Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 555 Four Red History Text Stone Tablets Equal To World Achievement

"Captain Rozi, what are you doing?"

" want to do that kind of thing here?"

Nico Robin took a strange look at Rozi who was left with nothing but a loincloth.

She was just about to translate the historical text stele, but was interrupted by Rozi's behavior.

"It's nothing, I just want to relax a little bit while you are translating the historical text stele."

Rozi waved his hand, went to a platform and lay down on his back.

In the end, he still didn't make the decision to let one of Kalifa and others black out the screen in the live broadcast room in the real world.

Therefore, in the end, he was able to do it by himself.

Rozi, who has a good understanding of the live broadcast room in the real world, knows that his current state is enough to make the live broadcast room fall into a black screen.

"Relax your body? Is it necessary to take off your coat?"

Snamon, who didn't know enough about Rozi, frowned, feeling that Luo 29 was quite strange for the first time.

"Stop looking at me."

"Everyone get busy."

"Kalifa, do me a favor."

Rozi put his hands on his chin and said casually.

Up to now, he is not embarrassed by this kind of thing.

Hearing this, Nico Robin no longer paid attention to Rozi, but put all his attention on the historical text stele.

Kalifa pushed her glasses, wiped her body with both hands, and a string of colorful Madara bubbles surrounded her.

With these bubbles, she walked to Rozi's side with light steps.

Apply the body-washing bubbles to Rozi's back.

Maybe it's because they don't think it can completely cover Rozi's body with bubbles.

Kalifa slapped it with one hand and landed on the platform where Rozi was lying flat.

The next moment, the wooden platform turned into bubbles and wrapped Rozi's whole body.

Seeing this scene, Snamon twitched the corners of his mouth fiercely, only feeling that his three views were impacted by the eyes.

‘Devil Fruit Awakened?’

'This woman, is she using the awakened Devil Fruit ability to make a list?

'In this world, there are people who use the awakened Devil Fruit for this kind of thing?

Snamon wasn't surprised to see Kalifa's Devil Fruit awakening ability.

After all, although there are few capable people awakened by Devil Fruit, it's not like she hasn't seen them before.

Charlotte Katakuri of the Big Mom Pirates is the one who awakened Devil Fruit.

But it was the first time she saw someone using Devil Fruit for non-combat purposes.

[Challenger Rozi, you have learned the content of a common historical text stele, and you have obtained 1000 points, and the current remaining points are 1460; the achievement of exploring the historical text stele is 8/30]

[Challenger Rozi, you have learned the content of a common historical text stele, you have obtained 1000 points, and the current remaining points are 2460; the achievement of exploring the historical text stele is 9/30]

[Challenger Rozi, you have learned the contents of a red history text stele, and you have obtained 3000 points, and the current remaining points are 5460. The achievement of exploring the history text stele is 10/30, and the achievement of exploring the red history text stele is 4/4】

[Congratulations, you have successfully explored all the red historical text monuments. 】

[This exploration goal is extremely difficult, and it is an achievement for the world; you are specially rewarded with a diamond treasure chest and a hundred-year lifespan; all crew members of your fleet "Fairy Tail" get a chance to draw an ability; the challenger Rozi can draw a lottery on his behalf and distribute it on his behalf ;Available abilities are those owned by the challenger Rozi.

In the future, if new partners join your fleet, they will also get a lucky draw chance. 】

[Reward all Chu people with 10 years of lifespan and 30 years of physical fitness. ] 953


The words that suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room of Chu State made everyone's eyes widen.

Before the Chu people could react, the powerful vitality and power that suddenly rushed into their bodies made them stand up from their seats.

[Damn it, brother Qi is awesome, the world achievement, the forbidden world actually has even better rewards than getting the diamond treasure chest. 】

[It's on fire, brother, I can live another ten years. Now I only feel that my energy is boundless, and I have endless energy on my body. 】

【Haha, no matter what kind of reward is offered in Brother Qi's diamond treasure chest this time, even if it's a not-so-good reward, I'm already very satisfied. 】

【Upstairs, you are ignorant, how can there be too many rewards, the rewards should come more violently like a storm. 】

[Yes, yes, I was wrong, I shouldn't have said that. No matter how you say it, the diamond treasure chest cannot be a simple reward, rush!]

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