first dancer on the Rozi ship, and later became Pacia, a Magnetic Fruit ability user.

"Congratulations, Captain Rozi."

"In this way, you will be one step closer to having three dancers."

As a member of the expedition, Nico Robin naturally knew that Rozi planned to invite three dancers to join the team.

At banquets, during events in the music room, Rozi mentioned it to his fellow shipmates several times.

"That will have to wait until Doflamingo actually releases him."

Rozi shrugged and smiled.

Of course Rozi would love for Violet to be aboard the Explorer right now.

However, the space in the forbidden area is given to the challenger's personal panel in the column of preparation partners.

Now there is no Violet's name.

Obviously, the current Violet is only verbally willing to join.

In the bottom of her heart, she has no intention of becoming Rozi's real partner.

But Rozi didn't care, all he wanted now was a promise from Violet.

For Rozi, there will be a trip to De Reiss Rosa anyway.

He wasn't a man with a big enough spirit, Doflamingo had hunted him down before, and he didn't intend to just let it go.

By the time he leaves the Beasts Pirates, it won't be long before he settles his feud with Doflamingo.

Rozi believes, wait until after he and Doflamingo settle the feud.

Violet, who has already promised Rozi, will be able to join her as a matter of course.

Even if a second dancer joins the fleet and doesn't bring a treasure chest, she is a dancer who can rival Parcia in dancing skills.

How could Rozi not be rare.

A gold-level powerhouse joins the fleet, and when the fleet is upgraded again, there will already be a supernova pirate-like powerhouse there.

This can also bring a lot of help to Rozi in the future against the Beasts Pirates.

'Speaking of which, since we have to deal with Beasts Pirates. "

"Should I cause Kaido some trouble before leaving?"

Rozi thought to himself while watching Violet's very tap dance style dance.


clap clap!

"||Very good, it is exactly as baby5 said, you are very good at dancing, Violet."

After the dance, Rozi applauded Violet without hesitation.

"Master Rozi, as long as you are satisfied."

Violet raised her hand to wipe the sweat on her forehead from (Nuo Wang's) violent dance.

Then I looked at the baby5 and Nico Robin who surrounded Rozi.

After thinking for a while, she lightly stepped forward and knelt down in front of Rozi.

A pair of bare hands tapped softly beside Rozi's calf.

"Master Rozi, is there anything else you want from me? If you want to see other dances, I can also perform for you."

"Other dances? Why, do you have other dances that you are good at?"

"Hmm... If Lord Rozi can save Father, I can also perform some wild goose dances for Lord Rozi.


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