Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 639: Just Hundreds Of Millions Of Berry

"That's right, that group of people."

Mr. Tanaka nodded heavily and said to Tezolo.

Like Tezolo, he was quite surprised when he heard that it was Rozi and his gang that caused the treasure hunters to lose contact.

After all, Rozi and his gang are not the Four Emperors pirates now.

But in the eyes of many people, the Rozi group who can play around with the two Four Emperors pirates and get away freely is almost the fleet of the Four Emperors "Three One Zero" pirates.

On the side, a light flashed in Carina's eyes.


'It's Nami's captain. "

‘Could it be that those people really found pure gold?

'What a fortune this is. '

Carina's eyes shone brightly, and she couldn't help feeling a little envious of Nami who might have gotten pure gold.

After all, pure gold is the treasure that claims to be able to buy the world.

Even Tezolo's wealth is not comparable to pure gold.

When Tezolo was troubled, a man dressed as a croupier ran over from the door.

"Report to the boss, there is something important to report to you."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Report, people with the flag of the Explorer have come to us, and now people are boarding our ship from that ship one after another. The person in charge is Rozi!"

"What? Rozi?!"

Tezzolo stood up in surprise.

He didn't even think about it, just mentioned Rozi.

Now this Rozi actually appeared on his boat.

On the side, Mr. Tanaka and Carina were also quite surprised.

"Send Bara Karla to meet Rozi's gang."

"Be sure to serve them with the best service plan."

After a little thought, Tezolo made a decision.

At the same time, he had a confident smile on his face.

Although Rozi's group is powerful, this is his home field.

Tezzolo is confident he can handle Rozi's gang.

If you can get the pure gold in their hands, it would be a good choice.

While thinking in his heart, Tezolo waved to Carina and the others.

The corners of Kalifa's lips turned upward, and he stepped out of the gate.

Now that Nami is here, she naturally wants to meet Nami.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Rozi, Nami, Nico Robin and others boarded Gulan Tezolo and walked straight to the central area. ……………

Because there are many financial reports on the expedition.

Jinbei and others chose to stay behind the ship.

Anyway, Jinbei and others are not very interested in the so-called largest entertainment city.

"It's really a luxurious venue, it is indeed the largest entertainment city, I heard that there is the best casino here.

"Captain Rozi, let's win him a few hundred million Berry."

Nami put his hand on Rozi's shoulder and said excitedly.

"Please, we are now the biggest local tyrants in the world."

"Hundreds of millions of Berry or something, can it still arouse your interest, Nami?"

Rozi shook his head and said helplessly. 3.2

Just kidding, now that he just takes out a little pure gold, he will definitely be able to exchange it for a 6-figure Berry.

A mere hundreds of millions of Berry is not in the eyes of Rozi.

"Even so, the knowledge still needs to be seen."

"There are many other entertainment facilities here."

"When we have enough fun here, maybe we can rotate Jinbei and the others."

Nico Robin said with a smile.

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