Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 756: Rozi's Fellow Countryman, The Empress' Gaze

[Have you seen it, have you seen it, this is our good teammate of Brother Qi. Look at this awareness, look at this thought, even before returning to Blue Star, the Empress has already made plans to deal with Sakura Flower and Lighthouse. 】

【I can only use two words to describe it, haha, I just want to ask you if you are afraid of people from Sakura, Kimchi, and the lighthouse?】

【Then... what, you can't kill a carload of people with a stick. Although I belong to Sakura, I like the Empress. Don't let her hit us. 】

[Like? You should use respect to describe it, who knows what you people who live a good life will think. 】

[Sure enough, we still have to beat them back. 】

[Empress Hancock, her current strength has reached the gold level. With her existence, maybe one person can handle the A-level red mist that we can't handle.

【Huh? Since when has Red Mist been graded?】

[I am a soldier of the Chu State. I can explain this point. Other countries don’t know it for the time being, but our Chu State has divided the red mist into different levels. Some of the A-level red mist areas are some troublesome areas. Invest a lot of manpower.

However, because we need to deal with the red mist of level B and below, we have not dealt with those red mist for the time being. 】

[So it turns out that our country has enough understanding of the red mist, and it is even divided into levels. Wait, there won't be an S class. 】

[Yes, the red mist can already be described as inhuman, even standing on the outer layer of the red mist, we all feel suffocated. If Brother Qi can bring the empress back together, they should be able to get rid of these red dews. 】

[So that's it, I'm a thief now, I hope Brother Qi can quickly clear the forbidden area and come back here, so maybe we can return to normal life. 】

【Hmph, you have a good idea. After the red mist is resolved, it will appear randomly again. Even if Rozi is temporarily resolved, the red mist will still appear. Return to normal life? That is already impossible. 】

[The IP on the lighthouse, hehe, if you can't do it yourself, it doesn't mean we can't do it. Speaking of which, now the red mist has appeared in the air and the sea, these places can be stopped even by mushroom bombs. We don’t need to intercept your current missiles, aren’t you angry? Obviously, so many deployments have been made around our country. 】

[Damn, the buddy upstairs should be a high-level official, and he even knows these things. 】

[Not talented, the leader of a certain team in the official forbidden area of ​​Chu State. 】

【Let me go, the captain level, maybe the team member who ate a certain powerful Devil Fruit, is it Sand-Sand Fruit?】

[Not necessarily, I remember that there is also a poisonous fruit that is also quite awesome. 】

【That one, I feel a little diarrhea. 】

[Perhaps it could be some less special fruit. I remember that the first fruit uploaded by Brother Qi was not that strong, but because the soldier got that fruit first, maybe he has already used that fruit to perfection. 】

[Anyway, the lighthouse is considered useless. The red mist can't solve it, and the red mist also formed a natural barrier for us, haha, interesting, really interesting. 1

[Tsk, don't be too complacent, Chu people. The barriers are mutual, our thermal weapons can't deal with you, and your thermal weapons can't even try to deal with us. 】

[However, we were able to solve the problem of red mist during this period of time, and you, speaking of it, another city broke out with red mist today, right? 】

【Damn it, you guy from Chu country...】

It seemed that it was mentioned to the pain point, and the people from the lighthouse directly started cursing in the live broadcast room.

Naturally, the Chu people would not show weakness, and quickly responded back.

At the same time, the forbidden world.

While feeling the soft touch from Hancock's body on his arm and smelling her fragrance, Rozi walked briskly to the shore of the Amazon Lily.

Soon, his eyes fell on Sofia standing on the bear battleship.

And Sofia also followed Rozi like a tacit understanding.


So Fia leaped up from the deck and rushed towards Rozi.

(Li Le Zhao) At this moment, she even ignored Hancock beside Rozi.

Rozi quickly opened his free hand to catch Sofia.

"Great to see you again, Rozi."

We haven't seen Ba Xun for several months.

Suo Fia hung on Rozi's neck, excited beyond control.

Seeing this scene, Hancock frowned immediately.

But thinking of what Shakky said earlier, she felt relieved a lot.

And with great interest, he looked at Sofia, who was called a fellow by Rozi, and wanted to see how she was different from himself, and how she was similar to Rozi.

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