Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 453: The Fight Between Siblings

"Okay, I agree."

"Just let this Luo come with you on our boat."

"However, I hope you don't have any changes."

"Otherwise, I can't guarantee Sanji's safety."

The corners of Vince Mo Ke Judge raised his lips and said confidently.

With the two strongest players among the dessert four generals, it's hard for Judge not to be confident.

Thinking of the scene where she met Charlotte Linlin and she lent Charlotte Tekatakuri and Charlotte Tesmoji to herself.

Judge is becoming more and more confident about the alliance between Germa 66 and the BIG MOM Pirates.

After all, if it wasn't for Charlotte Linlin's sincere desire to cooperate with Germa 66, how could she be willing to send the two most powerful of her children to meet Vinsmo Reiju with her.

Reiju narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes fixed on Judge.

Looking at his expression, Jiu knew what he was thinking.

But in this situation, she can't care so much anymore.

After nodding to Luo beside her, she took the lead and jumped up from the deck of the Explorer, jumping towards the ship of Germa 66.

"I'll come back as soon as I go, to keep Sanji safe."

"What happens over there later, you all have to calm down."

"With Reiju's current strength, she is not easily defeated by anyone at any level."

Luo turned his head and said something to Nami, Nuo Qigao and others who were worried behind him, and followed Reiju's footsteps and jumped onto the deck of the Germa 66 ship.

Nami, Nuo Qigao and others are worried about Reiju's situation.

But seeing Sanji in the video phone bug, they have nothing to do.

After all, even if this situation is placed on them, they may have to choose the same choice as Reiju.

"Heh, you're finally back, Zheng."

Vince Mo Ke Judge smiled, turned around and walked towards the cabin of the Germa 66 ship.

As he walked, he said:

"Come in, let's have a good talk between father and daughter."

Reiju frowned slightly: "At this moment, it's hard for me to think that there is anything to talk about between the two of us."

Threatening his daughter with his own son, this kind of behavior has made it difficult for Reiju to regard Kaji as a father.

Although Judge's previous behavior is also not considered a qualified father in Reiju's view.

But anyway, she has the grace of nurturing her.

But now his Sanji's behavior of threatening her has filled Reiju's heart with regret.

‘Sure enough, Germa 66 is not a place where you can stay. "

Reiju sighed in his heart, and was about to follow Judge's footsteps with his slender legs.

At this moment, Germa66's eldest son, Iji, stopped in front of Reiju and Luo with a video phone bug in his hand.

"Ichigo, what are you doing?"

Before Reiju said anything, Judge who sensed the situation behind him asked with a frown.

"Hehe, father, I just want to try Reiju's power."

"It is rumored that Rozi has the secret of making his partners stronger quickly."

"My sister has been on the expedition for so long, has she become very powerful as rumored?"


The corners of Iji's mouth parted, revealing a provocative smile.

Before Reiju and Judge could reply, Iji suddenly raised his right hand and punched Reiju.

With the blessing of the Germa 66 battle suit, Iji's punch cut through the air like a sharp knife, and even produced a sonic boom.

Yiji's unique battle suit function even formed a circle of hot flames around his fist the moment he punched.

Even Luo, who was far away, could feel the powerful scorching energy on Yiji's fist.

He frowned slightly and raised the knife slightly, but he put it down again after a while.

He believes in Reiju's power, this attack is nothing to the current Reiju.

Sure enough, in the face of Iji's attack, Reiju's eyes flashed red, as if he had anticipated Iji's attack long ago, and he turned sideways to avoid Iji's fist in advance.

He even lightly raised his right hand and followed the force of Yiji's fist, leading his body to fall to the sea.

From Iji's point of view, it was as if Reiju had suddenly disappeared from his sight.

And he fell out because he couldn't hold back his punch.

how is this possible!!

Iji's eyes widened, even if he lacked emotion because of the blood factor.

But at this moment, Yiji seemed shocked.

‘It must be an illusion!

Iji, who was thrown into the air by his own power, stared at him, using the air suspension of the battle suit, his feet stepped heavily on the air behind him, and he rushed straight to Reiju with the same effect as a moonwalk.


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