Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 712 Memory Fruit, The Ability To Search Memory

"Bastard, what are you trying to do to my sister?"

Although Monet didn't understand why Granose had said those things to her before, but seeing what the man who killed his young master wanted to do to his sister, how could he bear it?

Immediately, he wanted to break free from the shackles of others and rushed forward.

However, how could Stussy make her successful.

Just a little force with his right hand restrained Monet.

"Sister!" Sasuke glanced at Monet worriedly, then turned to look at Rozi. "Captain Rozi, can you stop treating my sister like that."

"Well, yes. Of course I can listen to what you say."

Rozi waved his hand, and Stussy immediately nodded knowingly, loosening the shackles on Monet slightly.

It's just that she is still standing by Monet's side, as long as Monet takes action, she will immediately suppress Monet again.

"Santo, what's the matter with you, why do you call this manly captain?"

Monet gave Monet a hard look, then turned to question his sister.

"Do you need to ask, she must have joined our 870s."

"Speaking of which, your sister is much smarter than you, she knows what to do and what not to do."

Pudding glanced at Monet, his tone full of sarcasm.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, but seeing the seal on the back of the sugar, Pudding knew that the sugar was already a partner.

She stepped up to Granose's side, squatted down, and smiled all over her face.

"Don't worry, I will use my ability gently, and you won't feel any pain."

Granu nodded, and after admonishing her sister, she closed her eyes and got ready.

After receiving Rozi's instruction, Pudding raised his hand and tapped on Granose's forehead.

As she pulled her hand back, a series of memories were pulled out like film clips.

Although Monet wanted to step forward to stop him, how could Stussy (cjdb) who had already expected him succeed.

Rozi sat quietly on the chair, not in a hurry to ask Pudding for an answer.

He understands that the current Pudding is not very strong yet.

If you want to find memories from many years ago, it will take a lot of time to complete.

Gradually, only Monet's curses remained in the entire cell.

Meanwhile, the real world.

[Pudding's ability is too powerful, much better than Mrs. Shyarly's ability to listen to the heart. 】

[Although it is not, it is simply unscientific to just pull out the memory like a negative, and you can even not read it. 】

【Upstairs, it's already this time, you and I will discuss science, which is obviously metaphysics, okay? 】

[By the way, I remember it was mentioned in the previous conversation between Brother Qi and Pudding. Using the memory fruit can also insert false memories into the enemy's mind. You said that if brother Qi didn't kill the challenger of Sakura flower before, can he also use the memory fruit to insert false memories into him? in the mind. Then let him become the object of working for Brother Qi?]

【Damn, upstairs, you are really pervert but I like it. 】

【Hahaha, I really want to see the people from Sakura become Brother Qi's beaters. I don’t know what kind of expression the officials and audience at Sakura Flower will have when they see this scene. 】

[If you want to know what kind of expression they will have, you can remind Brother Qi through the message function. Maybe when we meet another Sakura flower challenger in the future, Brother Qi will show us how to use the memory fruit ability to manipulate others. 】

【I have a question. Pudding seems to be a little weak now. Can she really insert memories into other people's minds?】

[Hehe, have you forgotten? Brother Qi is an existence that can borrow the fruit ability of others. Even if Pudding can't, can Brother Qi not be able to fight in person? As long as the benefits are enough, what's the ability to spend a little points to borrow fruits. 】

The audience in Chu State was discussing the Sakura contestants enthusiastically, which made Sakura's audience and officials very angry.

Immediately, someone came to the Chu country's live broadcast room and started talking to the Chu country audience.

[Don't be kidding, your Rozi and our players are all challengers selected by the forbidden area, and the forbidden area will never allow players to modify their memories without authorization. 】

【You Chu people are really cunning and vicious. You can think of such an insidious method. You really are an inferior nation. 】

[You guys are waiting, even if Rozi is now occupied again, our next player will catch up soon. 】

【Strongly condemn Rozi of Chu State, strongly condemn the audience of Chu State. 】

[Hehe, fighting between challengers is allowed in forbidden areas, how could things like modifying memories not be allowed. 】

[Yes, I see, you little Sakura Hana should come to work for our country. Anyway, you were also working for us in ancient times, weren’t you?]

[Can you modify the memory and try it out, although Sakura's challenger will not be able to re-enter for a month. But aren’t there other people in the forbidden space?]

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