"This is what we want to communicate with you, King Neptune.

"Actually, we are here this time to hope that you, King Neptune, can temporarily hand over your daughter to us, and we will take her to the sea."

"Please don't look at us with such defensive eyes."

"You know, we have an archaeologist like Nico Robin among our partners.

"Even when she first came to this island, she already knew that Shirahoshi was Ancient Weapon Poseidon."

"And our captain knew about it earlier."

"However, our captain did not insist on taking Shirahoshi away just because she is an Ancient Weapon.

"Captain Rozi values ​​Princess Shirahoshi more than Ancient Weapons."

Reiju spoke sincerely.

Neptune frowned, and suddenly heard Reiju say this, he didn't know what expression to make.

The expression on his face also became complicated.

"In addition, Captain Rozi actually signed a contract with Shirahoshi long ago, and recognized Shirahoshi's partner status`".

"King Neptune should have heard the rumors that Captain Rozi can make his companions stronger, and he should also feel the speed of Princess Shirahoshi's recent strengthening."

"Actually, this is all thanks to the mysterious power of the captain."

"Also, Shirahoshi once asked Captain Rozi to take her out to sea to see the outside world."

"However, Captain Rozi considered your existence, so he made an appointment with her to take her away next time.

"To tell you the truth, Captain Rozi already has the intention of fulfilling the agreement when he came to this class this time."

"Even without the participation of Germa 66, Captain Rozi will probably sneak away Shirahoshi, of course, after this, Shirahoshi will definitely talk to you.

Reiju said.

At this time, King Neptune's expression became more complicated.

"Rozi, he has such a fighting style."

"Could he have left with Shirahoshi by now?"

Neptune asked.

"Don't worry, Captain Rozi is just taking Shirahoshi to play around the island.

"Also, Captain Rozi asked me to bring you a word for him."

"Shirahoshi that Poseidon's power will take hold as her own power grows."

"If you can bring Shirahoshi with you, maybe Princess Shirahoshi can grow up faster."

"Your Majesty, I think it's better for Shirahoshi's power to grow earlier."

"If there is any crisis in the future, Shirahoshi will be able to face it, right?"

Reiju said sincerely.

"||Then why didn't Rozi come to talk to me about it himself, but let Reiju do it for you?"

"Well, maybe Captain Rozi is a little embarrassed because he wants to abduct your daughter."

Reiju chuckled.

Even she doesn't know that Rozi is actually trying to prevent people in the real world from really confirming that Shirahoshi is an Ancient Weapon.

If that's the case, there is no guarantee that some irrational challenger will tell the World government or Marine about Shirahoshi's affairs.

At that time, maybe the World Government will directly send troops to get rid of the existence of The Fish Men Island.

Neptune was silent for a while, and after a while, he spoke:

"Captain Rozi helped The fish men island, I trust his character."

"But before making a decision, I want to meet with him first."

Hearing this, Reiju nodded slightly, and took out the phone bug in his hand: "Of course!"

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