Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 561: The Illusion Of Being Tough With Aunt

In the real world, within the live broadcast room of Chu State.

Viewers in the real world watched the prompts that kept floating in the live broadcast room, and they were already shocked beyond words.

Although the live broadcast room is still in a state of suspension at the moment, but Rozi strengthened the prompts of Nami and others, and they can still see it.

[It's so terrifying, this is the strength of Brother Qi, the strongest challenger in the whole Blue Star. 】

[Rewards from the world sector, how can I feel that this kind of strengthening is more intense than the fleet upgrade. 】

[Fleet upgrades, how much rewards the crew can get depends on their position level break through, but this time the rewards are actually rewards for surpassing the level. 】

[Tsk tsk, "Physical Enhancement Card 10,000", this thing has only been opened in the golden treasure chest before. If you don't consider the fact that you can also get rewards in the real world by opening treasure chests, Brother Qi this time is equivalent to getting more than 30 golden treasure chests. 】

[Not only that, have you seen the high-level Conqueror's in the golden treasure chest? This reward is diamond level. 】

[Unfortunately, Luo, Reiju and the others will not use Conqueror's winding, otherwise, their strength will definitely be stronger. 】

[It doesn't matter, Luo has the power of Op-Op Fruit, Reiju has the power of battle suit, even if you can't use Conqueror's entanglement, it is powerful enough. 】

【What do you think, if Brother Qi turns around and goes back to fight the BIG MOM pirates now, what will the result be like?】

[Well, in terms of mid-level combat power, Brother Qi must be stronger. But the high-end combat power, assuming that Brother Qi and Charlotte Linlin are equal, but the BIG MOM pirate group has four generals, and that Smoothie has such a strong physique, it is hard to say that Luo and Reiju can single-handedly defeat the four generals star. 】

【That's right, although we can still gang up on the four generals, but with the bottom-level combat power, the BIG MOM Pirates can gang up on us. If we really fight, even if we can win, I am afraid there will be casualties. 】

[This is not acceptable, Brother Qi will not allow any casualties to occur. Sure enough, it still needs to be developed. 】

[Hey, I suggest that the country send a message to suggest that after Brother Qi finds the treasure of One Piece, he will launch a battle against Four Emperors and Marine. If obtaining four historical text steles can be considered a world achievement, then finding the treasure of One Piece can be regarded as a world achievement no matter what. 】

【That's right, maybe the treasure of One Piece still has a lot of leather Devil Fruits, and then use these Devil Fruits to strengthen Brother Qi, that feeling [[Seconds!]

"It's unbelievable. Although I have experienced it once, it is still unbelievable to get such an exaggerated bonus again`

Jinbei clenched his fists, the sudden gain of ten thousand physique gave him the illusion that he could be tough with Charlotte and Linlin.

"It's really, an unprecedented good feeling."

"I really want to find a place to test my current strength."

Shyarly rubbed his fist with emotion on his face.

Originally, got pretty good power from Rozi through share cards.

But because she doesn't have much physique, she can't use it properly.

But now that her physique has reached 10080, she can finally display her strength.

Hearing Shyarly's words, Kozuki Hiyori nodded in agreement.

Although her physique is stronger than Shyarly, she is still not popular in general.

The sudden increase of 10,000 physique made her feel more grateful to Rozi involuntarily.

"||Is this the Conqueror's? I didn't expect that I could get such power."

"I don't know if the Doflamingo guy's Conqueror's Haki is better than my current Conqueror's Haki."

The corners of Luo's mouth turned up, as if thinking of his extremely shocked face after meeting Doflamingo.

"Now, I can be regarded as the same as baby sister.

After Reiju took a deep breath and calmed down the Conqueror's Haki inside his body, a smile appeared on his face. (Wang Lihao)

'If only Father knew that Captain Rozi has such great power and secrets. '

‘I don’t know if he will regret offending Captain Rozi. private'

Reiju looked at Rozi's extremely fair face because of the bubble fruit, and thought of the time when Vince Mo Ke Judge and the BIG MOM Pirates cheated them.

After this experience, Reiju knew that Captain Rozi had no chance of cooperating with Germa 66.

'However, even Captain Rozi has no objection. '

I wouldn't suggest that Captain Rozi cooperate with his father either.

Reiju thought to himself.

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