Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 457 Dessert Four Generals Debut Second

'Sorry, old man!

‘However, don’t worry, I will never let the people from Germa66 touch you. "

Sanji apologized to Zhepu in his heart, and continued to curse at Vince Mo Ke Judge, his father.

He's going to be locked up by the Germa 66 guys precisely because Vince Mo Ke Judge is threatening him with his benefactor, Jep.

If only threatening himself, Sanji might choose to compromise.

But now Judge is threatening Reiju by herself to marry someone she obviously doesn't like.

Sanji is unwilling to see such a situation anyway.

Even if he agreed, Sanji believed that Zhepu would never agree.

If Zhepu was here, Sanji felt that Zhepu would even kick himself in the head with his powerful kick.

After all, it was Sanji himself who made Reiju face this situation.

"Hmph, what a stubborn guy, don't you worry about that old guy behind you 870?"

Judge glanced at Sanji, his eyes full of sarcasm.

He doesn't believe that Sanji can ignore Zhepu's safety.

They didn't capture Zhepp, but if he wanted to, Germa66's army of evil could go to East Blue and capture him in no time.

To Judge, Zapp is nothing more than a loser who even failed to challenge the Grand Line.

Even if the cadres of Germa 66 are not dispatched, ordinary artificial soldiers alone can kill Shupu and the combat chefs around Lianpu.

"Reiju, speak your mind."

"It's about time we got going!"

Judge glanced at Luo beside Reiju, then smiled and said to Reiju.

In his view, Reiju's decision to agree with him is a certainty.

After all, Reiju is very fond of Sanji, a younger brother with affection.

Facing Judge's question, Reiju didn't answer immediately, but raised his head to look at Sanji who was opposite the video phone bug.

"Sanji, I'm sorry."

"I cannot betray Captain Rozi."

"So, I can only choose other ways to save you!"

The corners of Reiju's mouth raised slightly, and said.

"Oh, that's right. I don't need you to do anything embarrassing because of my son."

"The things on my side, I will handle it myself."

Seeing the smile on Reiju's face, Sanji was relieved.

If Reiju is really asked to do something she doesn't want because of her own reasons, Sanji has no way to get around herself anyway.

"Shut up, Sanji."

Vince Mo Ke Judge snorted coldly and stood up from his position.

After glaring at Sanji, he turned his head and yelled at Reiju:

"Reiju, you..."

Before Judge could finish speaking, Reiju suddenly got up and rushed behind Judge at an extremely fast speed.

A kick landed on Judge's waist.

Facing Reiju's sudden and powerful attack, Judge didn't react at all, and was knocked down in a split second.

"Reiju, what are you doing?!"

Judge panicked and wanted to stand up, but Reiju stepped on the back of his waist.

"Hehe, what do you think I will do?"

The corner of Reiju's mouth raised (jfj) and said:

"Father, you are caught by me now."

"If you want your own safety guaranteed.

"Take the Sanji caught by you in exchange!"

While Reiju was speaking, Luo also pulled out the long knife in his hand, and blocked the android soldiers who were going to surround him.

Luo and Reiju have the same idea, since the negotiations cannot be negotiated, then use force.

"Nice job, Reiju!"

Sanji shouted loudly.

If it weren't for being tied up, he might have given Reiju the thumbs up.

But at the same time, Sanji was even more surprised by Reiju's strength.

He never imagined that Jiu would knock down Zhi so easily.

You know, Judge is wearing a battle suit at this time.

Although the previous Yiji was also knocked down by Reiju.

But in Sanji's view, this may just be because of Iji's carelessness.

And now it seems that Reiju has really become far stronger than himself.

Thinking of this, Sanji couldn't help but secretly made a decision to become stronger.

", are you going to trade me for Sanji?"

"I am your father!"

Judge said in horror.

At the same time that Judge was attacked, another son of Germa66, Vince Mo Ke Niji, also came forward.

It's just that because Luo blocked the front, he didn't attack immediately.

"Judge, do you think what you're doing is what a father should do?"

Reiju shook his head and continued:

"Make a decision, Judge.

"I'm the one who threw you into the sea now."

"Or will you hand over Sanji and we'll be safe with each other?"

Hearing Reiju's words, Judge couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Your method really doesn't work, Judge."

At this moment, a strange voice sounded in the room.

Hearing this voice, Reiju and Luo immediately frowned.

At the same time, look in the direction of the sound.

The two saw that the mirror in Charlotte Tebrey's hand emitted a pink light.

In this ray of light, two tall figures flew out of the mirror and stood in front of them.

It is the two Admiral stars of the BIG MOM Pirates, Charlotte Tesmoji and the Charlotte Tekatakuri mentioned by Judge just now.

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