Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 422 Explosion Collar, Just A Trifle

After being confirmed by Rozi, Kaido nodded in satisfaction.

Then, he picked up a bomb collar from the side table and handed it to Rozi.

"This is?" Rozi raised his eyebrows, "Captain Kaido, do you want me to wear this?"

"Well, in order for Yamato to recognize you as one of his own, it is necessary to wear this thing." Kaido nodded slightly, "However, you don't have to worry, this thing is of Quine quality, although the material is the same as other collars Yes, but this thing isn't going to explode."

I believe you are to blame!

Rozi complained in his heart, he now suspects that Kaido asked him to engrave the emblem for Yamato is fake, because it is true that Rozi wears the explosive collar himself.

Although Rozi doesn't think that such a small explosive collar can really have any effect on a strong man with a powerful Armament Haki.

But in the original book, such a small explosive collar can scare Yamato, Luffy and other powerful people into fear.

It also made Yamato dare not step out of the ghost island for more than ten years, lest the explosive collar explode.

Therefore, even though Rozi doubts its power, he is still afraid of the explosive collar.

'Forget it, just wear it, in this way, Kaido can also reduce his vigilance towards me.

Rozi made up his mind and prepared to put on the explosive collar.

In his opinion, his Armament Haki has reached a point where it is capable of internal destruction.

Even with the explosive collar on, he can easily take it off.

At this time, Rozi couldn't help feeling a little thankful that he had opened the "Special Armed Sex Bully "Qi" from the treasure chest earlier.

After all, after wearing this Wanokuni version of the explosive collar, because of the seastone component, the person wearing the collar cannot use the fruit ability.

This means that Rozi wearing the collar cannot choose to borrow Rozi's Op-Op Fruit to help him remove the explosive collar.

Kaido, you probably don't know that I can use the Armament Haki, which is capable of internal destruction. '

'That's right, if he knew, he should be more cautious towards me. '

‘After all this is Armament Haki who can leave scars on him.

Rozi thought as he snapped the explosive collar around his neck.

"Wait, Rozi, don't wear this thing."

"It was designed by that fat man, it's really too dangerous."

baby5 took Rozi's hand and said worriedly.

Fatty, of course, refers to Plague Quinn.

During the previous banquet [Both Rozi and baby5 knew the general situation of Quinn.

I like Xiaozi, designed an explosive collar, and made many biochemical poisonous gases.

And, hate Rozi.

Because baby5 knows that Quinn hates Rozi, so he doesn't want Rozi to wear what Quinn designed.

"Don't worry, baby5. Didn't Captain Kaido say that this thing is just a decoration, it won't really explode."

"Although our Plague Quinn also likes Xiao Zi, it shouldn't be so that I announce Xiao Zi as my person and then make me a real bomb.

"What do you say, Captain Kaido."

Rozi looked at Kaido and asked with a smile.

"Of course, he will earnestly complete what I have told him.

Kaido nodded.

"But..." baby5 pursed her lips, "Rozi, why don't I help you put on this collar.

"Why are you wearing this thing, it's impossible for you to touch Captain Kaido's stupid son later."

Rozi shook his head and rejected baby5 without hesitation.

Just kidding, baby5 is a capable person.

Although the explosive collar will not make baby5 lose the strength to act like the extremely high-purity seastone.

But it will limit its ability to use the fruit of the weapon.

At this time, Rozi doesn't want his partner to be unable to perform at his full potential.

After Rozi finished speaking, without waiting for baby5 to say anything more, he directly buckled the collar around his neck.


With a crisp sound, the explosive collar mechanism was activated, and it was firmly bound to Rozi's body.

At this time, Rozi, who has been observing Kaido, can clearly see a slight change in Kaido's eyes.

'(Be well) Hehe, have you become more at ease?'

Although Rozi thought so in his heart, there was no change of emotion on his face.

On the contrary, it was baby5 after seeing the explosive collar tightly fastened around Rozi's neck.

The way she looked at Kaido turned from flatness to resentment.

On the side, apart from Nico Robin who was translating the historical text stele outside, Black Maria and Kim Mira at the scene couldn't help being surprised when they saw Rozi's straightforward behavior.

‘Rozi, did you really join the Beasts Pirates? Father’

Black Maria tilted her head, looking at Rozi with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

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