Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 531 Head Hammer Stuns Stussy, Pudding's Ability

Rozi gave Smoothie a relieved look.

I sighed in my heart that he didn't spend such a long time acting in vain.

Stussy pretended to sigh helplessly, and said:

Mr. Rozi, I think there must be some misunderstanding.

I'm really not a cp agent.

"What do I have to do so that you can believe in consciousness?"

Rozi turned his head, glanced at the innocent Stussy, and said with a smile:

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, but there is one thing you may not know."

"On this cake island, there are many Demon fruit powers with strange abilities.

"Among them, there happens to be someone who has the ability to be lied to by others."

Hearing this, Stussy's heart skipped a beat, and there was a twinkle in his eyes.

And this panic was captured by Rozi and Smoothie and Katakuri who were always beside Rozi.

At this time, even Smoothie and Katakuri gradually began to believe what Rozi said.

"Ability user? Pudding!"

Charlotte Linlin frowned, and suddenly looked at Charlotte Pudding who was standing not far away.

"Mom, you!"

Charlotte Pudding pursed her lips. Although she was a little afraid of Charlotte Linlin's current appearance, she still walked over.

Of course, there is also a reason for this because she feels that she may be able to help Rozi now.

Seeing Pudding walk out, Rozi could clearly hear Stussy's heart beating faster.

He smiled, put his hand on the back of Stussy's head, and said:

"Next, I may ask you to sleep."

"Maybe, after you wake up, everything has changed."

After speaking, Rozi raised his head slightly, and slammed a head hammer into Stussy's forehead.

Stussy subconsciously used the Iron Body in Marine Six Styles, but with this blow, Rozi fell asleep in order to ensure Stussy fell asleep.

The Conqueror's entanglement was specially rushed, trying to frighten Stussy's mind with the power of the Conqueror's entanglement, and make him fall asleep.

Amidst the crashing sound, streaks of black lightning came from the contact between Rozi's forehead and Stussy's forehead.

The powerful force instantly made Stussy double-eyed and fainted.

The weak people around felt the shock of Conqueror's Haki, and were shocked by Rozi's power in their hearts.

Even Charlotte Linlin is the same, Conqueror's winding, this is a power that few people can use.

In the entire BIG MOM pirate group, she is the only one who can use this power.

This once again refreshed Rozi's power in her mind.

Smoothie looked at Rozi with bright eyes, proud that he found a strong man.

"Okay, it will be much more convenient if you faint."

"Pudding, Stussy in this state, you should be able to read her memory."

Rozi grabs Stussy's waist with both hands and pushes him in front of Pudding.

Apparently, Pudding wanted Pudding to use the power of her Devil Fruit to prove that Luo Yan didn't lie.

Pudding looked at Stussy, who had passed out, and then at Charlotte Linlin, who was waiting.

Without Charlotte Linlin's permission, she dared not step forward to use her ability on Stussy.

"Go, Pudding."

"Use your powers to take a look at Stussy's memory.

Charlotte Linlin frowned, and finally gave an order to Charlotte Pudding.

While skeptical that Stussy is a cp0 agent, it was Rozi who suggested it.

In favor of Rozi, Charlotte and Linlin still decided to explore Stussy's memory according to Rozi's wishes.

Even if it turns out that Rozi was wrong in the end, that's okay, you just need to have a good talk with Stussy, Charlotte and Linlin think Stussy will understand.

Of course, under the majesty of the Four Emperors.

And if Stussy is really an agent of cp0, Charlotte Linlin is also ready to punish him. (Zhao Jihao)

With Charlotte Linlin's permission, Pudding didn't hesitate.

She steps up to Rozi and places her right hand on Stussy's temple.

The memory fruit ability is activated, and Pudding goes back all the way from Stussy's current memory.

Time passed slowly, and people around were watching Pudding and Stussy, waiting for the final result word.

Slowly, Pudding traces Stussy's memory to the moment she got the call from the Five Elders.

Looking at the content in the memory, Pudding woke up suddenly, looked at Stussy in front of him in amazement, and then looked at Rozi in amazement.

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