Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 446 Let More Fur Warriors Board The Ship

No, you misunderstood, Miss Reiju.

"It's not that I disagree with letting the soldiers from Zou Island go sailing with you."

"After all, you and our Zou are allies."

"And Duke Inuarashi and Boss Nekobamushi also agreed to allow Zou's fighters to board Lord Rozi's ship.

It's just that Gallot has a naughty personality, and I'm worried that she might bring you some trouble.

Wanda shook her head and said.

As Garrett's friend and colleague.

Wanda is deeply aware of Garrett's character traits.

Although she has a pretty good fighting ability, sometimes she makes mistakes because she is not rigorous enough to do things.

For a long time, because of his own supervision and assistance, Garrott didn't make any big troubles.

So Wanda is worried that once Garrett leaves, it will bring trouble to Reiju and others on the Explorer.

On the one hand, Duke Inuarashi and Boss Momushiru listened to Wanda's worries, and they also had a little agreement in their hearts.

"In that case, Wanda, you should go to Wanokuni with Ms. Reiju and the others."

"You and Garrett have been serving as contacts between me and Viper the cat."

"Now I have reconciled with the cat viper, and your work will be moved to the explorer, and you will be the contact person between Zou and the explorer."

Duke Inuarashi said while stroking his beard.

At the same time, there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

Everyone knows that Rozi has a way of making his crew stronger quickly.

It is also for this reason that many people want to join Rozi's team.

However, they didn't know how to join Rozi's team.

Now there is an opportunity to let the fur tribe fighters become Rozi's team members, neither the Duke of Dagang nor the boss of the cat viper will refuse.

It is also for this reason that they let Wanda join Rozi's gang so easily.

The two didn't even just want Wanda and Garrett to join Rozi's gang.

If possible, they are willing to let more fur warriors join.

When Wanda heard Duke Inuarashi's words, she was obviously taken aback.

However, she soon realized that she really didn't need to be the messenger between the boss of the cat viper and the Duke of Dagang as before.

"Duke Inuarashi, but I...

Wanda opened her mouth to speak, but still hesitated in her heart.

But before he finished speaking, Garrett's voice reached her ears.

"Hey, Wanda wants to go to sea with me too?"

"It's really great, if Wanda is here, I can feel more at ease.

Hearing this, Wanda turned her head, just in time to see Garrett flying over.

In desperation, Wanda had no choice but to open her arms and take Garrett down.

"Really, Garrett, you..."

Wanda shook her head, raised her hand and tapped Garrett's little head.

At the same time, Duke Yingang also turned his head to look at Zheng.

"Miss Reiju, what do you think?"

"Let our Wanda go to sea with you too."

"Garrott and Wanda have always worked as a team."

"If they are in groups of two, they may be able to bring you more help."

Duke Inuarashi said.

Hearing this, Reiju looked at Gallot and then at Wanda.

After thinking for a while, she said:

"Since Duke Inuarashi and Boss Nekomushir have said so."

"Then I have no reason to refuse."

"Well, if both Garrett and Wanda are willing to come to our boat, we will take them both out to sea. y

""||But let's talk about it first. Whether the two of them can join our "Fairy Tail" depends on Captain Rozi's final decision. "

Boss Nekobamushi and Duke Inuarashi nodded: "It's natural!"

Not far away, Luo, who had been observing the situation here, put his hands on Peibo's head.

"Great, Pepper, now there are two of your kind on board."

Hearing this, Peibo touched the back of his head.

Although he didn't speak, but looking at his smile, no one didn't think he wasn't happy.

"It's not just Peibo who will be happy, we are also very happy."

Nami smiled and walked to Luo's side. Behind her was Nuo Qigao with her arms folded and her hair gradually growing (may Wang Hao).

"Indeed, the slave family is also very happy to see that the fighters of the fur clan can join."

For joy, Bentham even danced in circles.

Seeing the welcome from Bentham and others, Wanda and Garrett gradually put smiles on their mouths.

"Hehehe, that's great."

"Captain Rozi will be delighted to see two lovely fur tribes."

"You say yes, Jambalui."

Blueno patted Jambaru who was putting the red history text stele into his fruit space and said.

"Well, probably."

Jambaru dull Kaidō.

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