Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 450 Sanji: Don't Listen To Them, Sister!

"Hmph, if you want to talk, come and talk on my boat.

Vince Mo Ke Judge snorted coldly and said.

"To your ship?"

Reiju raised his eyebrows:

"Is there anything we need to talk about in private?"

"Of course." Vince Mo Ke Judge nodded, and glanced at the people standing behind Reiju, "I don't want our conversation to be overheard by others.

"If you want Sanji to be safe and sound, you'd better follow my arrangement."

After Vince Mo Ke Judge finished speaking, Nami stood up.

"Stop talking, old man."

"That man Sanji is practicing with Rayleigh."

"Even if your family is powerful, can you still deal with the deputy of One Piece?"

"Want to take on Sanjiji? I don't think anyone in your family can stand up to Pluton Rayleigh.

Hearing what Nami said, everyone on the boat agreed.

Sanji went to practice with Pluton Rayleigh, which is known to all members of the Explorer except for Garrett and Wanda who just joined.

They all think Vince Mo Ke Judge is lying.

"Reiju, you don't believe me either?"

Vince Mo Ke Judge ignored Nami and others, and his eyes never left Reiju's body from beginning to end.

"What do you say?"

Reiju laughed.

"Hmph, whatever, since you don't believe it, I'll show you evidence to convince you."

"Iji, take that thing out."

Vince Mo Ke Judge turned his head to look at his eldest son and said.

Vince Mo Key nodded, smiled and took out a video phone bug from his body.

Iji didn't talk nonsense, and walked up to Reiju and others with a video phone bug.

With a burst of operations, an image appeared in front of Reiju through the eyes of the impression phone bug.

In the middle of the picture is a dark prison cell.

And in this dark prison cell, there is a man bound by several chains.

Blonde hair, curly eyebrows, black suit, that's not who Sanji is.

"This is... Sanji?" Reiju frowned, "Father, you really captured Sanji."

Vince Mo Ke Judge smiled, but did not speak.

Seeing the frowning expressions of Reiju and the expedition members behind her, Vince Mo Ke Judge couldn't help but feel a little hurt.

The crew on the Expedition were not worried about Sanji's safety.

They're just worried about affecting Reiju this time.

"This voice, is it Reiju?"

Perhaps Reiju's voice caught the attention of Sanji on the other side of the phone bug.

He raised his head gradually, and this also allowed Jiu to see his face more clearly.

"Sanji, can you hear me?"

Reiju squinted his eyes, fixedly staring at Sanji in the image and said.

"Sanji, what is going on with you, why did you become like this."

"Are you really being imprisoned by your father now?"

asked Reiju.

"Is there anything wrong with that? Of course he was imprisoned by us."

As soon as Reiju's voice fell, a new voice came from the opposite side of the phone bug.

In the video, a muscular man in a green tights came to Sanji's side.

With just one glance, Reiju recognized this younger brother, Vince Mo Ke Yuji, who is also a member of Vince Mo Ke's family.

"Ahem, Reiju, no matter what they ask, don't listen to them."

"Don't worry about me, I'll take care of my own business."

"You have nothing to do with me."

Sanji didn't know why Vince Mo Ke's family locked himself in the cell at first.

But now, he finally figured it out.

His good father, Vince Mo Ke Judge, plans to use him to threaten Reiju.

Although he still doesn't know what Vince Mo Ke Judge wants to use himself to do to Reiju.

But the pride of being a man does not allow him to be a prop for Judge to threaten Lei.

"Hmph, what are you talking about when you're locked up?"

Yongzhi snorted coldly, raised his foot and kicked Sanji.

The powerful force directly made Sanji fly out and hit the wall of the cell.

Seeing this scene, Reiju frowned suddenly.

If Sanji is in front of her, she is confident that she can rescue Sanji with Super Observation Haki.

Although several cadre members of the Vince Mo Ke family are strong, Reiju himself is also a cadre of Vince Mo Ke.

His combat uniform is no worse than others.

Coupled with the strength obtained from Rozi, Jiu believes that he can defeat Judge and others by himself if he really wants to fight.

It's just a pity that Sanji is simply not in sight.

Even if she wanted to help Sanji, there was no way.

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