Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 486 Fleet Upgrade, New Advancement

"Hmph, can you compare with me? You are not a woman."

Jewelry Bonney snorted coldly at Jambaru, then turned Rozi's head with one hand, and said with a smile:

"It doesn't matter if you make me stronger, but you don't have to do this, in fact, I can let you into my room.

"After all, you saved the bear, according to the promise, I can allow you to taste me.

"Well, why don't you come to my room tonight?"

Having said that, Bo couldn't help showing a big smile to Rozi.

Rozi's face twitched, looking at her hands that kept wiping grease on her clothes, Rozi's face became more gloomy.

"You bastard, just talk when you talk."

"Don't wipe the dirt on me again."

"Also, give me your brain to be normal."

Rozi raised his hand and tapped Bonney hard on the forehead.

"Tsk, my mother asked you to come to my room, and you won't suffer."

Bonney, who had a sore forehead, slammed his mouth, let go of Rozi, and walked aside under the amazed eyes of his partners on the scene.

Meanwhile, Hydra Island.

The three Hancock sisters are in the room discussing matters related to the recent Nine Snakes.

Suddenly, a gust of air appeared beside Boya Marigold out of thin air, and quickly merged into her body.


Marigold frowned, and the next moment a powerful momentum burst out from her body.

"Marigold, you are...~...."

Among the three sisters, the second eldest Sonia looked at Marigold in surprise.

With her Observation Haki, it is natural to be able to tell that Marigold is rapidly becoming stronger at the moment.

Hancock, who was sitting on the main seat, also looked at Marigold with curiosity in his eyes.

"Sister Hancock, sister Sandersonia, I seem to have become very strong."

Marigold stretched out his palm and shook it suddenly, and there was a sudden explosion in the air.

"Since it's so strong!"

"This feeling is the same as Sister Hancock's."

Sandersonia's eyes widened.

"Sister, could it be, Master Rozi?"

Marigold looked at Hancock as he spoke.

Among the three sisters, Hancock also experienced the situation where Wan suddenly became stronger.

At that time, they had obviously left the Explorer, but Hancock suddenly awakened the power of the Conqueror's entanglement.

"It shouldn't be wrong."

"Master Rozi must have made you stronger."

"Marigold, you should thank Master Rozi afterward."

Hancock walked up to Marigold and said with a smile.

Hancock, as an older sister, is naturally happy that her younger sister can become stronger.

It's not clear why Rozi singled out Marigold this time around, but it doesn't matter to Hancock.

The important thing is that Rozi still thinks about them who are far away in Nine Snakes.

"I know my sister, later, let's get in touch with Master Rozi.

Marigold nodded emphatically.

Explorer, dining room.

Rozi patted the grease Bonney had wiped off himself, and began further operations on the fleet.

That is to upgrade the fleet level.

Thinking of the rewards obtained when the fleet was upgraded to level 3, Rozi has already begun to look forward to the precious treasure chest that level 4 can bring to him.

"I'm going to do a fleet upgrade."

[Testing... The test is complete, and the challenger Rozi has reached the upgrade condition. 】

[Congratulations to challenger Rozi, your fleet level has been upgraded to level 4. 】

[Since you are the first challenger to upgrade the fleet to level 4, I will reward you with a diamond treasure box. stretch】

'A (King's) good start!!

Hearing the sound of the forbidden space, the corners of Rozi's mouth curled up slightly.

[Hahaha, that's great, it's another diamond treasure chest, and now our country is about to issue it again. 】

[Brother Qi is mighty, Brother Qi is my idol for life. 】

[One gold treasure box and one diamond treasure box, such rewards are really great. 】

[Everyone, don't panic, stay calm, think about what rewards Brother Qi got when the fleet was upgraded to level 3, and there must be none now. 】

[Yes, there must be other rewards waiting for us. 】

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