Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 443 Luo: The Explorer Is Recruiting Talents

After the explanation of Reiju and Nami.

Boss Mobamushi and Duke Inuarashi soon understood why Izo and Raizo acted together with Reiju and others.

Both Boss Nekobamushi and Duke Inuarashi are very happy to see old friends whom we haven’t seen for many years.

So I sat on the edge of Zou with Reiju and Nami, waiting for the arrival of Lei Zang and others.

Nami looked at the excited Maogou, leaned closer to Reiju's ear and whispered:

"Miss Reiju, don't you need to tell them about Momosuke?"

"Both of them are also Kozuki Oden's retainers."

On the side, the boss of the cat viper's ears trembled, and he turned to look at Nami:

"Little girl, I seem to have heard you say Momonosuke-sama, what happened to him?"

As a feline, the ear power of the cat viper boss is naturally needless to say.

Although Nami's voice was low, the boss of Maomushiru was not keen enough to capture the words "Jumposuke".

"Master Momonosuke?"

"You two, do you have any information about Master Momonosuke?"

Duke Inuarashi also looked over curiously.

Back then, Duke Inuarashi and Boss Nekomamushi saw Jack the Drough go after Kin'emon and Momanosuke.

Now that they suddenly heard the news from Momonosuke, how could the two of them not care.

"this and that......"

Nami pursed her lips, she didn't know whether she should tell about Momonosuke at this time, she could only look at Reiju for help.

"Nami, you..." Reiju shook his head, "Forget it, I wanted Raizo to tell you.

"Since you two heard it."

"Then let's talk now."

As he said that, Reiju slowly said that Momanosuke had been killed and what was explained in Rozi's letter.

As Reiju expected, the two didn't believe it at first when they heard that Momanosuke had died.

Then he burst into tears.

"Damn it, what am I doing to make Momonosuke-sama suffer such a thing!"

Duke Inuarashi punched the ground angrily, causing waves of smoke and dust.

"Uuuuuuuu, Momanosuke-sama. Kaido, I will never let you go."

Cat Viper suppressed his voice, hiding indescribable anger.

Reiju and Nami on the side looked at Neko Mamushi and Inuarashi, and couldn't come up with a good way to comfort them for a while.

For a while, several people fell into a long silence.

Waited until Lei Zang and others successfully landed in Zowu.

Seeing Raizo and Izo, Momomushi and Inuarashi immediately stepped forward to confirm the matter about Momanosuke.

After getting the same answer, Mao Yigou cried again.

The owner of the kingdom was sad, and Reiju and others couldn't urge them to take out the red history text stele at this time.

It can only wait silently on the sidelines.

Time gradually passed, and when night fell, the new moon gradually rose into the sky.

Cat Viper and Inuarashi haven't completely calmed down yet.

However, although the emotions of Maobamushi and Inuarashi have not calmed down, the soldiers of Zou Island have not forgotten the way of hospitality.

Therefore, one after another, some fur tribes brought food and drinks to Reiju and others for the convenience of several people to drink.


Peibo nodded politely as he took the juice handed over by a fur tribe.

……… Ask for flowers…

"You're welcome, you are also a fur tribe, and you are Mr. Rozi's partner, I should thank you.

The fur tribe with the shape of a rabbit squatted on the ground and looked at Peibo curiously:

"Hey, how did you become Mr. Rozi's crew, can you tell me? By the way, my name is Garrett, what's your name?"

"I'm Pepo." Pepo scratched the back of his head and said, "I met Captain Rozi by chance in West Blue, and I followed him on an adventure."

"West Blue?" Garrett's eyes lit up, "Then you must have been to many places, that's great, I also want to travel outside like you."

Luo, who was sitting back to back with Peibo, opened his eyes and turned to look at Garrot, and said coldly:

"Do you want to take risks? Captain Rozi is currently recruiting talents. If you are willing to come, Captain Rozi should agree."

On the Expedition, there is only Pepo, a fur tribe.

As Peibo's friend, now I meet a fur tribe who seems to be interested in going outside for adventure.

Luo immediately moved his mind to invite.

Luo could tell that Gallot looked weak, but she also possessed good fighting power.

Coupled with the characteristics of the fur tribe, her combat power does have the qualifications to join the explorer.

"Will Mr. Rozi agree to my adventure?"

Garrett looked at Luo, his eyes shone with excitement.

But the next moment, she seemed to think of something, and her expression became a little hesitant.

"No matter how sad Boss Maomushi and Duke Inuarashi are at this moment, how could I think about taking risks."


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