Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 533 The Hilarious Charlotte Family, The Disappearing Reiju And Luo

" are right."

"In that case, let's wait and deal with her."

Charlotte Linlin gave Stussy a hard look, and waved casually to the rear, and immediately members of the Charlotte family came forward.

Take the fainted Stussy to the place where the criminals are held on Cake Island.

"Speaking of which, Rozi, since you're married to Smoothie, can you call me mom?"

"Why panic, don't you have a bridal chamber yet?"

Rozi smiled, raised his hand and patted Smoothie's long legs beside him:

"Now that the Stussy matter is settled, let's move on to our wedding."

"As for my special abilities, I still need some time to prepare.

"It's your words, it should be understandable."

"I've already used the ability once before at Wanokuni."

"And this ability consumes a lot, and I need to take a good rest before I can continue to display it.

"Of course, I won't let you wait too long."

"Tomorrow at the latest, you should be able to display this power."

"When the time comes, how about we find a place with only our own people to demonstrate?"

After speaking, Rozi glanced in Morgans' direction.

Charlotte Linlin followed Rozi's gaze, and when she saw Morgans, she nodded.

With Morgans the big news king here, Rozi's strength really shouldn't be on display.

With such power, it is the best secret to become the BIG MOM Pirates.

"Mom, since this is the case, it's better for me and Rozi to leave first."

"Rozi is right, he and I are not yet a real couple.

"I wanted to... be able to finish the last step with him quickly.

Smoothie reached out to hold Rozi in his arms, and gently rubbed his cheek against Rozi's face.

Rozi twitched his mouth, thinking of his identity, he finally endured it.

"It's... alright."

Charlotte nodded Linlin, even though she wanted to see Rozi's history quickly in her heart.

But she also wanted Rozi to really be part of the Charlotte family.

And Rozi also said that she has no power to use her special ability now, so she has no intention of keeping Rozi here.

Charlotte Tesmoji got the consent of Charlotte Linlin and smiled happily.

After saying hello to the members of the Charlotte family around her, she held Vice Admiral Rozi tightly in her arms amid the sound of everyone's blessings, and ran all the way to her own home with Rozi.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared from the scene, and everyone in the circle sighed.

"I didn't expect Sister Smoothie to have such a side.

"Yeah, Sister Smoothie has always been very cold and arrogant, maybe only a strong man like Rozi can be worthy of her."

"Speaking of which, I also seem to be a husband and wife with Rozi. It would be great if I could conceive her child."

"Forget it. Rozi said that he likes strong and beautiful women. Although you are good-looking, your strength is not comparable to Sister Smoothie's."

"Hey, in the pirate group, there is no sister who can match the strength of Sister Smoothie. In terms of appearance, Sister Custard is quite good......

"What are you talking about, Sister Smoothie and Rozi are off to business, but the party isn't over yet. Come, have a drink."

"drink wine!"

A group of members of the Charlotte family were discussing happily, but they didn't know that Vince Mo Ke Reiju and Luo who were still on the scene before had disappeared for a long time.

The only Katakuri who paid attention to Reiju and Luo, because Rozi invited him to be the master of ceremonies, did not notice the disappearance of Luo and Reiju.

And now, because of the crowd of younger sisters surrounding him, he has no way to leave for the time being.

Naturally, there is no ability to find Reiju and Luo.

Pudding pursed her lips. Although the banquet in front of her was cheerful, no one wanted to play or chat with her.

Depressed, she could only choose to leave the scene and walk towards Reiju's residence.

Although her task of monitoring Reiju has been released, but at this moment she needs to find someone to accompany her first.

Reiju, who is mature and gentle, is her choice.


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