Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 459 Charlotte Linlin's Special Permission

"No way, that woman attacked Lord Smoothie so easily!"

"No, I must be dazzled, she is just Rozi's assistant, how could she have such strong power.

"That's right, during the Summit War, her performance was obviously mediocre, how could she improve so fast."

"Although Rozi has the power to make the crew stronger quickly, it would be an exaggeration for Reiju to suddenly have the power to attack Lord Smoothie.'

"There must be something wrong with this!"

Seeing the deep purple "Zero Three Zero" venom on Smoothie's arm, the members of the Ten Big Mom Pirates couldn't help but fell into shock.

Although they didn't want to believe it, they rubbed their eyes and looked at Smoothie and Reiju again.

But they found that what they saw just now was true, Reiju really seemed to be controlling Smoothie now.

Judge, who escaped from under Reiju, got up and looked at Reiju in surprise.

For a moment, he suddenly felt that the combination of Germa 66 and Rozi seemed good.

If Reiju really has the power to rival the general.

After all, if Rozi can make a Reiju grow into a character comparable to the dessert four generals, it must also make his Judge's other sons have such power.

If all the senior cadres of Germa 66 have the power to rival the generals, then they don't need to be attached to anyone at all.

Even though he thought so, Judge didn't dare to say it now.

If Katakuri and others heard about it, he felt that he might be thrown into the sea soon.

"Charlotte Tesmoji, and Charlotte Tekatakuchen.

"Are you two here specifically to assist Judge in welcoming me?"

"No, I think it's not for the purpose of welcoming me if the two generals come here.

Reiju said with a smile.

Germa 66 is indeed very powerful. In the entire North Blue, Germa 66's title of the Legion of Evil terrifies people.

It's just that such Germa 66 will not let Chonglot Linlin send two generals and a group of powerful pirates to meet him.

Reiju is convinced of this.

Reiju believed their target was on Rozi more than they were looking for him.

After all, not so long ago, Kaido, one of the Four Emperors with Charlotte Linlin, went to find Rozi himself.

And brought Rozi to the site of the Beasts Pirates, the island of ghosts.

"As expected of a woman who can become Rozi's assistant, she is indeed quite smart."

Smoothie smiled, she had no fear of Reiju standing on her shoulders.

Instead, he calmly used the fruit ability to squeeze out the venom from his arm.

Seeing this scene, Reiju couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

A woman who can ignore the damage of her own venom, this makes Reiju's desire to do something that is not so strong in his heart is reduced a lot.

She glanced at Katakuri who had been standing by without moving.

After thinking for a while, I chose to jump two times from Smoothie's shoulders and landed beside Luo...

"Sure enough, you are very smart."

Seeing Reiju's behavior, the corners of Smoothie's mouth slightly raised, leaned down and approached Reiju's ear, and whispered:

"Come with us, Vince Mo Ke Reiju."

"Collaboration with Vince Mo Ke Judge" Zhong is just trying to find you."

"You don't need to marry big brother."

"Instead, as long as Rozi can marry me!"

Speaking of this, Smoothie smiled even more.

As Reiju thought, Smoothie and his party were just using Judge to create an opportunity to talk to Reiju up close.

If Judge is not used, Smoothie and others think that maybe they have not waited for their ships to come close to the purpose of the expedition.

Reiju and others have already used the outstanding speed of the explorer to leave them far behind.

"Wait, what do you mean, Charlotte Tusmoji?"

"Why doesn't Reiju marry Katakuri 2.0?"

"What Rozi just needs to marry you?"

"This is different from what I said before!"

Vince Mo Ke Judge looked at Charlotte Tesmoji in surprise and asked.

"You still don't understand, Vince Mo Ke Judge." Katakuri walked to Judge and gave him a cold look.

"What Smoothie meant was that instead of cooperating with you, Germa66, Mom would rather be able to marry "Fairy Tail".

"For this reason, Mom gave Smoothie and Rozi special permission to marry!"

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