[Brother Qi is awesome, the former Marine Admiral is in the bag. 】

【Too powerful, although the strength of this former Marine Admiral called Zephyr has been reduced a lot, but at least he still has the level of Shichibukai. 】

【That is inevitable, and it is still the kind that can be in the forefront of Shichibukai. 】

[I really want to see the expressions of those Marines when they learn that Zephyr has become Brother Qi's partner. 】

【Needless to say, it must be quite an ugly expression. 】

[This is completely conceivable, Zephyr has taught so many Marines, if Marines and Brother Qi fight in the future, they will all have to think about Zephyr's face. 】

The people in Chu State saw Rozi stamping Zephyr's partner's seal through the live broadcast room, and they were naturally happy again.

Rozi gave Zephyr, Ian and Binz their partner stamps respectively.

The personal attributes of the three of them also bounced before Rozi's eyes.

【Fleet: Fairy Tail】

【Partner number: 41】

【Partner Name: Zephyr】

【Age: 72】

【Position: Fighter (Gold)】

【Physical: 28033】

【Abilities: Advanced Observation Haki, Advanced Armament Haki, Marine Six Styles】

【Fleet: Fairy Tail】

【Partner number: 42】

【Partner name: Ain】

【Age: 18】

【Position: Combat Member (Silver)】

【Physical: 5033】

【Ability: Backward Fruit, Intermediate Observation Haki】

【Fleet: Fairy Tail】

【Partner number: 43】

【Partner Name: Binz】

【Age: 18】

【Position: Combat Member (Silver)】

【Physical: 4033】

【Ability: Lush Fruit, Intermediate Observation Haki】

"In this way, we are also considered pirates`々.

Ai En looked at the seal on the back of his hand, and muttered in his mouth.

"In a way, that's true."

After all, that's how Marine and World government promote me to the outside world.

"It's just that I don't have this self-awareness personally."

Rozi smiled, and activated the three '1000 Physique Strengthening Cards' that the three of them got after they joined the team.

Three streams of air merged into the bodies of Zephyr, Ain, and Binz.

Soon, the three showed the same surprised expressions as Stussy before.

"Is this... the rumored power of rapid growth?"

"What kind of principle is this that makes the power appear in this way?"

Zephyr felt the power in his body, and looked at Rozi in amazement.

Although the current strength is not as strong as when he overthrew it, it is still quite good.

You must know that he had to achieve such growth in the past, and he might not be able to achieve it for several years.

""||I said, to make you stronger, Zephyr. "

"In this way, you can be majestic enough in front of your disciples."

Rozi smiled, and opened the golden treasure chest that the previous scientist had obtained after joining.

[Chu challenger Rozi opened the gold treasure chest, attacking (Zhao Qianhao) hit Rozi to get the 'Intermediate Conqueror's Haki Awakening Potion'; Congratulations to Chu for getting A-level gold ore resources. 1

Obtaining gold resources, Chu State naturally cheered again.

After a little hesitation, Rozi also used the 'Conqueror's Haki Awakening Potion' on Zephyr's body.

For such an old man who came from afar, Rozi naturally wanted to help him.

Moreover, Rozi always felt that by making Zephyr stronger, he might be able to attract other Marines to come to him in the future.

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