Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 497: Changes In Luo And Reiju

"Lord Rozi, this is my concubine's harvest these days.

Hancock took out three strangely shaped fruits from his drawer and placed them on the table.

"Ever since I knew that Master Rozi, you need Devil Fruit, I have been looking for it intentionally."

"It's just that the concubine's body is too useless. It took so much time to grab 3 Devil Fruits."

And it's just normal Paramecia Devil Fruit.

Hancock looked down, regret on his face.

"Hancock, look up.

"You've done enough."

"Devil Fruit is a rare thing. You can get 3 Devil Fruit in such a short period of time, which is already powerful enough."

Rozi patted Hancock on the shoulder 360 degrees and praised.

For things like Devil Fruit, even Beasts Pirates can only get a few in a short period of time.

Hancock was able to get three in the first half of the Grand Line, and Rozi was already very pleased.

After appeasing Hancock, Rozi raised his hand and uploaded three Paramecia Devil Fruits, converting them into points.

A 900 points, plus the remaining 800 points, is just enough for Rozi to set up a teleportation array on Nine Snake Island.

The current location can be called Rozi's territory, and there is only Amazon Lily. After all, the queen here is a member of the explorer.

In addition, The fish men island is half.

"Hancock, find a relatively open and convenient location."

"I set up a device specifically for teleportation."

"In the future, it will be much more convenient for me to carry others with me."

Rozi said.

"Will Master Rozi bring the others along with him?

"Understood, please follow me, Lord Rozi."

Hancock nodded, and led Rozi towards an empty and secluded area of ​​Hydra.

Although Hancock wants to install the teleportation device in his boudoir.

But after hearing what Rozi said, he might take other people with him to teleport, so he can only set the teleportation device in a non-private area.

Setting up the teleportation device is not time-consuming. After spending 1000 points, Rozi successfully set up the teleportation device in Amazon Lily.

Then, through the teleportation device, Marigold was taken to the Explorer without consuming points.

On the Expedition, people who knew Marigold before were naturally surprised after seeing the change in Marigold.

While Margaret and the others greeted Marigold, Rozi approached the mermaid Xia (cjda) Li and Kozuki Hiyori.

"Two, follow me."

"It will take a lot of time to go to Wan Guo."

"Taking advantage of this time, I will try my best to pass on my skills to you."

As he said that, Rozi handed over the matter of "Universal Sharing Card·Gold" to the two of them.

To this, the mermaid Shyarly and Kozuki Hiyori naturally responded happily.

Especially Kozuki Hiyori who is desperate for power.

After handing over the voyage to Nami, Rozi took Shyarly and Kozuki Hiyori to the quiet coffee shop where he also worked again and opened the "Universal Sharing Card·Golden L.

"Would you like a cup of coffee, Captain Rozi?"

Shyarly skillfully made two cups of coffee and placed them on the counter, in front of Rozi and Kozuki Hiyori.


Rozi nodded with a smile.

On the other side, Wanguo.

Luo and Reiju finally found the opportunity to meet and talk alone after a while with the members of the BIG MOM Pirates.

"Reiju, you should feel something, has your power become stronger?"

Luo leaned against the wall, and Observation Haki checked the surroundings while checking with Reiju.

Because of Rozi's special care, the strength of Ai's customers has been greatly improved.

The same is true on Observation Haki. Once unfolded, the scene with a radius of several kilometers is clearly imprinted in Luo's mind.

"That's right." Reiju nodded slightly, and she took a careful look at Luo in front of her.

"Luo, you seem to have become a lot stronger."

At this moment, Reiju, who has the top Observation Haki, clearly sensed Luo's change.

After coming to Wan Guo, Luo and Reiju were separated because of the welcome banquet.

It wasn't until the two of them felt the power change in their bodies that they gathered together consciously.

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