Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 677 Shichibukai, Who Is Tower Defense Again, Marine Is Very Distressed

"What? How could this happen!"

"Does this mean that Doflamingo is not running the country well at all, he is running the country in a brutal way?"

"Bastard, that guy dared to do anything to Marine?!"

"So, is the prosperity of the country that Doflamingo has maintained for so many years an illusion?"

"Too bad, if this matter is known to the world, our Marine's impression will also be lowered.

"We...have allowed a cruel pirate to rule a country for so many years? No, we must control the news and let this matter leak out.

In the conference room, the Marines fell into a heated discussion.

One of the people sitting at the front, Fujitora with his eyes closed, smiled but raised his head slightly.

"Sure enough, Shichibukai is a bad system."

"Without the Shichibukai system, this would not have happened."

"Marshal, instead of covering up the news, 717, should we apologize in a candid announcement?"

"After all, we did do something wrong in this regard."

said with a smile.

Hearing this, the conference room fell silent for an instant.

Everyone looked at Fujitora in disbelief.

Even Akainu is no exception.

"You really dare to say it, Brother Yixiao."

"However, our elements may not agree with your proposal.

Beside Yixiao, another Marine Admiral green cow lay back on a chair with a confident smile on his face.

Sure enough, his words just fell.

Akainu raised his hand and patted the desk again.

"Smile, don't say such things in the future."

"If Marine apologizes to De Reiss Rosa, where will Marine's face be?"

"Where should I save my face?"

Akainu said.

He frowned with a smile, and wanted to continue persuading him.

However, at this time, the phone bug held in Akainu's hand remembered the voice of the communication soldier again.

"Marshal Sakazuki, actually...the Marine got the information on this matter relatively late."

"The people from the World News Agency were the first to get the information."

"One of them was turned into a toy by Doflamingo."

"The moment they returned to human form, they sent the news to the World News Agency headquarters."

"Just now when we were talking, I have received related news."

"The whole world already knows about this matter."

Akainu's eyes were wide open, and he didn't speak for a while.

All the people in the audience looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

Only Fujitora, who originally didn't want to press this matter down, smiled and didn't show any expression of loss.

"Phew, I see."

"Continue to monitor the situation of De Reiss Rosa."

"Once there is any movement from that Rozi, he will report it to me as soon as possible."

"In addition, I also want to get first-hand information about the whereabouts of Rozi and his party.

After Akainu finished speaking to the phone bug, he hung up the phone directly.

However, as soon as the phone was hung up, the bell rang again.

"Didn't I say...huh? Five Elders?" Akainu frowned after picking up the microphone again, "What do you guys want?"

"Sakazuki, you already know about Doflamingo, right? This incident has a big impact, and now the World government will immediately revoke his Shichibukai status. As for you Marines, I ask you to do your best to find Rozi, understand?"

"Can Shichibukai of Doflamingo be canceled? Even so, his influence will not disappear."

Akainu breathed out a cigarette and said in a muffled voice.

"It's just an emergency measure."

You Marine also need to deal with the follow-up images of this matter.

"Of course, the World government will also contribute."

"It's that Rozi, I can't tolerate him this time."

"You have to catch him, see."

The majestic voice of Five Elders resounded in the office, and it also resounded in Marine's heart in all conference rooms.

"I get it, this thing.

"Marine will take care of it."

Although his heart was very angry, Akainu knew what he should say at this moment.

Therefore, the Five Elders' order was directly complied with.

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