Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 420: The Person Detained By Kaido

"What, that General Kurozumi Orochi has reported me to you, Captain Kaido?"

After Kaido hung up the phone, Rozi asked him with a smile on his face.

"Well, that guy complained to me severely."

"So, are you going to punish me for complaining?"

......" Kaido was silent for a while, and after a pause for a few seconds, he said: "Rozi, we are allied with Wanokuni after all. If you need a beautiful woman, I can find it for you, that oiran Xiaozi, can't you give it to Kurozumi Orochi?"

"I believe what you said, Captain Kaido, "three eight three" but there are not many beauties in this world who can compare to that oiran Xiaozi." Rozi smiled, "Speaking of alliances, although Wanokuni is considered a powerful country, But compared to the Beasts Pirates, it is not as big as the alliance. Captain Kaido, you have other purposes for cooperating with that ugly man." 1

"Let me guess, maybe it's because there's technology that the Beasts Pirates need?"

"If that's the case, we shouldn't need that big Kurozumi snake. y

"With some tricks, it's possible to train a man who is completely loyal to the Beasts Pirates to be the general of Wanokuni, isn't it?"

Hearing Rozi's words, Kaido was silent for a while.

Although he knows that Rozi is a smart man, otherwise he wouldn't be able to play around with Marine and World government.

But seeing Rozi who just came to Wanokuni not long ago, he correctly guessed the purpose of cooperation between Beasts Pirates and Wanokuni.

He even said the plan that Kaido really wants to implement in the future, "supporting a person to ascend to the position of General Wanokuni".

This made Kaido give Rozi a high look again.

"Forget it, it looks like you're going to order that oiran."

"In this case, I will find some reason to deal with that Kurozumi snake."

Kaido waved his hands and made a quick decision.

Although Kurozumi Orochi still has some effect on the Beasts Pirates now, his effect is obviously not as great as Rozi.

With multiple choice questions like this, Kaido doesn't have to think much at all.

And Rozi also knows that Kaido will not embarrass himself who can make his partners stronger because of Kurozumi Orochi.

That's why he treated the black-haired snake like that when he was in the general's mansion.

"Come on, Rozi, let's see what this is. I moved it here so that your historian can translate it."

Kaido waved and looked at Rozi enthusiastically.

"As for the historical stele, this is the first time I've seen a red stele."

Rozi walked to Kaido's side, looking at the huge historical text stele in front of him with a sigh.

Even though he said that, Rozi actually laughed in his heart.

The red history text stele is also the road sign history text stele.

As long as you can get the contents of the four red historical text steles, you can know where the treasure of One Piece is.

Although the one in front of him was just the first one Rozi saw.

But one of them has been given to Reiju and others by Whitebeard, and Rozi also knows the location of the other two pieces.

Although one of them is deposited with another Four Emperors, Charlotte Linlin, Rozi believes that if he does it right, he will be able to obtain the historical text tablet...

‘Ordinary historical text steles can give me thousands of points. I don’t know if the red historical text steles can give me more points.

With that in mind, Rozi turned to look at Nico Robin.

"Robin, you... It seems that you don't need to order me."

Looking at Nico Robin who was fascinated by the historical text stele, Rozi smiled and shook his head.

"Captain Kaido, it will take some time for Robin to translate this historical text stele."

"Why don't you take me to understand this place first."

"In the depths of that passage, there should be a rather powerful man imprisoned."

Rozi stepped sideways and looked along the dark passage.

Hearing Rozi's words, Kaido also remembered another and most important purpose of calling Rozi here.

"Exactly, I also want you to meet that person."

"I'd like you to stamp her with your badge if you can."

Kaido frowned while saying 4.8.

It seems that the person imprisoned inside is a very headache for Kaido.

"Let me badge it? So, the people in there are from the Beasts Pirates too?"

"I don't have any objections, anyway, I have already joined you.

"But the question is will the people inside really trust me?"

"Captain Kaido, you should know the conditions for engraving the badge.

"And the people there seem to be being imprisoned by you."

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