Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 747: Women's Battlefield

"Ahem, Hancock, calm down, everyone is watching."

Rozi patted Hancock on the back, and quickly took off Hancock that was tightly in front of him.

At that moment just now, he could clearly feel the soft touch in front of him.

He who had just enjoyed the service from White Bay couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

"I don't care about being looked at by everyone, it's better to say that I hope everyone can see me and Master Rozi together."

With a sweet smile on the corner of Hancock's mouth, he said to Romy.

Rozi twitched the corner of his mouth. What he said was seen by everyone, not only by his partners, but also by the audience in the real world.

But he couldn't explain things about the real world to Han 947 Cook either.

"Huh? Captain Rozi, you smell."

"Smell? Hancock, what's the matter, everyone has a special smell."

"No, Rozi, you smell like a woman."

"Woman?" Rozi left thinking of White Bay, but thought of Hancock's character, he said anyway. "There are many female crew members on the ship, so it's not surprising that I smell like a woman."

Hancock frowned, shrugged his nose, and his gaze soon fell on Whitey Bay who was standing not far away.

I saw her stepping up to Whitebee, her eyes fixed on hers.

"Strange, you also smell like Master Rozi."

Hearing this, Whitey shrugged his chest, walked to Luo's side with slender legs, and held Luo's hand in his arms.

"After all, Captain Rozi and I are very close, so it's natural to smell like Captain Rozi.

The corners of Whitebee's mouth turned up, looking at Hancock's beautiful face.

It has to be said that a slight sense of tension arose in her heart.

The nervousness wasn't a worry that Rozi would have another woman named Hancock.

After all, she herself had no intention of monopolizing Rozi.

However, she was a little worried that Rozi's whole heart would be taken away by Hancock.

"You bastard, let Rozi go."

Hancock stared, and immediately walked up to Rozi, took Rozi's other hand into his arms, and looked at Whitey Bay with a look of declaring sovereignty.

"Even if you are an empress, you can't be greedy, the captain is everyone's captain."

"Also, if you are too greedy, be careful to scare Captain Luo away."

Hancock's powerful force caused Rozi's body to start to move sideways, and Whitey Bay quickly increased his strength and pressed Rozi's hand tightly in his arms (jdh).

Not to be outdone, Empress Hancock held Rozi's arm tightly.

Fortunately, Rozi's current strength is stronger than that of Whitebey and Hancock, but he doesn't feel too much pain.

It's just that the scene in front of him also made him heave a long sigh.

Although he had already thought that the situation in front of him might happen, but when it really happened, Rozi still felt a burst of wish.

The audience in the real world looked at Rozi's tired face, and immediately filled their hearts with envy and jealousy.

At this time, baby5 and Nico Robin also involuntarily joined in after watching the scene of the dispute between Hancock and Whitey Bay.

As two people who are close to Rozi, they don't intend to let Hancock monopolize Rozi.

"Hehe, it's quite interesting."

Seeing this scene, Snamon also walked over.

There are many people who hold the same idea as her, and gradually Rozi is surrounded by a group of beautiful women.

On the other side of the Explorer's deck, Judge stepped up to Reiju's side.

"Reiju, I heard that you are Rozi's assistant and live in the same room with him, have you made any real progress?"

"Oh, father, are you interested in this matter? Why, are you concerned about your daughter?"

"After all, you are also a member of Germa 66."

"Really, I thought you wanted me to conceive Rozi's child, so that you can see what kind of child I, the crystallization of blood factor technology and a person as powerful as Rozi, will give birth to."

"I don't deny that I have such an idea. However, I also have the idea of ​​having a grandson. Let me tell you, have you made any progress?"

"Sorry, even if you are my father, I have to keep such a private topic a secret.

Reiju smiled and ran towards Rozi to join the women's battle.

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