Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 519 Sorry, I Like Younger Girls

"Extremely fast, Captain Rozi would actually use this move."

"However, is it okay? This move should consume a lot of money for him."

Luo crossed his arms and asked Reiju who was beside him worriedly.

In fact, Rozi once used this trick against the Sand Alligator.

At that time, Luo Ke clearly remembered that before using this move, Rozi had accumulated energy for quite a long time.

Even after using it, it fell into a state of powerlessness.

Although the side effects of using this move were greatly reduced because of becoming stronger, "527" still consumes a lot of Rozi.

Seeing Rozi use this trick in the enemy's territory at this moment, just to prevent Charlotte Linlin from going crazy, Luo couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Take it easy, Ro."

"When have you ever seen Captain Rozi do something you're not sure about?"

"We've both gotten so much stronger, and Captain Rozi has definitely gotten stronger."

"Captain Rozi must be able to control the power consumed by this move more comfortably.

"And he didn't use Haki at the same time, the consumption must be much less than imagined."

Reiju helped Pudding up behind him, and answered Luo with a smile on his face.

"Well, what you said makes sense. Captain Rozi is indeed not a loser."

Luo nodded and agreed with Reiju's opinion.

Seeing that Rozi cooperated with Katakuri and others to prevent Charlotte Linlin from going crazy, Luo also gave up his plan to help.

Instead, he turned his head to look at the busy chefs in the distance.

Because Charlotte Linlin used Power to shatter the earth.

So the desserts that the chefs had just made were spoiled by it.

As a last resort, they can only speed up the production of desserts in the farther kitchen.

Fortunately, after such a long period of time, they finally made desserts a little later.

At this time, some cadres of the Charlotte family immediately ran to the chef, intending to bring desserts to Charlotte Linlin.

Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a little thought, he raised his hand and directly used the Op-Op Fruit ability to construct his own operating table.

The ability of Op-Op Fruit covered an area with a radius of one kilometer in a blink of an eye.

"You bastard, what do you want to do?"

Looking at the surrounding translucent energy shield, Cracker walked over immediately.

"Hmph, I'm just helping you deal with your mother."

Luo snorted softly and threw the stone in his hand away.

The space replacement ability of Op-Op Fruit is activated, and the stones and the desserts in the hands of the chefs exchange positions.

Then, Luo used the ability of space replacement again to make himself appear in front of Charlotte Linlin in his sleeping room.

Crazy Charlotte Linlin saw that there was suddenly another person in front of her, and without thinking about it, she wanted to chop Fei Luo with the weapon in her hand.

But Rob was one step ahead of Charlotte Linlin, who was in a frenzy.

He directly stuffed the dessert in his hand into Charlotte Linlin's mouth, and then took a sharp step back.

At the entrance of dessert, Charlotte Linlin's body froze for an instant.

After a few seconds, her eyes refocused, and her whole body gradually came to her senses...

"It's delicious, it's delicious, and I want to eat it again."

Hearing what Charlotte Linlin said, the people around breathed a sigh of relief.

The chefs hastened to speed up and ran to Charlotte Linlin with the remaining pastries of the same type.

And at this time, Charlotte Linlin, who was awake, also recognized the man standing in front of him.

"Huh? You're Rozi, when did you come?"

"Not long ago, but I really thought that I would have a fight with one of the Four Emperors' aunts just now.

Rozi smiled, and put the famous sword back into its sheath indifferently.

"Have a fight?"

Charlotte Linlin looked at Rozi, and then at the surrounding situation, and immediately understood that she had fallen into a state of cravings before.

"Mama, anyway, as long as you come."

"Hey, Rozi, join forces with my pirate squad."

"I can marry my most beautiful daughter to you."

"Of course, if you want, I can marry all my daughters to you at 0.6."

Thinking of Rozi's magical power to strengthen others, Charlotte Linlin simply sent an invitation to Rozi.

"By the way, if you think my daughters are not good enough for you, I can also marry you......

"Stop it, stop talking, Big Mom."

Rozi's face twitched, and he quickly interrupted Charlotte Linlin's words.

"You and I are very different in age, and I prefer younger ones, so the two of us are not suitable.

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