Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 644 Carina's Worries

Nami knows Carina.

Carina is a woman who suffers from severe dependence on Berry just like her.

In the past, they used their identities as women to let others relax many times.

And finally stole the financial report of the pirate group.

Now Carina appears on the territory of the Golden Emperor Tezolo.

Nami has reason to believe that she is planning to steal Tezolo's Berry.

And now, Rozi intends to invite Tezolo "947" to be his partner.

In other words, Tezolo's Berry may also become Rozi's Berry from her.

Thinking of this, Nami felt the need to tell Rozi, let Rozi be a little more on guard.

Prevent Carina from stealing Nami's Berry.

However, Nami will never go out.

Even if she didn't say it, Rozi wanted it.

As a man who has read the original book, Rozi has already known Carina's purpose.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Rozi gave Nami a look and said with a smile.

Ba Karla glanced suspiciously at Nami and Rozi who were exchanging glances, and then at Carina who was playing on stage.

After a little thought, she called in a bartender.

"After the concert is over, go ask Carina to come over here.

Hearing the sound, the bartender nodded and backed away.

Rozi heard Barbara Karla's words, but didn't hold back.

Instead, he put his hand on Karla's shoulder and said with a smile:

"Ba Karla, it's a nice city."

"I had a great time."

"But it's time to get down to business."

"You ask your boss for me and just say I want to make a deal with him.

"If he is interested, maybe he can get more power and history."

Hearing this, Karla's eyes widened slightly.

Let's not talk about power for now, but in terms of power, Rozi definitely has this ability.

Small people don't know, but big people like the Golden Emperor naturally know Rozi's weird speed of making his friends stronger.

Karla has reason to believe that Zephyr, Jinbei and others will join Rozi's team.

It is because Rozi holds a method to make others stronger quickly.

Thinking that such a person actually wanted to talk to the Golden Emperor for business, and he still used power as an introduction.

Bar Karla swallowed her throat involuntarily...

After calming down her rapid heartbeat a little, Karla nodded with a smirk.

"I...I see."

"Lord Rozi, there is a proposal about you [I'm going to inform the boss now."

Bar Karla got up, and bowed slightly to Rozi's partner including Rozi.

He got up and walked towards the meeting room where the Golden Emperor Tezolo was.

Carina on the stage noticed Karla's expression, and couldn't help being more curious about Rozi and his group.

After all, since she came here.

I've never seen Bar Karla look like this before.

‘Strange man, I don’t know what his purpose of coming here is. '

'There is Nami in 1.6, she already recognized me. '

'I don't know if they will affect my plans. "

Carina silently read a sentence in her heart, and then continued to sing her own song.

At the same time, people in the real world were excited after seeing that Luo was going to start talking business with the Golden Emperor.

Of course, the only ones who are excited are the audience who belong to the same state of Chu as Rozi.

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